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The Courage Playbook. Gus LeeЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Courage Playbook - Gus Lee

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and care about. It equips us to face difficulties and opportunities, to make the conscious choice to not become bitter but better. Using Unconditional Positive Respect and seeking the Highest Moral Action, we steadily become more courageous in every part of our lives. This is Gus's gift to us. His life story, experience, and wisdom have greatly impacted my life. Implementing the insights and practices shared in The Courage Playbook will challenge and reward you with the ability to experience a more inspired life. Enjoy the journey!”

      —Rob Knauer Vistage Worldwide, Chicago Chair, leads high‐performing CEO Peer Advisory Boards; CEO, Black Ocean Advisors, Inc.

      “The Courage Playbook uniquely provides the structure to help those aspiring to become their best self. Gus created the tools for anyone to grow in self‐awareness and understanding on a journey to become a better follower and leader with intent and practice. I found the book's assessments challenging and had to talk with family and others to ensure I was being honest with myself. The Courage Playbook is well worth revisiting with changing professional and personal challenges. It joins a short list of books that add value with each reread and periodic reevaluation and refocusing to update our best practices, which I now do as I systematically develop and coach leaders to be their best.”

      —Scott Tessmer Retired Naval Officer

      “I appreciate the introspective tools Gus uses in The Courage Playbook, especially the Three NOs. They are a living checklist for me to mentally review before tough conversations, when I've been blindsided, and when I automatically react out of fear. Remembering to show unconditional respect, to not let fear control me, and to remember that I can choose courageous actions to do the right thing are but samples of the essential tools Gus equips us with in his new book.”

      —William A. Salmon Fire Captain (Ret.), Poudre Fire Authority

      “During my 23 years as an NFL side judge, including three Super Bowls and more than a dozen playoff games, I encountered innumerable challenges. The NFL is a high‐stakes enterprise where officials' mistakes garner considerable scrutiny and criticism. I wish that I had The Courage Playbook to guide me during my career. Gus Lee's principles and lessons would have given me even more confidence to act with courage, confidence, and clarity. In retirement, I am still a husband, father, and grandfather. I teach at the college level, volunteer with the police and serve on our city's parks, beaches and recreation commission. The Courage Playbook is my blueprint for doing what is right in every sphere, thus strengthening me to make a greater difference for my family and communities. What a gift!”

      —Dr. Laird Hayes NFL Side Judge, known for making the biggest call in Super Bowl history (SB XLVI)

       GUS LEE



      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

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       Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data:

      Names: Lee, Gus, author.

      Title: The courage playbook : five steps to overcome your fears and become your best self / Gus Lee.

      Description: Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2022] | Includes index.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2021058276 (print) | LCCN 2021058277 (ebook) | ISBN 9781119848905 (cloth) | ISBN 9781119848950 (adobe pdf) | ISBN 9781119848943 (epub)

      Subjects: LCSH: Courage. | Fear. | Interpersonal communication.

      Classification: LCC BF575.C8 L44 2022 (print) | LCC BF575.C8 (ebook) | DDC 179/.6—dc23/eng/20211210

      LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021058276

      LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021058277

      Cover Design and Image: Wiley

      After reading Gus Lee's Honor and Duty, I believed that its author would provide our students at the St. Mark's School of Texas with a sound example of fine writing. So we invited Gus to campus as a visiting scholar. During that visit, we concluded that Gus would provide us with more than lessons in how to think and write, but on how to become better people. Coincidentally, Gus and Diane were in the process of writing Courage: The Backbone of Leadership.

      The rest became history. In subsequent years, Gus challenged us to think afresh and more clearly and intelligently about our core values. He has taught us to simplify our objectives by directing our attention to key fundamentals—courage, honesty, integrity—and residing there no matter what the difficulty or cost.

      Clearly, we were fortunate to be introduced to Gus. The principles of Courage became deeply embedded in our Character and Leadership program, providing the basis

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