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ASST. PROF. DR. RAHMI ORUC GUVENC. Aziz Serhat KuralЧитать онлайн книгу.


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even killed. As a result, some groups of these descendants of the Prophet (mPbuH) (ehlu’l-beyt) managed to join the Conquest Caravans without being perceived and migrated to Transoxiana, where they changed into Turkic clothing, referred to their villages with Turkic names and mixed with the local people in order to erase any trace of who they were. This plan was successful and apparently was also unnoticed. These people were the ancestors of His Holiness Seyyid Ahmed Husamettin.

      The family tree of His Holiness Sheikh Husamettin is given below:

      The family tree of Seyyids, who form the genealogy of our Prophet and are known as Ehl-i Beyt (the Household of the Prophet (mPbuH)), is depicted below with birth and death dates up to His Holiness Seyyid Ahmed Husammetin, 40th grandson of our Prophet (mPbuH):

Her Holiness Fatima (mPbuH)(608-632)
His Holiness Huseyin (mPbuH)(625-682)
Seyyid Ali Zeynelâbidin(658-712)
Seyyid Muhammed Bakyr(676-732)
Seyyid Jafer Sadyk 1(699-765)
Seyyid Mûsâ Kâzym 1(745-799)
Seyyid Ali Ryza( 760-S IS)
Seyyid Muhammed Cevad(SI0-S35)
Seyyid Ebû afer Ali Hâdi(829-867)
Seyyid Jafer Mahdi(849-933)
Seyyid Ebulkasym Muhammed(867-940)
Seyyid Abdulhâlyk 1(883-965)
Seyyid Abdullah El Katim(952-1004)
Seyyid Muhammed Ebû Tayyib(975-1018)
Seyyid Abdulhâlyk 2(1010-1084)
Seyyid Ali Zeynelâbidin(1033-1075)
Seyyid Ebunnecâ Hasan(1055-1116)
Seyyid Ebû Abdullah Mûsâddyk(1095-1153)
Seyyid Kureysh Bin Muhammed(1141-1209)
Seyyid Ebulmecd Abdullah(1182-1249)
Seyyid Ebû Tahir Ibrahim(1235-1277)
Seyyid Ebul Abbas Abdullah(1257-1330)
Seyyid Isâ Ahrâr(1285-1348)
Seyyid Ebuuhâshim Suleyman(1307-1370)
Seyyid Ebû Ali Ahmed Bagdadî(1354-1409)
Seyyid Ebul Avn Mustafa Ahrâr(1369-1443)
Seyyid Ismail(1398-1452)
Seyyid Ibrahim(1423-1501)
Seyyid Mûsâ Kâzym 2(1442-1502)
Seyyid Muhammed Zâhid(1463-1538)
Seyyid Jafer Zeki 2(1490-1535)
Seyyid Dâvud(1519-1606)
Seyyid Ebû Hamza(1558-1597)
Seyyid Kasym(1589-1643)
Seyyid Ebû Hâmid Hasan(1611-1688)
Seyyid Ali Haidar
Seyyid Muhammed Mushtak(1694-1775)
Seyyid Sefer(1754-1824)
Seyyid Said Rukâlî(1788-1871)
Seyyid Ahmed Husameddin(1848-1925)
Seyyid Mehmed Ismetullah OZTURK(1882-1952)
Seyyid Mûsâ Kâzym OZTURK(1913 until 25 May 1996)

      Returning to our story, His Holiness Fazyl Bey was called up for his military service and sent to join a unit in Balıkesir along with hundreds of other soldiers. The moment he got off the train, someone came up to him and asked, “Are you Fazyl?”. When he answered “Yes”, this person said, “Let’s go!”. Because Fazyl Bey was a dervish, he followed this person without asking any questions. They went together to His Holiness Seyyid Ahmed Husameddin, from whom Fazyl Bey received spiritual guidance throughout his military service.

      Sheikh Ezel Oruc Bey sitting on the Sheikh’s Hide (Post) with His Sheikh Cloak, written ratification (ijazet), he mace of Arslan Bey and other depictive artifacts.

      One day during the Eid al-Adha (The Sacrifice Festival), he said “What a shame that we kill and eat these animals”, to which his Sheikh answered: “Their meat ascends in our (human) bodies.”

      On another occasion when His Holiness Fazyl Bey and his Sheikh were taking a stroll, they saw two olive kernels thrown by the side of the road. His Sheikh cleaned them with his hands and ate them, saying: “These kernels wait 2 thousand years to be able to pass through a human throat.”

      After Yasar Guvenc graduated from his school, he went to Konya on an errand and received news of Fazyl Bey’s death.

      According to sources, one night Sadeddin dreamt that eleven men on white horses appeared before him and his friends. One of these horsemen recited the following Ayet (Qoranic verse): “Has not the time come for the believers to chant the name of Allah and feel a deep shudder due to the Qoran that has been revealed through Him?” (Hadid 57, 16). Whereupon Sadeddin and his friends fainted and fell from their horses. Later, when they regained consciousness, one of the horsemen said: “Sadeddin! I am your Prophet Muhammed (mPbuH) and these are my ten companions”, whereupon he anointed Sadeddin’s chest and asked him to repent, suggesting that he should chant to God (zikir). He put a mantle around Sadeddin’s shoulders and brought out three dates sent by His Holiness Ali over which

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