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Respatialising Finance. Sarah HallЧитать онлайн книгу.

Respatialising Finance - Sarah Hall

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      For further information about the series and a full list of published and forthcoming titles please visit www.rgsbookseries.com


       Respatialising Finance: Power, Politics and Offshore Renminbi Market Making in London

      Sarah Hall

       Bodies, Affects, Politics: The Clash of Bodily Regimes

      Steve Pile

       Home SOS: Gender, Violence, and Survival in Crisis Ordinary Cambodia

      Katherine Brickell

       Geographies of Anticolonialism: Political Networks Across and Beyond South India, c. 1900–1930

      Andrew Davies

       Geopolitics and the Event: Rethinking Britain’s Iraq War Through Art

      Alan Ingram

       On Shifting Foundations: State Rescaling, Policy Experimentation And Economic Restructuring In Post-1949 China

      Kean Fan Lim

       Global Asian City: Migration, Desire and the Politics of Encounter in 21st Century Seoul

      Francis L. Collins

       Transnational Geographies Of The Heart: Intimate Subjectivities In A Globalizing City

      Katie Walsh

       Cryptic Concrete: A Subterranean Journey Into Cold War Germany

      Ian Klinke

       Work-Life Advantage: Sustaining Regional Learning and Innovation

      Al James

       Pathological Lives: Disease, Space and Biopolitics

      Steve Hinchliffe, Nick Bingham, John Allen and Simon Carter

       Smoking Geographies: Space, Place and Tobacco

      Ross Barnett, Graham Moon, Jamie Pearce, Lee Thompson and Liz Twigg

       Rehearsing the State: The Political Practices of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile

      Fiona McConnell

       Nothing Personal? Geographies of Governing and Activism in the British Asylum System

      Nick Gill

       Articulations of Capital: Global Production Networks and Regional Transformations

      John Pickles and Adrian Smith, with Robert Begg, Milan Buček, Poli Roukova and Rudolf Pástor

       Metropolitan Preoccupations: The Spatial Politics of Squatting in Berlin

      Alexander Vasudevan

       Everyday Peace? Politics, Citizenship and Muslim Lives in India

      Philippa Williams

       Assembling Export Markets: The Making and Unmaking of Global Food Connections in West Africa

      Stefan Ouma

       Africa’s Information Revolution: Technical Regimes and Production Networks in South Africa and Tanzania

      James T. Murphy and Pádraig Carmody

       Origination: The Geographies of Brands and Branding

      Andy Pike

       In the Nature of Landscape: Cultural Geography on the Norfolk Broads

      David Matless

       Geopolitics and Expertise: Knowledge and Authority in European Diplomacy

      Merje Kuus

       Everyday Moral Economies: Food, Politics and Scale in Cuba

      Marisa Wilson

       Material Politics: Disputes Along the Pipeline

      Andrew Barry

       Fashioning Globalisation: New Zealand Design, Working Women and the Cultural Economy

      Maureen Molloy and Wendy Larner

       Working Lives – Gender, Migration and Employment in Britain, 1945–2007

      Linda McDowell

       Dunes: Dynamics, Morphology and Geological History

      Andrew Warren

       Spatial Politics: Essays for Doreen Massey

      Edited by David Featherstone and Joe Painter

       The Improvised State: Sovereignty, Performance and Agency in Dayton Bosnia

      Alex Jeffrey

       Learning the City: Knowledge and Translocal Assemblage

      Colin McFarlane

       Globalizing Responsibility: The Political Rationalities of Ethical Consumption

      Clive Barnett, Paul Cloke, Nick Clarke & Alice Malpass

       Domesticating Neo-Liberalism: Spaces of Economic Practice and Social Reproduction in Post-Socialist Cities

      Alison Stenning, Adrian Smith, Alena Rochovská and Dariusz S´wia˛tek

       Swept Up Lives? Re-envisioning the Homeless City

      Paul Cloke, Jon May and Sarah Johnsen

       Aerial Life: Spaces, Mobilities, Affects

      Peter Adey

       Millionaire Migrants: Trans-Pacific Life Lines

      David Ley

       State, Science and the Skies: Governmentalities of the British Atmosphere

      Mark Whitehead

       Complex Locations: Women’s geographical work in the UK 1850–1970

      Avril Maddrell

       Value Chain Struggles: Institutions and Governance in the Plantation Districts of South India

      Jeff Neilson and Bill Pritchard

       Queer Visibilities: Space, Identity and Interaction in Cape Town

      Andrew Tucker

       Arsenic Pollution: A Global Synthesis

      Peter Ravenscroft, Hugh Brammer and Keith Richards

       Resistance, Space and Political Identities: The Making of Counter-Global Networks

      David Featherstone

       Mental Health and Social Space: Towards Inclusionary Geographies?

      Hester Parr

       Climate and Society in Colonial Mexico: A Study in Vulnerability

      Georgina H. Endfield

       Geochemical Sediments and Landscapes

      Edited by David J. Nash and Sue J. McLaren

       Driving Spaces: A Cultural-Historical Geography of England’s M1 Motorway

      Peter Merriman

       Badlands of the Republic:

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