The Third Book. Francois RabelaisЧитать онлайн книгу.
François Rabelais
The Third Book
Published by Good Press, 2021
EAN 4064066464301
Table of Contents
Francois Rabelais to the Soul of the Deceased Queen of Navarre
Chapter I - How Pantagruel transported a colony of Utopians into Dipsody
Chapter III - How Panurge praiseth the debtors and borrowers
Chapter IV - Panurge continueth his discourse in the praise of borrowers and lenders
Chapter V - How Pantagruel altogether abhorreth the debtors and borrowers
Chapter VI - Why new married men were privileged from going to the wars
Chapter VIII - Why the codpiece is held to be the chief piece of armour amongst warriors
Chapter IX - How Panurge asketh counsel of Pantagruel whether he should marry, yea, or no
Chapter XIV - Panurge's dream, with the interpretation thereof
Chapter XV - Panurge's excuse and exposition of the monastic mystery concerning powdered beef
Chapter XVI - How Pantagruel adviseth Panurge to consult with the Sibyl of Panzoust
Chapter XVII - How Panurge spoke to the Sibyl of Panzoust
Chapter XVIII - How Pantagruel and Panurge did diversely expound the verses of the Sibyl of Panzoust
Chapter XIX - How Pantagruel praiseth the counsel of dumb men
Chapter XX - How Goatsnose by signs maketh answer to Panurge
Chapter XXI - How Panurge consulteth with an old French poet, named Raminagrobis
Chapter XXII - How Panurge patrocinates and defendeth the Order of the Begging Friars
Chapter XXIII - How Panurge maketh the motion of a return to Raminagrobis
Chapter XXIV - How Panurge consulteth with Epistemon
Chapter XXV - How Panurge consulteth with Herr Trippa
Chapter XXVI - How Panurge consulteth with Friar John of the Funnels
Chapter XXVII - How Friar John merrily and sportingly counselleth Panurge
Chapter XXVIII - How Friar John comforteth Panurge in the doubtful matter of cuckoldry
Chapter XXXI - How the physician Rondibilis counselleth Panurge
Chapter XXXIII - Rondibilis the physician's cure of cuckoldry
Chapter XXXIV - How women ordinarily have the greatest longing after things prohibited
Chapter XXXV - How the philosopher Trouillogan handleth the difficulty of marriage
Chapter XXXVI - A continuation of the answer of the Ephectic and Pyrrhonian philosopher Trouillogan
Chapter XXXVII - How Pantagruel persuaded Panurge to take counsel of a fool
Chapter XXXVIII - How Triboulet is set forth and blazed by Pantagruel and Panurge