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сердечно-сосудистой системы.
G. A. Buijze, H. M. Y. De Jong, M. Kox, M. G. van de Sande, D. Van Schaardenburg, R. M. Van Vugt, C. D. Popa, P. Pickkers, and D. L. P. Baeten, “An Add-On Training Program Involving Breathing Exercises, Cold Exposure, and Meditation Attenuates Infammation and Disease Activity in Axial Spondyloarthritis – A Proof of Concept Trial,” PLOS ONE 14, no. 12(December 2, 2019): e0225749, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0225749.
M. Kox, L. T. van Eijk, J. Zwaag, J. van den Wildenberg, F. C. G. J. Sweep, J.G. van der Hoeven, and P. Pickkers, “Voluntary Activation of the Sympathetic Nervous System and Attenuation of the Innate Immune Response in Humans,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America111, no. 20 (May 20, 2014): 7379–7384, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1322174111.
Написано в 2020 году.
H. van Middendorp, M. Kox, P. Pickkers, and A. M. W. Evers, “Te Role of Outcome Expectancies for a Training Program Consisting of Meditation, Breathing Exercises, and Cold Exposure on the Response to Endotoxin Administration: A Proof-of-Principle Study,” Clinical Rheumatology 35, no. 4(2016): 1081–1085, doi: 10.1007/s10067-015-3009-8.
В оригинале – not only to survive but to thrive.
Внутренняя температура тела – температура органов, расположенных глубоко внутри тела. Человеческое тело поддерживает свою внутреннюю температуру в очень узком диапазоне (36,5°С–38,5°С), наиболее благоприятном для метаболических процессов.
Айсмен (англ. Iceman) – один из супергероев, персонаж комиксов издательства «Марвел», член команды «Людей Икс».
Mayo Clinic, “Multiple Sclerosis,” mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/multiple-sclerosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20350269; Centers for Disease Control and Protection, “Lyme Disease,” cdc.gov/lyme/index.html.
Edgar Rice Burrows, “The Tarzan Series,” edgarriceburroughs.com/series-profles/the-tarzan-series/.
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Julie O’Connor, “Novel Study Is First to Demonstrate Brain Mechanisms That Give ‘The Iceman’ Unusual Resistance to Cold,” Wayne State University(February 28, 2018), today.wayne.edu/news/2018/02/28/novel-study-is-frst-to-demonstrate-brain-mechanisms-that-give-the-iceman-unusual-resistance-to-cold-6232.
Otto Muzik, Kaice T. Reilly, and Vaibhav A. Diwadkar, “‘Brain Over Body’-A Study on the Willful Regulation of Autonomic Function During Cold Exposure,” NeuroImage 172 (February 2018): 632–641, doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.01.067.
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Gabriel R. Fries, Consuelo Walss-Bass, Moises E. Bauer, and Antonio L. Teixeira, “Revisiting Infammation in Bipolar Disorder,” Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 177 (February 2019): 12–19, doi: 10.1016/j.pbb.2018.12.006; Lisa M. Coussens and Zeno Werb, “Infammation and Cancer,” Nature420, no. 6917 (December 2019): 860–867, doi: 10.1038/nature01322.