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Elitism. Little gods. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Elitism. Little gods - Almaz Braev

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Gaddafi, carried out a coup only in 1969 because Libya, next to its brisk neighbors, has always been backward. Most of the territory is the Sahara Desert. The officers of the Arab countries took an example from the Egyptian passionary charismatic Abdel Nasser.

      After the assassination attempt and the death of an associate of Nasser Anwar Sadat, Hosni Mubarak was president for 30 years (after all, such a sweet power in the east!). From Nasser to Mubarak, Egypt underwent modernization, developed industry, and raised the educational and cultural level of Egyptians. However, if we talk about urbanization and urbanization did not have time to «absorb» new streams of babies being born. Egypt had the highest fertility, with almost 4 babies per woman. The population growth was very high. The population of Egypt is 100 million. And all the people fit along the river and the Nile Delta. High density! By 2011, 2 million Western students had returned home from Europe. One of them just repeated the self-immolation action, which served as a reason for a social explosion. The words about corruption, poverty, and dictatorship were repeated. How it is everywhere the same and familiar.

      As a result of the new elections, the protégé of Muslim fundamentalists, Mohammed Morsi, came to power. The semi-literate Egyptian province, the most traditional, conservative electorate, voted for Morsi. The urban population, which wants to separate religion from the state, lost for the first time. And this is despite the fact that Mubarak brought the literacy rate of the population to 70%. But what can modernization do in such a favorable climate? (Revcon has a zeref’s loop. It means overpopulation. Modernization is powerless here). The main items of replenishment of the Egyptian budget are revenues from the Suez Canal and from tourism. Thus, Egypt as a state resembles just a large-scale rentier. Actually, Saudi Arabia is thriving due to the exploitation of mineral resources, so what’s the big deal? For us, the whole question is interesting: can tourism change the thinking, and hence the reflection of the Egyptians? It is difficult but possible, to carry out modernization in such traditional conditions. This means only one thing: the population of a hundred million people will shake more than once. Without the modernization of consciousness, all traditional peoples know only one thing that represents the whole traditional meaning – reproduction. Breeding to win (who to win? No one knows. For nomads, one law is a tradition. And for tradition, the more children are the more joyous. These included administrative and military victories. If the larger the army, the more likely it is to have power. Even democratic principles confirm that the only majority choose the government.

      Here we focus on the terms of the government of the Arab so-called presidents. Despite the statements about freedom and democracy, all of them, as we can see, have ruled for a very long time, no one wanted to leave their post quickly and on time. The Eastern circumstances themselves hinted that the upgrade itself means nothing. If the population «does not move» from place to place, but lives in one place for a very long time, it will always be conservative.

      Chapter IV

      Nomads have no nationalism

      Nationalism is ahead. Old or new?

      Everyone knows that empires founded by nomads do not last long. Some nomadic dynasties ruled for no more than a century. But this cannot be said about the Arab Caliphate. The dynasties changed, but the Caliphate remained because the Caliphate was more than a vast land that was subject to different caliphs. The Caliphate was based on faith in Allah and the works of His Messenger. People who recognized the Koran as a holy book were called Muslims. These former nomads were already Muslims, not Arabs, Berbers, Syrians. This is a very important point. It also explains to the readers the main reason for the Arab revolutions at the beginning of the XXI century.

      First, we must look at the history of Europe, where nationalism originated. Europeans, too, at first did not know how to express their new feelings. This new feeling grew among them in the form of protest. In the Middle Ages, people from birth belonged to different classes. No one was allowed to do anything above their social status. The population of the cities grew very quickly. People mingled in the shopping malls and on the outskirts of the city. When there were a crisis and famine, a large crowd could gather in the main square. Together with the anti-monarchist impulses and the revolutionary mood, all the peoples of Europe then gradually turned into patriots. All small street vendors and medium-sized manufacturers (refags) were united by the hatred of the aristocracy (for the Zerots) because they controlled everything, had the protection of the king, and paid no taxes. A bourgeois, a street vendor, had money, but no rights and a poor nobleman in a tattered doublet could kick any rich man with the words: How dare a dog stand here, get out of here! All the refags felt morally humiliated, even though they could afford to buy all sorts of things, including the most expensive ones. But they didn’t know how to prove their right. Not to show, they could show, because they could buy almost everything, but to prove it. No one and nothing could unite the outraged of new egoists.

      But the French encyclopedists came to their aid. The crowd found its moral authorities in the various employees, the children of provincial lawyers. These provincial lawyers were their own people in spirit and understood that they were connected with the traffickers by old connections. Who does not believe, can look at the origin of the leaders of the French Revolution?

      To somehow dilute, so, the amorphous solidarity of completely lonely peasants (the former Zerefs, deprived of kindred roots), the philosopher Voltaire threw into the crowd the slogan: «Crush the reptile!»

      Who is this reptile? Imagine a philosopher being so brazen as to call the Catholic Church a reptile. Voltaire was not interested in its varieties. With equal fury, he attacked Catholics, Protestants, and Jews.

      And only people without traditional roots could respond to these calls.

      What did that mean?

      This suggested that there was a lot of such human material accumulated in eighteenth-century Paris. The most terrible phenomenon for any state is the Zerefs with their consciousness clouded by hunger and irresponsibility. First, they are deprived of responsibility, because they are deprived of the control of the traditional community then the crowd becomes fearless. The crowd loses its fear. The crowd loses its fear even because it has leaders. The children of provincial officials also want fame and power. They don’t talk about it at first. All people, including revolutionaries, obey tradition, but they are publicly hypocritical. Even the Zelots men (supermen) are hypocritical. They speak in a language that the crowd understands. These revolutionaries are indisputably zealots (supermen), at least the most talented of the revolutionary leaders because they bring novelty to the tradition. (They improve the tradition. Any tradition needs to be modernized. The more people will be born after modernization, the more perfect the tradition) So they create a new unscrupulous hypocritical elite.

      Such an elite creates itself as a future aristocracy. They even sacrifice themselves in the name of the declared high goals, which means they are lucky, they turn into a new caste of rulers with the help of egalitarian slogans. They resort to the aid of the mob to overthrow their feudal opponents. And from that moment on, they have no choice but to shout all the time: «People! You’re in my heart!»

      Then this baton will be picked up by new socialist revolutionaries. And the whole world history will follow the path of choosing the elite from the representatives of the excited crowd. Each time, the crowd will delegate the most active and seemingly fair men to the very top. In fact, the crowd is not as stupid as it seems. They will be sent up as the most convenient ones. Every excited crowd will be it seems that it is singling out the most convenient men, because the neophytes are always shouting about love for the people, in fact, the neophytes are part of the people and this is part of the tradition is not the worst part, maybe even the best at the moment. Then the neophytes, as a rule, deceive the practical crowd, it turns out, in the end, stupid. Everything is fine and this is the norm of the moment. This is only the end of the love union. Egalitarian tricks play a cruel joke on society and the country.

      This selection from century to century of people from the bottom completely deprives these people of the state. People

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