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The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse. Volumes 1 & 2. VirgilЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse. Volumes 1 & 2 - Virgil

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the laif, as weil bekend man;10

      Allace to me, catyve! I wait neuer quhydder

      My spows Crevse remanyt or we come thydder,

      Or by sum fait of goddis was reft away,

      Or gif scho errit, or irkit by the way;

      For nevir syne with eyn saw I hyr eft,15

      Nor neuer abak, fra scho was lost or reft,

      Blent I agane, nor perfyte mynd has nummyn,

      Quhil to the mote of Ceres war we cummyn.

      And fynaly, quhen we beyn gadderit thidder,

      Fast by the haly tempil al togidder,20

      Scho was away, and betrumpit suythly

      Hyr spows, hir son, and all the cumpany.

      Than wod for wo, so was I quyte myscaryit

      That nowder god nor man I left onwaryit:

      For quhat mair hard myschance, quhen Troy down fell,25

      Apperit to me as that, or sa cruell?

      Ascanyus tho, and my fader Anchises,

      And eik our Troiane goddis penates,

      Onto my feris betauch I, for to keip,

      And hyd thame darn within a valy deip.30

      To town agane I sped with al my mycht,

      Claspit ful meit into fyne armour brycht,

      Wilful al aventuris newlyngis to assay,

      And forto sers Troy, euery streit, and way,

      And eik my hed agane in perrell set.5

      Bot first the wallis, the darn entre, and ȝet,

      Quharat we yschit furth, I seik agane,

      Haldyng bakwart ilk futstep we had gane,

      Lukand and sersand about me as I myght.

      The vgsumnes and silens of the nycht10

      In euery place my spreit maid sayr agast.

      Fra thyne ontil our lugyng hame I past,

      To spy perchance gif scho had thidder returnyt;

      It was with Grekis beset, and hail ourturnyt,

      Alhail the hows with thame sa occupyit:15

      Belyve the fyre al waistand I espyit

      Bles with the wynd; our the rufe, heir and thar,

      The flambe vpsprang and hait low in the ayr.

      CAP. XII.

      Quhou Eneas socht hys spows, at the cost,

      And how to hym apperis hir gret gost.

      To Priamus palyce eftyr socht I than,

      And syne onto the tempil fast I ran:20

      Quhar, at the porchis or clostir of Juno,

      Than al bot waist, thocht it was gyrth, stude tho

      Phenix and dowr Vlixes, wardanys tway,

      Forto observe and keip the spreth or pray.

      Thydder in a hepe was gadderit precyus geir,

      Riches of Troy, and other jowellis seyr

      Reft from all partis; and of tempillis brynt5

      Of massy gold the veschel war furth hynt

      From the goddis, and goldyn tabillis all,

      With precyus vestmentis of spulȝe triumphall:

      The ȝyng childring, frayt matronys eik,

      Stude al on raw, with mony petuus screik10

      Abowt the tresour quhymperand wondir sayr.

      And I alsso my self sa bald wolx thair

      That I durst schaw my voce in the dyrk nycht,

      And clepe and cry fast throw the stretis on hycht

      Ful dolorusly, Crevsa! Crevsa!15

      Agane, feil sys, invane I callit swa

      Throu howsys and the cite quhar I ȝoyd,

      But owder rest or resson, as I war woyd;

      Quhil that the figur of Crevsa and gost,

      Of far mair statur than ayr quhen scho was lost,20

      Befor me, catyve, hyr sekand, apperit thar.

      Abasyt I wolx, and widdyrsyns start my hayr;

      Speke mycht I not, the voce in my hals swa stak.

      Than scho, belyfe, on this wys to me spak,

      With sik wordis my thochtis to asswage:25

      O my sweit spows, into sa furyus rage

      Quhat helpis thus thi selwyn to torment?

      This chance is not, but goddis willis went;

      Nor it is nocht leifful thing, quod sche,

      Fra hyne Crevse thou turs away with the,30

      Nor the hie governour of the hevin abufe is

      Wil suffir it so tobe; bot the behuffis

      From hens to wend ful far into exile,

      And our the braid sey sail furth mony a myle,

      Or thou cum to the land Hesperya,5

      Quhar, wyth soft cowrs, Tybris of Lydya

      Rynnys throu the rych feldis of pepil stowt:

      Thar is gret substans ordanyt the, but dowt,

      Thar salt thou have a realm, thar salt thou ryng,

      And wed to spows the douchtir of a kyng.10

      Thy wepyng and thi teris do away,

      Quhilk thou makis for thi luffyt Crevsay;

      For I, the neyce of mychty Dardanus,

      And gude douchtyr onto the blyssit Venus,

      Of Myrmydonys the realm sal nevir behald,15

      Nor ȝit the land of Dolopeis so bald,

      Nor go to serve na matron Gregion;

      Bot the gret modir of the goddis ilkan

      In thir cuntreis withhaldis me for evyr.

      Adew, fayr weil, for ay we mon dissevir!20

      Thou be gude frend, lufe weil, and keip fra skath

      Our a ȝong son is common til ws baith.

      Quhen this was spokkyn, fra me away scho glaid,

      Left me wepyng and feil wordis wald have said;

      For sche sa lychtly vanysyt in the ayr,25

      That with myne armys thrys I presyt thar

      About the hals hir fortil haue belappit,

      And thrys, al waist, my handis togidder clappit:

      The figur fled as lycht wynd, or the son beym,

      Or maist lykly a waverand swevyn or dreym.30

      Thus finaly, the nycht al passit and gane,

      Onto my falloschip I return agane,

      Quhar that I fand assemlyt, al newly,

      So huge a rowt of our folkis that I

      Wondryt the nowmyr; thai sa mony weir5

      Of men and women gadderit al infeir,


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