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The Blonde Lady. Морис ЛебланЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Blonde Lady - Морис Леблан

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answers for them. Besides, as an additional precaution, I have posted a man in each flat."

      "We must find them, you know."

      "That's what I say, chief, that's what I say. We must and we shall, because they are both here … they can't be anywhere else. Be easy, chief; if I don't catch them to-night, I shall to-morrow. … I shall spend the night here! … I shall spend the night here! … "

      He did, in fact, spend the night there and the next night and the night after that. And, when three whole days and three nights had elapsed, not only had he failed to discover the elusive Lupin and his no less elusive companion, but he had not even observed the slightest clue upon which to found the slightest supposition.

      And that is why he refused to budge from his first opinion:

      "Once there's no trace of their flight, they must be here!"

      It is possible that, in the depths of his mind, he was less firmly convinced. But he refused to admit as much to himself. No, a thousand times no: a man and a woman do not vanish into space like the wicked genii in the fairy-tales! And, without losing courage, he continued his searchings and investigations, as though he hoped to discover them hidden in some impenetrable retreat, bricked up in the walls of the house.

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