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The Courage Playbook. Gus LeeЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Courage Playbook - Gus Lee

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decade. His new book inspires with real‐life examples and self‐assessments that gnaw to the root of my fear while providing the tools to build back courage. The CLEAR model particularly exposed my lingering bad habits and provided a map for improvement. Now back to work I go.”

      —Jack Colwell Co‐Director, Public Safety Practice, The Arbinger Institute

      “Gus Lee's Playbook is about courage, character and leadership. It's a practical set of revealing assessments and carefully crafted techniques designed to improve anyone's ability to make tough choices to do the right thing—every time—regardless of personal risk. That starts with a disciplined approach requiring unconditional respect for one another and consistently listening with humility and empathy. The courage to do so builds character and enables leadership. Not for the faint of heart, but well worth the effort.”

      —COL (Ret.) Larry White Infantry: Vietnam, 1971–72; Korea, 1982–83; West Berlin, 1983–86; Kabul, 2009–10

      “A delightful guide full of important information for those of us who want to understand fear and recognise how it works in our lives and discover characters we can look up to, to position us for freedom. While answering the questions in The Courage Playbook's Assessments, I recognized how fear worked in my life, how it impacted my behaviors, and with the tools provided in the book, they are giving me courage to change. With small progress each day, it will develop into a habit.”

      —Beata Negumbo Programme Assistant, FAO Representation in Namibia

      “Throughout my life and career, I could choose inaction by relying on the phrase, ‘Discretion is the better part of valor.' In The Courage Playbook, Gus Lee's deep dig into courage, he delivers a gut punch; the words come from the lips of a cowardly braggart in Shakespeare's Henry IV. Lee observes that the discretion wording ‘gives modern cowards an excuse to avoid conflict.' What a life lesson. This book is for those of us who desire to shun avoidance and change our mindset. Eminently readable and research‐based, it is in a class all its own: literary nonfiction. It gives us practical tools for reversing our fearful mentality and for implementing the changes necessary to be courageous in both ordinary and extraordinary conflicts we all face. I wish I had read it sooner.”

      —Robin Shakely former Assistant Chief Deputy District Attorney, 39‐year career prosecutor, mother, wife, and reforming coward

      “The Courage Playbook puts courage into action. As a law enforcement leader, my life and legacy were transformed after reading Gus's earlier Courage book. I am excited to see so many ideas about living courageously laid out in such a helpful way in this new book. It is what I desperately need to figure out how courage looks and works in my family and professional life. Courage helps me lead my family, and myself, in our darkest and most challenging days and has shaped me into a leader who first looks in the mirror, as I strive to lead and serve others in my organization and my life. Courage has become the virtue that I take with me into every interaction. I'm so thankful that Gus Lee has put such a practical guidebook together for living a courageous life. It has helped me make sense of so much that I learned through trial and experience. If you're picking up The Courage Playbook, your time and investment into the process of living out courage will be worth every sacrifice. Be willing to cross the River of Fear—the journey on the other side is a life that is not perfect—but well worth living.”

      —Roy Bethge Chief of Police, Cherry Valley Police Department, Illinois

      “Under pressure and unsure in tough situations, you can refer to The Courage Playbook to get your bearings, survive and succeed. Gus Lee's Five Steps have improved how I treat and educate others and beats the heck out of painful and grueling effort that ends in foreseeable failure. Gus effortlessly convinced me of two primal things, refined in this book: first, respect for everyone, all the time, is the key; second, you need courage to exercise that respect. The Courage Playbook is the civilian Ranger Handbook of doing the right thing. It will bring you home.”

      —Dr. James P. Sullivan Sullivan Engineering; Professor, Purdue University, Army aviator

      “Moments in life that call for moral courage are not rare; they pop up every single day of our lives with friends, family, coworkers, and strangers. Oftentimes we miss these moments as we justify our behavior with ‘I'm too busy,' ‘It's too hard,' and ‘It won't change anything.' Gus Lee's The Courage Playbook cuts through our fears and offers us a practical set of tools to recognize these moments and courageously do the right thing with unwavering respect for others. This book will change how you see the world and transform your relationships for the better. I use The Courage Playbook's quick references every day to help me become the man I want to be at work and at home.”

      —Ben Bain national security professional

      “Gus Lee knocks it out of the park and makes a difference with The Courage Playbook, which gives us tools to improve effectiveness in leading and in life. In Step Three, he strips bare common human inhibitors to leadership and gives us a practical way to defeat them. I witnessed Gus apply these principles, know that they came from the school of hard reality, and that they actually work. In my career and interface with Gus, I've used his applications to promote my ability and that of others to be self‐examining leaders in a guided personal journey of reflection and improvement.”

      —Tom Rozman Past Director, Collective Training Directorate, Deputy Chief of Staff for Training, US Army Training and Doctrine Command; past Director Central Region, Virginia Department of Labor and Industry

      “Gus Lee has penned a road map for those of us striving to overcome our compulsive tendency to prefer faux self‐preservation over courageous moral action. The 3 NOs helped me more clearly understand the compounding effects of my self‐deception and better equipped me to take ownership for the quality of my relationships. I remain grateful for the ways in which the practical lessons that constitute The Courage Playbook continue to unfold in my personal and professional life.”

      —Major Chip Huth 30 years, Kansas City Missouri Police Department

      “Informed, honed, intentional and deliberately acquired courage, which Gus Lee presents in The Courage Playbook, walked me through meaningful exercises that led to my making serious decisions and direction changes with clarity and precision. Gus describes how courage can be developed, sharpened, and used to raise decisions and people to greater heights and avoid reckless actions that in truth are not courage. He writes with clarity, wit, wisdom and research and lives the way he writes. Down to earth, boots‐on‐the‐ground illustrations make concepts come alive and applicable. The Courage Playbook is readable, poignant, and practical.”

      —Dick Stenbakken, EdD, MDiv, MEd, MA Chaplain (Colonel) US Army, Retired Director of Family Life Ministries

      “The Assessment tools helped me get a bead on behaviors that were controlling me—I was trapped without joy. Step Two actions equipped me to stop my self‐lying, sharp self‐interest, blaming and anger, with huge benefits to my company. Steps Three and Four are saving my marriage and our daughter from constantly seeking approval of others. Thank you for the immediate action steps and the fundamental planning truths in Step Five. Sharing your work and experience with others is producing blessings.”

      —Rock Adams President, Rock Hard, Inc.

      “Several years ago, I was blessed with the opportunity to work with Gus Lee. The Courage Playbook and other Gus Lee books represent what is possible in our lives when we commit to practice, experience, learn, overcome, and share our big life lessons. Gus has faced substantial challenges, refused to quit or give in to an easier path and remained resolute to a higher calling and purpose. Gus is the real deal; he shows up every day as a respected moral and courageous teacher and leader. This book lays down a very effective road map that we can use to create a more positive and intentional

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