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Update the Diary - Майго

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      * The Diary update is complete. All statuses have been saved. Enjoy your use. *

Day 1.

      Hello, Diary.

      Today is October 27, 2068, Thursday.

      On the street +4, windy.

      06:32. * Change password 072366 to 062751. *

      12:53. I can't see Him at school, again. I hope He's recovering.

      13:57. In history class, we simulated a trial. This time, under the «hammer of justice» lay Charles V. The court acquitted the accused.

      16:43. Rowley invited me to the movie theater this weekend. She's worried about me.

      23:52. That's all for today.

      Bye, Diary.

Day 2.

      Hello, Diary.

      Today is October 29, 2068, Saturday.

      It's +3 outside, cloudy.

      19:33. Rowley didn't warn about Emet was coming with us.

      19: 34. * Let me introduce you to Emet Riga. *

      He goes swimming with Rowley and is studying to become a computer programmer at an institution.

      I think his height is about 174 cm. Emet keeps track of her appearance, and it's obvious.

      In communication, he is quite absent-minded, often changing the topic of conversation, as if trying to talk about everything. However, Emet hardly spoke to me.

      * End of Dating. *

      19:37. Now I want to share with you my impressions of the film, the plot of which develops on the planet West, where each pair of people has the same birthmark, meaning their spiritual connection. In addition, these people must spend their entire lives searching for their beloved.

      Nevertheless, no story is complete without a special main character, who does not have a spot. Why is she humiliated at school, saying: “You don't belong in this world!” which is why she decides to jump off the roof.

      Then an incredible coincidence-a meeting of characters.

      A person was already standing on the edge of the building. A faint breath of wind, a glint in your eyes, and love at first sight.

      Then half of the movie showed the young man's past and explained why he decided to commit suicide. Next – the development of the relationship between the main characters and romance.

      Nevertheless, this story can't end so “boring”!

      Therefore, the plot introduced another person without a “brand”, and he is looking for his chosen one.

      Handsome, rich, smart, intelligent, polite – well, as usual. Finding his true love, he offers her the best of everything: money, a car, a large apartment and the fulfillment of any desires.

      They are perfect for each other, they understand each other in half a word, they feel the mood, and they have a spiritual contact.

      And whom do you think the girl preferred? A loved one who supported her in difficult moments, or one that was meant for her by nature?

      She left with a handsome man for a bright future.

      And our Romeo, unable to withstand another betrayal, drowned himself.

      The end of this work.

      Most of the audience felt sorry for the young man, but he was initially ready to commit suicide. The hero simply postponed the inevitable and gave him happy moments, reviving his faith in the best. The truth destroyed these hopes in the future by its selfishness.

      Why feel sorry for Romeo, if he made such a choice, chose his own fate?

      To prevent this from happening in reality, people have created systems that decide people's future. This allows you to reduce random mistakes and waste time on empty relationships with people. I protect the stability and security of a society that will disintegrate into small pieces without control.

      20:13. After the movie, Emet decided to walk Rowley home, and I went to the Park, again.

      Bye, Diary.

Day 3.

      Hello, Diary.

      Today is Monday, October 31, 2068.

      On the street +5 in the afternoon.

      07:12. Rowley just told me that Emet told her he loved her after I left. Now they're dating. I'm glad.

      10:54. He came. As always, there are many people around Him. Everyone was worried about Him and is asking about everything.

      However, why does no one notice that it is difficult for them to talk?

      He was released from the hospital only yesterday!

      16:07. * Update Rowley's status. *

      We met at the age of eight, were neighbors, and went to school together.

      Curly, thick blond hair, dark eyes, and freckles. She's a pretty girl, or she wants to be.

      Rowley is a caring, sociable, emotional, skittish, funny and frivolous girl.

      * Add: *

      – Responsible, stubborn, strict, demanding and selfish – if you get to know her better. —

      Likes novels, manga, and monochrome combination of things, rock, and dawns.

      * Add: *

      – Hobbies: swimming, photography. —

      Not likes: expectations, clothing from flax, and lack of attention.

      * Add: *

      – Hates: lies, deception, white chocolate. —

      Fears: heights, all animals (except dogs and cats), loneliness, painful death.

      A friend adapts to others, so sometimes it is difficult to understand what she really likes and what is not.

      She always calls me to new cafes, festivals, or movie premieres. I don't think I'd leave the house if I didn't know you.

      * Add: *

      – She often changes her social circle and never stays in the same company for more than a month. She says she's getting bored. But I think everyone just gets bored with the perfect Rowley. —

      * End of status update. *

      17:26. I don't remember coming here, but I'm back in the Park.

      I keep thinking about our first meeting with Him.

      23:03. That's all for today. My head ached.

      Bye, Diary.

Day 4.

      Hello, Diary.

      Today is November 2, 2068, Wednesday.

      On the street +2, clear.

      09:52. He doesn't miss classes. I think it's not easy for Him to catch up with the curriculum. I hope the teachers understand this.

      15:34. I need to prepare a present for Mary. She turns 7 years old. How fast my beloved niece is growing!

      I'll buy her a big stuffed penguin and a radio-controlled car. I'm sure she'll be happy with this gift.

      18:57. It's time to do a psychology project.

      Bye, Diary.

Day 5.

      Hello, Diary.

      Today is November 3, 2068, Thursday.

      On the street +4, cloudy.

      11:55. The mandatory professional aptitude test will take place next week. I need to do additional tasks in genetics and quantum physics if I want to be on the same level as Him.

      16:29. He goes to a tutor on the harmony of color and sound, this is one of the subjects that I study in depth.

      Can I send him my notes?

      18:54. Rowley will be preparing for the test with Emet.

      I hope she can learn the theory of aerodynamics; otherwise, she'll end up in another class again.

      19:31. It's time to prepare

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