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The light of my future. Lee YeonЧитать онлайн книгу.

The light of my future - Lee Yeon

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exactly made me experience a whole range of emotions, while this young man was absolutely calm and with a bored look, first looked at me appraisingly, and then turned his gaze to my father.

      «I already said that I don’t need an assistant. I have Min Hyuk and Jin Young. Or do you just want to use me as a babysitter for your daughter, Principal Kim?» Sung Joon addressed my father with a grin.

      «That’s far from it,» my father chuckled in response and shifted his gaze to me as he sat down at his desk, «Treat Min Hee like an ordinary assistant. She’s an employee here, not my daughter.»

      «Well, let’s see how it goes,» the singer got to his feet, then moved towards me, «I’m going to the dance practice room,» he announced, but I did not know if this was done for me or for my father, after which he left the office.

      «Come in, Min Hee,» my father invited me to the seat that his top star had vacated a moment ago.

      «Thought he’d make a fuss,» I chuckled as I sank into the leather chair.

      «I’m sure you can get along with him,» my father smiled and handed me a folder, which I hurried to open immediately, «your employment contract and Sung Joon’s schedule for this week. As well as house rules, a non-disclosure agreement and instructions. You are responsible for the life support of our star, controlling food intake, organizing trips to the doctors, organizing cleaning of his house, communicating with the driver and other minor duties.

      «In other words, I’m your top star mom,» I didn’t miss the opportunity to omit the scathing comment.

      «Talk to him politely and try to understand the importance of Sung Joon staying with our agency,» the father continued in the stern tone of a mentor.

      «Ok, I understand everything!»

      «Well!» my father gave me a radiant smile, «then you can start work from tomorrow. Right after you get acquainted with the documents. Do not under any circumstances reveal the address of Sung Joon’s residence and any other personal information that becomes available to you.»

      «It’s not a problem,» I snorted indifferently, rising to my feet, «I’ll sign the contract and bring it to the personnel department myself.»

      «Good luck!» father continued to smile.

      «I thought of something…» I addressed him and paused, «can we make a clause in our contract that our employment contract will be terminated immediately after Sung Joon renews the agreement or enters into a new one?»

      «I think it will be fair,» the father replied with a smile, «If there are any questions, you can contact Song Joon’s general manager, Lee Min Hyuk. You will receive all instructions and information from him.»

      «I understood everything.» I answered and walked towards the exit of the office.

      Everything worked out for the best for me. The need to collect documents disappeared, and the side job found me by itself. And at the same time, if I fulfill all the conditions, my life will become much easier, and I will be able to devote all my strength to finding a person who left only questions in my life.


      «So, Min Hee, your work day starts at 5 am, unless Sung Joon’s schedule says otherwise. The work day ends with Sung Joon. You have one day off a week. Again, it depends on Sung Joon «Your main task is to take care of Sung Joon. About his mental and physical condition. Everything else is under my control,» Min Hyuk instructed me, sitting in his work chair, behind which was a wall with shelves lined with Song Joon’s awards.

      «Can I ask a question?» I asked, realizing how difficult this job would make my life.

      «Ask,» he replied, and prepared to listen carefully to me.

      «Why does Sung Joon change assistants so often?» my question caused the general manager to chuckle, after which he thought for a moment.

      «Song Joon doesn’t accept anyone’s help. You could say that he doesn’t accept anyone’s care,» Min Hyuk smiled weakly, adjusting his rectangular glasses, which were hiding tired brown eyes. His short brown hair was styled in mousse and, together with a business-like navy suit and black shirt, gave him a stiff look.

      I nodded my head to show that I understood him.

      «I can go?» I asked, looking at my wristwatch, and realizing that Sung Joon would soon finish his dance practice, which had already lasted three hours.

      «Yes. Just one more thing,» he turned to me after some thought, «you have access to Sung Joon’s social media and his apartment. Be careful. Journalists or fans may find out that you are working with Sung Joon. Your association with the CEO may cause a fuss. No one should doubt that you and Sung Joon only have a working relationship.»

      «I get it,» I bowed slightly as I rose to my feet from one of the two leather two-seat sofas that sat opposite each other, imagining myself to be a dutiful girl.

      «Then here’s your work phone and you can go to Sung Joon.»

      I took the latest model smartphone that was handed to me and experienced a slight bewilderment from the fact that in my hands, in the literal sense, there was the personal life of another person with whom I barely knew.

      My next stop was Sung Joon’s dance studio located on the fourteenth floor, but before I visited, I went down to the cafeteria on the first floor and bought coffee for myself and cool water for Sung Joon.

      «Greetings to all!» I loudly greeted Sung Joon, his dancers and their choreographer, who were sitting exhausted in the center of the dance practice hall, and were discussing something enthusiastically.

      The answer was a general greeting and a displeased look from Sung Joon.

      «I brought some water,» I handed him the bottle, which he gave him a scornful look, after which he dexterously rose to his feet, at first glance, without making any effort to do so.

      «You don’t have to. Don’t make these clumsy attempts. If you want to do your job well, then remember,» he leaned forward slightly and looked directly into my eyes, which made me seriously nervous. His charm, charisma and radiant aura were impossible to resist, but I felt his negative attitude towards me, «I am all these people who work with me. Therefore, if you want to perform your duties well, then show care and precious attention to all these people, don’t touch me!» he said with a haughty grin and turned to his team with whom he had been working for the past few hours, «Thanks for the work!» he thanked them and bowed, and then turned and gave me another indifferent look, after which he left the hall.

      I took a slow, deep breath and tried to distract myself with thoughts of what I should do next. The next item on his schedule was to host a live broadcast, during which Sung Joon had to communicate with his fans, after which he was waiting for work in the studio and recording an interview for a local TV channel. So right now he needed to eat.

      «Min Hee, don’t worry. You’re lucky that Sung Joon didn’t throw away that bottle,» the young man said to me.

      «Yeah, looks like I’m very lucky,» I laughed nervously and bowed to everyone present before walking away.

      On the way to the room where Sung Joon was planning to broadcast from, I took another look at the notes I had made specifically for myself about the preferences and routine of my artist’s day.

      After ordering European food from the best restaurant in Seoul, I went to one of the rooms to prepare it for the broadcast according to the instructions I received earlier from the general manager. When the food arrived, I left a container of vegetable salad and sliced fruit for Sung Joon, as well as a bottle of water, and attached a sticker that said, «This is your lunch. Please eat it completely. You have a busy day ahead of you» on the table.

      I looked around the office and left just as an employee from the technical department entered.

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