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Holy Bible (Part 1/2). Johannes BiermanskiЧитать онлайн книгу.

Holy Bible (Part 1/2) - Johannes Biermanski

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of his children (Deut. 17:18-20), so ought men now to study the Bible, and from it learn that fear which is the beginning of wisdom, and that knowledge which is unto salvation. As an aid and incentive to this, "Bible Readings for the Home Circle" has been prepared and published.

      from: "Bible Readings for the Home Circle", pp. 374-378, 1914

      Editor: ... has insert the name of our only one holy God, the Father, YAHWEH and the name of his Son, our Master Yahshua the Messiah, in the text.


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       Martin Luther stated.

      "If you do not contend with your whole heart, against the impious government of the Pope, you cannot be saved. Whoever takes delight in the religion and worship of popery will be eternally lost in the world to come.

      "If you reject it, (popery) you must expect to incur every kind of danger, even to lose your lives, but it is far better to be exposed to such perils in this world than to keep silence!

      So long as I live, I will denounce to my brethren the sore and the plague of Babylon for fear that many who are with us should fall back like the rest into the bottomless pit."

      from: J.H. Merle d'Aubigné: "History of the Reformation of the 16th Century", vol. 15, p. 208

      Martin Luther: "Putting aside all human writings, we should spend all the more and all the more persistent labor on Holy Scriptures alone... Or tell me, if you can, who is the final judge when statements of the fathers contradict themselves? In this event the judgment of Scripture must decide the issue, which cannot be done if we do not give Scripture the first place... so that it is in itself the most certain, most easily understood, most plain, is its own interpreter, approving, judging, and illuminating all the statements of all men...

      Therefore nothing except the divine words are to be the first principles for Christians; all human words are conclusions drawn from them and must be brought back to them and approved by them."

      from: Ewald M. Plass: "What Luther says", St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, pp. 87, 88.

      "...each man would be required to give an account of the deed he had done on Earth; and therefore each man hat the right to read the Bible for himself. So was born the individualism that transformed the communal ancient and medieval worlds."

      from: John. W. Robbins: "Ecclesiastical Megalomania: The Economic and Political Thought of the Roman Catholic Church", (The Trinity Foundation: 1999) p. 18

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       Vers ... Verse ... Verso ... Verset ... Стих ...

      » And Moses said to Elohim (G-d),

      Behold, when I come to the children of Israel,

      and shall say to them,

      The Elohim (G-d) of your fathers has sent me to you;

      and they shall say to me,

      What is his name? what shall I say to them?

      And Elohim (G-d) said to Moses,

      I AM THAT I AM:

      and he said,

      Thus shall you say to the children of Israel,

      I AM has sent me to you.

      And Elohim (G-d) said moreover to Moses,

      Thus shall you say to the children of Israel,

      YAHWEH Elohim (G-d) of your fathers,

      the Elohim (G-d) of Abraham, the Elohim (G-d) of Isaac, and the Elohim (G-d) of Jacob, has sent me to you:

      this is my name forever, and this is my memorial to all generations. «

      Exodus 3:13-15

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      » Therefore I caused them to go forth out of the land of Egypt, and brought them into the wilderness. And I gave them my commandments, and showed them my judgments, which if a man does, he shall even live in them. Moreover also I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am YAHWEH that sanctifies them. «

      Ezekiel 20:10-12 and Isaiah 56:1-7

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       The Holy Ten Commandments of YAHWEH our Elohim (G-d)

      I am YAHWEH your Elohim (G-d), which brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.You shall have no other elohim (g-ds) BESIDE ME!

      You shall not make you any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters under the earth: You shall not worship them, nor serve them (nor bow down yourself to them): For I YAHWEH your Elohim (G-d) am a jealous El {Elohim}/G-d, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, and showing mercy to thousands of them that love me and keep My commandments!

      You shall not take the name of YAHWEH your Elohim (G-d) in vain: For YAHWEH will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain.

      Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shall you labor, and do all your work: But the seventh day (Saturday - with beginning on Friday at sunset! Fake: the Sunday) is the Sabbath of YAHWEH your Elohim (G-d): in it you shall not do any work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger that is within your gates!

      For six days YAHWEH made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: Therefore YAHWEH blessed the Sabbath day, and hollowed it!

      Honor your father and your mother: that your days may be long upon the land which YAHWEH your Elohim (G-d) gives you!

      You shall not murder (!) (kill/slay)!

      You shall not commit adultery!

      You shall not steal!

      You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor!

      You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is your neighbor's!

      Exodus 20:2-17 & Deuteronomy 5:6-21 (Exodus 19:16-25)

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

       A Love Letter for You!

      A guide to eternal life: God’s Word. Patience, hope, confidence and security to all readers searching their way and believing in the one who walked along in front of them. Who is it? “THE SON OF GOD!” He revealed his glory taking the shame of our sins, our debts, our injustice, our lawlessness and paid the high price with his blood so that we may live eternally {if we wish to do so} and accept his sacrifice. Himself he calls us brothers and sisters, those who love Him and stick by His commandments, the precepts of his Father. (John 17:24, Matthew 12:48-49; Mark 3:33-34; Luke 8:20-21)

      Shortly before the end of the grace period and the second coming of the Messiah, this work appears to honor and glorify the Almighty, living and only God, the Father. Over 7,000 times His name was mentioned in the Tanakh (Old Testament), however he completely disappeared from our translations, but the name “Satan” remained unchanged in the Scriptures.

      Also in public the vast majority of people do not know the God of the Bible, much less his name. However, the name “Satan” is well known to all people. Satan

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