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Refag. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Refag - Almaz Braev

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car. The Zefa officials go straight to the West and open an account there. As if nothing had happened. As if they were long-serving citizens of the free world. As you can see, the worst are all the marshmallows from the bottom, who have to make the most effort. Unfortunately, the children of Zefa are brought up in anger and envy, have the potential energy of destruction. They do not carry any kind of democracy and tolerance in them. Sooner or later, they will demand equality. They will demand democracy from their autocrat president. But they will demand it not because they are Democrats, but because they feel humiliated as people from a lower caste. If such people rise to the top, they quickly become little tyrants. This is a traditional environment. No revolution in such an environment brings improvement.

      No better the Zefa at the top. They do everything to stay in power forever. By tradition, this is possible, but it is impossible by the law of the market. All Zefas want to steal, pocket, speculate, take out because they are young Zefas, inexperienced in a new business, so they are very diligent. And those who stumble, they want to destroy everything around them. The old hierarchical scheme does not suit anyone. If Zefa goes berserk, he’s ready to blow up everything and everyone around him. This, of course, is exaggerated, but it is not yet evening.

      There is always room for rage in the clouded subconscious of the Zeref of the past. The lower the initial culture of the Refag and the higher the marginality, the more vicious and hateful the Refag is to the environment. The artists-schizophrenics, artists-shaitans, journalists, alcoholics and prostitutes, seem to let green foam around.

      The fact that the mass of the traditional population is not ready for the so-called reforms also explains the radical rejection of their results. In other words, all Zefas want democracy, but in reality they want to be first from the second and second from the third. No one wants to give in to anyone. Even in opposition, they are fighting over who will sit in the front row at the top and who will clap from the bottom. This is so important to Zefa that their heads are spinning, how to get up, climb higher on their heads.

      Hence, the total rudeness, turning into total cruelty, the name of which is at its peak – the Maidan.

      No contract

      The refags nationalists will not be able to negotiate from greed and ambition as if they recently jumped off the cart. These are all total provincials or cynics, ready to take advantage of the ignorance of the crowd. Zefa-traders cannot agree because they came from the same traditional family (paternal system, and in general, the culture here was and will be paternal). The nationalists and the dealers are the biggest factions of Zefa, but they will not be able to agree because they put their benefit above the general one. Apathetic publicist who has nothing to write about but the deity of Saakashvili, if he exists on grants and wants to see all nationalists in their coffin is an agent of influence. Such white journalist is an idol for all aborigen Zefa. An oligarch who used to be an official and could never be an oligarch without this. He is invulnerable to the authorities. The Refags do not forgive everyone and not everything, but they forgive everything to their tips or beacons. Because an agent of influence can negotiate with himself, even if he drags all the natives who believe him to the meat processing plant, and the Zefas will never agree with each other without him. They can all start expire green foam one day. Let all the water around turn black, and let the air around be poisoned by their poison. But it’s the foam from Zefa’s subconscious over and over again. One day, an impulse of anger can materialize in one place and in one minute. But this minute will be more like the explosion of an atomic nucleus. There is no future from the results of this coincidence of a nuclear explosion. But the Refags will still strive with all the fibers of the Zefa-soul to such an end. As if one mad man in his old age decided to collect ashes in his fist…

      Chapter 1

      Experienced refags and young zephags

      Simple people create a simple society. Complex people create complex societies. The Zerefs create a hierarchical society. The Zeremids are transitional, wherever they are present, form small communities based on their interests – family and clan. That is, the Zeremids, or citizens in the first generation are innate corrupt officials. Isn’t that right? Right or wrong?

      So, who are the Refags? Are they the people of market civilization? At first glance, there is nothing complicated about them. But this is at first glance. After all, they form the basis of an open democratic society. The main feature of Refags is not only cunning, hypocrisy, deception but also tolerance. By the way, where does this tolerance come from? The fact is that Refags save money. They are used to saving money. Their great-grandfathers saved money, their grandfathers saved money, their fathers saved and bequeathed to save their children. So, the Refags save on everything, even on emotions. They save vital, spiritual energy. They do not get into a fight over trifles, they argue culturally, and if they argue seriously, then in court, where the same descendants of economists sit and judge them. The Refags are all rational. They even steal rationally. If at all possible. In addition, they are sure that only the savage and the rabble steal. So, these very Refags create a complex democratic society of economists.

      But who then steals so dirty? These are just young refags who did not have any market experience. The Zefags fathers were collectivists, the grandfathers were collectivists, all the young Zefags are former traditional people. Total theft showed the crisis of traditional morality.

      Chapter 2

      What kind of capitalism on the periphery of red Empire?

      Why are Refags so democratic? All the former provincial Zefags just pray for the Europeans. Why do Europeans not care about your status, or so it seems to people who have just moved from the villages and immediately got on the Internet and social networks?

      The Refags live in moments so that it is already obvious. They live by stopwatches. They simply have no time to fill their heads with other people’s foolishness and visits, including the show-offs of yesterday’s village. Show-offs are important for Zerefs, they are an important signal and indicator of their quality of life. For Refags, everything depends on money, their search, and extraction. This can express banal: time is money. So if the Zerefs are looking for attention and a moment of fame, the Refags don’t need fame if it doesn’t make a profit. Because of this, the Zerefs (zefas) who imitate the Refags fall into critical, superior strength circumstances. In the pursuit not so much for fame, but for money and show-offs. The Refags love life because they love themselves. The Zerefs love it when witnesses admire their rise to the top. The pursuit of money and show-offs simultaneously ends often like this: the collapse of any merchant, the collapse or bankruptcy of a commercial bank. I have already said that the imitation of market relations by Zerefs is very pretentious. They want to achieve everything rapidly. Therefore, corruption is the most obvious, and rudeness between people in the clear.

      Chapter 3

      You are a person!

      This phrase is just a reworked «You are a citizen, and you are not a plebeian, so get bread and circuses.» This modern phrase is a democratic cliché. Today, there seem to be no slaves around, slavery has been abolished everywhere. Perhaps this phrase allows all impoverished people to be proud, they can die with their heads held high.

      To win over the crowd during the late Roman period, the aristocrats flirted with the crowd and practiced free distribution of bread to the urban outcasts: slum dwellers, vagabonds and semi-vagabonds, residents of the surrounding hills, and also held gladiatorial fights where slaves cut each other to the delight of the crowd. While the misfits chewed their free bread, the blood of gladiators flowed in the arena.

      That is, the heyday of populism today is off the scale from total marginalism when every buyer is told: «You are a person,» instead of: «You’re just a customer or even a sucker.» If you repeat these affectionate words to the crowd of Zerefs, distribute halva right and left, and don’t you want to see something else, then, in the end, populism of various caliber and scale will flourish, it already exists. And the political phenomenon of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

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