The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse. Volumes 1 & 2. VirgilЧитать онлайн книгу.
In maner of a bow, maid bowle or bay,
With rochys set forgane the streym ful stay,
To brek the salt fame of the seys stowr:
On athir hand, als hie as ony towr,
The byg hewis strekis furth lyke a wall:5
Within the hawyn goith lown, but wynd or wall,
And at the port the tempill may not be seyn.
Heir fyrst I saw apon the plesand greyn
A fatale takyn, fowr horssis quhite as snaw
Gnyppand gresys the large feildis on raw.10
Ha! lugyn land, batale thou ws pretendis,
Quod my fader Anchisis; for, as weil kend is,
Horssis ar dressit for the bargane feil sys;
Weir and debait thir stedis signyfyis.
Bot, sen the sammyn four futtit bestis eik15
Beyn oft vsyt, ful towartly and meik,
To draw the cart, and thoil brydill and renȝe,
It is gude hope pace follow sal, says he.
Than wirschip we the godhed and gret mycht
Of Pallas, with clattering harnes fers in fyght,20
Quhilk heth ws first ressauyt glaid and gay:
Our hedis befor the altar we array
With valys brown, eftir the Troiane gys,
And, onto Juno of Arge, our sacryfys
Maid reuerently, as Helenus vs bad,25
Obseruyng weil, as he commandyt had,
The serymonys leill. Syne, but langar delay,
Fra that perfurnyst was our offerand day,
Onon the nokkis of our rays we writh;
Down fallys the schetis of the salys swith:30
The Gregionys herbry and fronteris suspek
We left behynd, and efter, in effek,
Of Taurentum the fyrth we se, but les,
Biggit, as thai say, by worthy Hercules;
And, our forgane the tother syde alsso,5
Rays vp Lacynya the tempill of Juno;
Of Cawlon cite eik the wallys hie,
And Scyllacium quhar schipbrokyn mony be.
Syne, far of in the flude, we gan aspy
The byrnand Ethna into Sycilly,10
And a fell rage rowting of the sey
Alang way thens, and on the rolkis hie
We hard the jawpys bete, and at the cost
A hyduus brayng of brokyn seys vost:
Apon schald bankis boldynnys hie the flude:15
The stowr vpbullyrris sand as it war wode.
My fader than cryis, how! feris, help away,
Streke aris atanys with all the fors ȝe may;
No wondir this is the selkouth Caribdis:
Thir horribill rolkis and craggis heir, I wys,20
Helenus the prophete ful weil dyd ws declare.
The sammyn wys as thai commandyt ware
Thai dyd onon, and Pallynurus fyrst
Hard halys the schete on syde, and fast gan thryst
The forschip to the wallis and the tyde,25
Saland on bawburd towart the left syde;
Towart the left, with mony heys and haill,
Socht all our flot fast baith with rowth and saill.
The swelland swyrl vphesyt ws til hevyn;
Syne wald the waw swak ws doun ful evyn,30
As it apperit, vnder the sey to hell.
Thrys the holkyt craggis hard we ȝell,
Quhar as the swelch had the rolkis thyrlyt;
And thrys the fame furth spowt, that so hie quhirlyt
It semyt watir the starnys, as we thocht.5
Be this the son went to, and ws forwrocht
Left dissolat; the wyndis calmyt eik:
We, not bekend quhat rycht cours mycht we seik,
War warp to seywart by the outwart tyde
Of Ciclopes onto the costis syde.10
The port, quhamto we cappit, wes ful large,
And, fra al wyndis blast, for schip or barge
Sovir al tyme: bot netheles, fast by,
The grisly Ethna dyd rummyll, schudder and cry;
Sum tyme thrawing owt, heich in the skyis,15
The blak laithly smoke that oft dyd rys
As thunderis blast, and rekand as the pyk,
With gledis sparkand as the hail als thik;
Vpspring the blesis and fyry lumpis we se,
Quhilk semyt forto lik the starnys hie;20
Sum tyme it rasyt gret rochys, and oft will
Furth bok the bowellis or entralis of the hyll,
And lowsyt stanys vpwarpys in the ayr
Rownd in a sop, with mony crak and rayr:
The stew of byrnand heyt law from the grond25
Vpstrikis thar, that doith to hevyn rebound.
The rumour is, doun thrung vndir this mont
Enchelades body with thundir lyis half bront,
And hydduus Ethna abufe his belly set;
Quhen he lyst gant or blaw, the fyre is bet,30
And from that furnys the flambe doith brist or glide:
Quhou oft he turnys our his irkit syde
All Sycil trymblys, quaking with a rerd,
And vgly stew ourquhelmys hevyn and erd.
That nycht, lurkand in woddis, we remane,5
Of feirfull monstris sufferand mekil pane;
Bot quhat causyt syk noys na thing we saw:
For nowthir lycht of planetis mycht we knaw,
Nor the brycht poyll, nor in the ayr a starn,
Bot in dyrk clowdis the hevynnys warpit darn;10
The moyn was vndir walk and gave na lycht,
Haldyn ful dym throu myrknes of the nycht.
Of the Greik clepit Achemenydes
Rehersyng Ene the natur of Ciclopes.
The secund day be this sprang fra the est,
Quhen Aurora the wak nycht dyd arest
And chays fra hevyn with hir dym skyis donk:15
Than suddanly, furth of the woddis ronk,
We se a strange man, of form onknaw;
A lenar wight, na mayr pynyt, I ne saw,
Nor ȝit sa wrachitly beseyn a wy;