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English through Dialogues, Puzzles and Jokes. М. М. БитюковаЧитать онлайн книгу.

English through Dialogues, Puzzles and Jokes - М. М. Битюкова

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What do you mean, “mister”? Madame!

      ML: Sorry, I thought you had changed sex.

      EW: Egg with pastry and a bit of bacon. Mmm… If we want bacon and eggs, we have our breakfast.

      ML: I refuse to listen to this rubbish any more. French food is the best in the world, and you cannot say anything that will make me change my opinion.

      EW: Yeah, the only one saying that is you, because everyone knows that British food is the best.


      To upset – to make angry or sad

      Vichyssoise – a type of soup made from leeks (a long, green vegetable)

      Couldn’t be bothered – if you “couldn’t be bothered” to do something, you are too tired to do that thing

      To heat up – to make food warm/hot

      A rip-off – a trick; something that deceives you

      A loaf – a rectangular piece of bread

      Instant coffee – coffee grains that you use to make coffee. You just add boiling water

      Pommes frites – literally, fried pieces of potato; “chips”, in British English

      Fancy – expensive and elaborate in the negative sense

      Tripe – an animal’s stomach

      How dare you! – this is an expression of anger. It is used when someone has been disrespectful to you

      A national delicacy – a plate of food that is considered representative of a country

      Pastry – food made from flour, fat and water. It is then cooked in the oven

      To refuse – to say that you will not do something

      Rubbish – an expression used to refer to something that you think is untrue or ridiculous

      Discuss in small groups of 3-4 students. Then give your resolution to the whole class.

      – What cuisine do you prefer? Do you have any special likes in this cuisine? How often do you eat dishes of this cuisine? Do you cook them yourself or do you order them in the restaurants?

      – Do you like restaurant food? Do you have favourite restaurants? How often do you go there? Is it expensive? What do you usually order there? Would you recommend it to your friends?

      Part Six. Jokes

      1. Tom: I eaten seven hamburgers for breakfast.

      Teacher: Ate, Tom! Ate.

      Tom: No, Miss, seven. There were eight on the plate but I couldn’t manage the last one.

      2. Mother: How was your cookery lesson?

      Daughter: Awful. I was sent out of the class because I burnt something.

      Mother: That wasn’t very fair. What did you burn?

      Daughter: The classroom.

      3. Teacher: Are you chewing gum?

      Pupil: No, I’m Andrew Brown.

      4. A clever butcher

      A Norfolk butcher was famous for his rabbit pies, which he used to bake himself. As time went by, however, customers started to complain that his pies weren’t quite as nice as they used to be. One day a friend said:

      – Frank, what happened to your rabbit pies?

      – Why?

      – They don’t taste as good as they used to.

      – Well between you and me, – said the butcher, – my pies have been in such great demand that there aren’t enough rabbits to go round.

      – So what do you do?

      – I mix in a bit of horse meat.

      – Horse meat! – exclaimed the friend. – How much horse meat do you put in?

      – About fifty-fifty, – replied the butcher.

      – What do you mean fifty-fifty?

      – One horse to one rabbit.


      To manage – справиться

      Cookery lesson – урок кулинарии

      Fair – справедливый

      To chew – жевать (chewing gum – жевательная резинка)

      Butcher – мясник

      Pie – пирог

      Customer – покупатель, клиент

      To complain – жаловаться

      To be in great demand – пользоваться большим спросом

      To mix in – подмешивать, мешать с

      Part Seven. Revision Game

      Throw the dice and answer the questions:

      1. Name an exotic dish.

      2. What is a healthy diet?

      3. Your receipt of a meat sarnie.

      4. Who is veggie?

      5. Do you like pastry?

      6. Who is sweet-tooth?

      7. What is your favourite dessert?

      8. What is “cuisses de grenouilles”

      9. What is the most delicious food you’ve ever eaten?

      10. Fancy a tripe?

      11. Which do you prefer in the morning: tea or coffee?

      12. Name 3 ingredients of your favourite dish.

      13. Characterize Charlie Chilli.

      14. What did you have for brekkie today?

      15. What is the national delicacy of your country?

      16. What’s the difference between kitchen and cuisine?

      17. What is the worst dish you’ve ever eaten?

      18. Which do you prefer for lunch: meat or fish?

      19. What is a balanced diet?

      20. Characterize Picky Polly.

      21. Fancy pommes frites?

      22. What is vichyssoise made from?

      23. Name professions connected with food.

      24. What are alternatives to meat for veggies?

      25. What is “cafe au lait”?

      26. Are you Hungry Harry?

      27. Do you like hot, spicy food?

      28. What food can’t you stand?

      29. What are you going to have for supper?

      30. Are you keen on food?

      Answers to the Healthy Eating Test:

      1. The correct answer is b. Once a month (sometimes twice) should be okay. A lot of fast food restaurants offer healthier choices. Try a fruit juice instead of a fizzy drink or a salad instead of a burger.

      2. The correct answer is a. All salad leaves and vegetables themselves are low in fat but some salad dressings can be high in calories.

      3. The correct answer is a. Do you remember the Russian proverb ‘Eat breakfast alone…’? Eating breakfast is the perfect way to start your day. Without breakfast you’ll feel tired and sleepy.

      4. The correct answer is b. But it doesn’t have to be just water. Fruit juice, milk and tea count, too.

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