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Plays : Fifth Series. John GalsworthyЧитать онлайн книгу.

Plays : Fifth Series - John Galsworthy

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       John Galsworthy

      Plays : Fifth Series

      Published by Good Press, 2019

       [email protected]

      EAN 4064066153502



       ACT I.. SCENE I. BUILDER'S Study. After breakfast.. SCENE II. A Studio.

       ACT I

       SCENE II

       ACT II

       ACT III

       SCENE II

       SCENE III



       ACT I.. SCENE I. CHARLES WINSOR's dressing-room at Meldon Court, near. Newmarket, of a night in early October.. SCENE II. DE LEVIS'S Bedroom at Meldon Court, a few minutes later.

       ACT I

       SCENE II

       ACT II

       SCENE II. [NOTE.—This should be a small set capable of being set quickly. within that of the previous scene.]

       ACT III

       SCENE II

       SCENE III



       ACT I

       ACT II

       ACT III

       Table of Contents

      From the 5th Series Plays

      By John Galsworthy

       Table of Contents

      JOHN BUILDER … … … … … of the firm of Builder & Builder

       JULIA … … … … … … . … . His Wife

       ATHENE … … … … … … . … His elder Daughter

       MAUD … … … … … … … … His younger Daughter

       RALPH BUILDER … … … … … His Brother, and Partner

       GUY HERRINGHAME … … … . … A Flying Man

       ANNIE … … … … … … . … . A Young Person in Blue

       CAMILLE … … … … … … … Mrs. Builder's French Maid

       TOPPING … … … … … … … Builder's Manservant

       THE MAYOR … … … … … . … Of Breconridge

       HARRIS … … … … … … . … His Secretary

       FRANCIS CHANTREY … … … … J.P.

       MOON … … … … … … … … A Constable

       MARTIN … … … … … … . … A Police Sergeant

       A JOURNALIST … … … … . … From The Comet



      The action passes in the town of Breconridge, the Midlands.

       Table of Contents

      ACT II. BUILDER'S Study. Lunchtime.

      ACT III. SCENE I. THE MAYOR'S Study. 10am the following day. SCENE II. BUILDER'S Study. The same. Noon. SCENE III. BUILDER'S Study. The same. Evening.

      ACT I

       Table of Contents

      SCENE I

      The study of JOHN BUILDER in the provincial town of Breconridge. A panelled room wherein nothing is ever studied, except perhaps BUILDER'S face in the mirror over the fireplace. It is, however, comfortable, and has large leather chairs and a writing table in the centre, on which is a typewriter, and many papers. At the back is a large window with French outside shutters, overlooking the street, for the house is an old one, built in an age when the homes of doctors, lawyers and so forth were part of a provincial town, and not yet suburban. There are two or three fine old prints on the walls, Right and Left; and a fine, old fireplace, Left, with a fender on which one can sit. A door, Left back, leads into the dining-room, and a door, Right forward, into the hall.

      JOHN BUILDER is sitting in his after-breakfast chair before the fire with The Times in his hands. He has breakfasted well, and is in that condition of first-pipe serenity in which the affairs of the nation seem almost bearable. He is a tallish, square, personable man of forty-seven, with a well-coloured, jowly, fullish face, marked under the eyes, which have very small pupils and a good deal of light in them. His bearing has force and importance, as of a man accustomed to rising and ownerships, sure in his opinions, and not lacking in geniality when things go his way. Essentially a Midlander. His wife, a woman of forty-one, of ivory tint, with a thin, trim figure and a face so strangely composed as to be almost like a mask (essentially from Jersey) is putting a nib into a pen-holder, and filling an inkpot at the writing-table.

      As the curtain rises CAMILLE enters with a rather broken-down

       cardboard box containing flowers. She is a young woman with a good

       figure, a pale face, the warm brown eyes and complete poise of a

       Frenchwoman. She takes the box to MRS BUILDER.

      MRS BUILDER. The blue vase, please, Camille.

       CAMILLE fetches a vase. MRS BUILDER puts the flowers into the vase.

       CAMILLE gathers up the debris; and with a glance at BUILDER

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