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Design and Development of Efficient Energy Systems - Группа авторов

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with the backend server over a wireless communication medium by using IoT protocols such as Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT), Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP).

      4.4.3 IoT End Device and Backend Server

      Data analytics are performed in real time and for achieving optimized solution with low latency edge computing is used. The computation can be done by the end IoT devices that are based on the instruction and guidelines from the edge device which is provided by the cloud server. The MQTT client runs on IoT end device while the MQTT server runs on the edge server that can also further request various services from the cloud. MQTT can also be replaced by CoAP IoT protocol as an alternative. Tensor Flow can be used for machine learning [1, 6, 32]. It is an open-source free library that consists of tools with a flexible ecosystem, community resources and libraries for building and deploying machine learning applications.

      The smart healthcare system consists of IoT wearables and sensors to collect patients’ healthcare data. Edge computing technology is used to extract the relevant information from the huge set of data. It is mainly used to minimize the response time, to eliminate network latency, saving bandwidth, and to provide an energy-efficient system. As the storage and computation is done in the edge nodes, data can be protected efficiently. The edge computing is coupled with machine learning technology to obtain real-time solutions with high efficiency. The machine learning is used to predict and make correct decisions in an emergency situation based on the patient’s health condition and to provide early intimation of risk so that preventive measures can be taken. The usage of IoT devices and smartphones improves patient interaction and is highly useful for remote monitoring systems, caring for aged persons, managing people with chronic diseases, etc. Various self-caring applications can be developed, so that patients can monitor their own health, and the application would notify the healthcare provider or even an ambulance in the case of an emergency. The smart healthcare system adopts IoT and machine learning technologies to provide better decision making, real-time monitoring, personalized healthcare, long term care, low hospital expenses, improved hospital service, and better treatment.

      In future, any emergency situation in the field of healthcare can be easily handled by smart healthcare systems. These systems are highly used to cure diabetics, many heart diseases can be predicted and prevented, home care for aged persons can be provided, the healthcare provider can be contacted anytime and anywhere for the consultation via virtual care, etc. Basically, patient-centric healthcare systems will be developed and used efficiently, which has benefits both for the healthcare providers in the hospitals and patients.

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