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Refag. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Refag - Almaz Braev

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about anything else. If there is no gain, then life is meaningless.

      We already know why the bingo generation is brought up on the chosen ones winning. Not everyone wins. Units. Whoever is rich is a superman. That is why there are many supporters of property among young people. Bingo youth is generally market youth, all of them. The most «old» of these bingo men are people born in the 90s. They grew up in a game world, a wolf world. There is also an even older «bingo». This is bingo men from the 80s, born in the mid-80s. What can you understand in 5—9 years? Nothing. Therefore, the most» old» bingo also grew up outside the morality of under-the-fence suckers. They met 91 years later after 5—7 years. What could they understand? Nothing.

      There is also just «primitive» bingo. Just-Ice Age Neanderthals. They absolutely are not like young people bingo.

      Here you need to immediately exclude people from the Soros Foundation and the so-called oppositionists who turned out to be oppositionists. They were the same Neanderthals, although they considered themselves the reformers of savage society. They could not have imagined that with the market, traditional society becomes even more disgusting. These ignoramuses will never admit it. Man is so made. Few people can admit their mistakes.

      It is not easy to survive in the «world – game – wolves» market. In addition, we are talking about people who have received lessons in morality and fundamental categories due to their age. Those who learned the concepts of good and evil, justice and truth in the Soviet school. They would search the market for a game and a wolf, as they were taught, by day with fire. But the surface layers of reflection found positive aspects in the appeals of the democratic opposition. The power of thieves and corrupt officials is robbing the people! You can remove bad people through fair elections, let’s put other people in the place of thieves and everything, all problems are solved, the oligarch is our leader! The naivety of such a scheme hits, as they say, in the face. Drug addiction can be defeated with clean needles!

      However, the fact is that we are talking about two categories of reflexivity: Zeremids and the Remids. Some have average reflexivity, others have a semi-average one. But there are still Refags! The Refags peoples have a high reflection! It could not help but consume the Remids, the Zeremids, and the Zerefs even more. But where were the Refags to be found? There have never been people here who saw money as the meaning of life. Traditional peoples lived here. And only the intellectuals raved about freedom. They did not understand anything, they did not know what freedom was, but they raved about all sorts of ideas because intellectuals are always dissidents in such a world. Everyone from the 90s was a marketeer! There could be no other opposition than that rejected by the government itself. Because of this, the learned skills of the past morals of the Remids and Zeremids quickly fell under the spell of democracy. They all immediately turned into Zefa (zeref + refag = zephag). And the lower the reflexivity of each person, the easier it is for him to make his choice from then on-for democracy or against it. That is why there are many middle-aged people in the opposition, who were Komsomol members, pioneers-almost all their lives they marched under the red banner in parades. But the memory does not feed. It fought with their stomachs and these stomachs of former Komsomol members and communists prevailed.

      The most desperate loners, or the most cunning because of the common moral society of tradition, went to Soros and made their choice. Hunger and vanity make you do all sorts of things. They made their own conscious choice. So remids -scoops became refags – scoops. What difference does it make from whom to put on the scoop? As for the Zeremids, people with less knowledge and more complexes, choose to follow the first. Here is approximately such a picture.

      The first democratic opposition was recruited from the dregs of the apparatus itself. The machine got rid of the most ambitious people. In the apparatus of power, almost as well as on the street. If you think too much – they’ll notice and suspect you. Bingo is down, bingo is up. You can’t think. To think is to be proud of yourself. At the top, the property was divided, the operation was called (officially) «Reforms». The jackpot was withdrawn rapidly. Stranded on the sidelines, opposition oligarchs, former officials, and their clientele staged their bingo on the sidelines. They did not know how to work fundamentally on opposition structures, and most importantly, they did not want to. All these former communists and Komsomol members of the apparatus were too impatient and greedy. They didn’t want to work seriously on anything. The only rule they’ve learned is the chameleon rule. But apparently, somewhere they could not restrain themselves and showed their face. This did not please the chief executive himself. He rejected them, as is often the case when dividing the inheritance. The traditional environment does not tolerate arrogance. Then these nonentities began to create a democratic opposition and appeal to the West. What is the best of such hypocrites from the dictator’s people? Nothing. These are even worse. Because the whole process will start all over again.

      The jackpot is floating away, need to sit down at the poker table soon.

      Stop the thief!

      The mechanism of the new opposition lottery is as simple as a traffic jam. Provocation, calling the authorities to respond to the provocation, photographing the response of the authorities, and showing it to the whole world. Such opposition was not interested in bingo’s own people, and if they were interested, it was only as cannon fodder for provocation. It’s like Hollywood: the more noise, the more blood, the more corpses, the better the box office. This means that the Remids from Soros did not fit the role of victims, they were only fixators of the struggle, counted the victims, or removed the beatings and passed them to the right place. But the role of the lamb was chosen by random people. Whoever agrees to be a lamb will get the jackpot from the transmitter. These earnings do not look like a freebie. They shouted, made noise, took pictures. But this is not the case at all. The role of cannon fodder for the oligarchs went to marginals, crooks, adventurers, and even patients-whether alcoholism, schizophrenia – is not so essential. The whole country was in need. And this is a real chance of prosperity and fame, two in one. Who would agree to such fame?! The oligarchs and their clients did not need any parties. They needed provocations, and these unfortunate people were under provocations. These marginals were not heroes in the truest sense of the word. Only with low reflection and little knowledge, only such people could go for it. Money is important here, money for life, money only money. Sometimes a lot of money turned a weak head. But in general, this is, of course, an image of the Zefa opposition. Only the deep provincials accepted the rules of such a game.

      And where were the townspeople at that time?

      They all sat on suitcases or had a suitcase-like mood. Among the victims of bingo, therefore, were only former provincials. The heroes of bingo’s provocations among the survivors are now also Zeremids. That’s where among the sentiments of «pan or lost», or «win or nothing», except for people born in the 90s, there are still a few radical middle-aged bingo revolutionaries. But they are not enough. Pan or gone. They made their choice long ago. They are Asian gamblers. Bingo sucks as if the tramp once smelled the money.

      Chapter 9

      Jesters are the leaders of the new electorate

      Contemporaries did not immediately accept their speeches. On the contrary, they sought to get rid of the violators as soon as possible. The old priest caste kept up the popular exasperation. The fewer troublemakers, the better.

      If you look at the age of the prophets, you can also find the power of rejection of the local elite, and therefore the people. The easier it is to get bread in a given area, the more likely it is that a new teacher will appear. The more difficult the living conditions of the local community are, the older the prophet is, or rather, the chance of his recognition is zero, and even more precisely, the matter of recognizing the teachings of the prophet passes to the next generation.

      Let’s look at the age of the prophet and the area where he appeared.

      Moses. Preached in adulthood. He is usually portrayed as an old man. When he entered the Promised Land, he was 120 years old. For 40 years he led the people through the Sinai desert.

      Jesus Christ. Preached at the age of 30.

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