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Academy of Miracles – 2. Dwarf Question. It’s time to act. Рамиль ЛатыповЧитать онлайн книгу.

Academy of Miracles – 2. Dwarf Question. It’s time to act - Рамиль Латыпов

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of me? Two hours of talking and we came to an agreement. I will have two girls. Let’s go on dates together. And I will help Angelica with her studies. If you don’t like it, we’ll alternate dates. Although for Angelica I’m more important as a tutor and to show off in front of my sisters and girlfriends.


      The day started as usual. I Martha, the servant of Count Knut, ate and went to work. How do I live here? In the castle. Without him. Without my beloved count. without Claudius. The old count laughs at me. Says I can’t wait for his son. He has already found a second lady. I don’t believe. He loves me. It must be his plan to save me and all the slaves. I love him. I remember our kiss in the city. How he loves me. He said that my love saved him. I don’t get it, but I don’t need it. The main thing is that he believes in it. I didn’t know how to thank him for the kiss, I sent the linen that his father had bought me. Let him think of me. The count’s children are freedom-loving. They say that in their country the slaves were given rights. Although they trade them, they consider them equal. At least they don’t beat for faults, and that’s good. But his grandchildren are playing with me. They jokingly call me Martha Mizinchik and lead a round dance near me. I don’t understand how they came up with such a nickname. I have beautiful fingers, but no more. I dream that we will meet my Claudius again. Our separation is the blackest day of my life. I loved him all my life when I learned about love from my mother. But he hid it because he was a count and I was a slave. What will we do after he redeems me? We’ll be twenty. What will we live on? I can work in a cafe as a waitress or be a free maid in a hotel. But there’s nothing more I can do to help him. How bad it is to live as a slave. We must learn to be useful to him. Maybe we’ll be adventurous. It is necessary to train in the evenings with a large knife or an ax, and then go into the forest and kill monsters. I won’t be a burden to him. We will overcome any difficulties. While nursing the count’s grandchildren, I began to think about my children with Claudius. Trembling goes through the body. A hand dropped to her stomach. There will be born a new life from my beloved when the time comes. How warm this thought makes me feel. I hope he’s looking forward to it too. the day of my release. Will he be faithful to me, as I am to him?


      So that’s Angelica. Countries are not simply drawn on the map. All countries are the fruit of a long war among themselves. Learn. Better. What is the capital of Golisu Island?

      – Achisu. Achim. Ahmi.

      – Auchasu. You didn’t listen to me at all. And Tatyana get off my knees, I’m not made of iron. You are a beautiful lady. I can slam. And don’t tell me you don’t mind. Girls shouldn’t talk like that.

      Chapter 2 New Challenge

      Today I woke up with the feeling that a new phase of my life would begin. Mizael, my neighbor sat in bed and looked at the magazines. Bought in the city for a lot of money. Catalog of the best slaves in the pleasure house «At the affectionate Fairy». With cost per lady per hour. Photos of ladies, of course, moved in different defiant poses. Many were not wearing clothes. I don’t like that. Everything is not real.

      – Do you have a fight today? Can you win? I bet on you. I need him so much. He pointed to the magazine in his hand. There, a naked elf waved her hand. She’s definitely over a thousand years old. This can be seen from the folds on the hips. Drawing of a figurine of a beauty. Holo recording on a crystal. His new passion. He became friends with Hector. No wonder he spends a lot of time with him. When he runs away from me if I come to the room with my girls.

      – I hope so, I myself have plans for this win.

      – A quarter-final. Prize fifty gold. What do you want to buy? It’s a secret.

      I left the room. Yellows are not as friendly as whites. But I still found friends. Everyone loves boxing. In the dining room, my girlfriend Tatiana sat down next to me. She immediately began to climb to me with kisses on the cheek. Today I did not object. Didn’t waste energy on it. She liked it so much.

      – Today you still accepted my love Cladvius.

      – You forgot about me. – Said my second girlfriend Angelica Wairat. She kissed me on the left cheek. What got into her?

      – What are you thinking. – Tatyana was furious.

      – He is still my boyfriend and I always wanted to do that. You can do it whenever you want. Although you know that he has a beloved Martha Little.

      – You’re right. Tatyana said calmly. She saw my angry look and stepped back.

      – I don’t have time for your arguments today is an important day for me. If you don’t want to be with me, I don’t mind breaking up. You know my conditions. And everything will be mine.

      Yes, Claudius. The girls said in unison.

      – You build them again, my hero. – The princess came with her lady-in-waiting. The look is cold as always. This is her mask for everyone. But I know how real she is. After all, when I saved her from the cart, I liked her. Some kind of spark passed between us, although I can’t explain it. Maybe it’s a life debt

      – No, I’m just repeating my rules to them.

      – My hero knows how to manage people. I always like that about you. While my hero. See you in the ring.

      She left amid general groans of amazement. I looked at the ladies sitting next to me. They’re so cute. But I have a goal. My love for Martha grows stronger every day. Although attachment to them is growing. They are not bad. Bad thoughts about them came more and more often. The image of Martha was erased from memory. This is bad.

      – Come to my room tonight. I’m waiting for you every day.

      – I’ve been here once before. Well, at least I managed to leave. – I said, remembering this evening, my cheeks turned red. I won’t be visiting Tatyana again.

      – Nothing. I changed clothes and didn’t close the screen a bit. There’s nothing you haven’t seen yet. – She said laughing. She obviously liked what she saw in her as a girl. At last. She really was pretty.

      – And what are you holding in your hands dear. Angelica said taking my hand in hers.

      – This is my gift from Martha. A fragment of the stone of power that saved me in the battle against evil. Do you want to hold. It used to be white, but has turned black. Martha herself kissed him.

      – Yes I want to.

      I gave the baroness the crystal. She turned them over in her hand. Then she kissed. But nothing has changed. He stayed black.

      – Give it to me. You don’t do everything that way. Tatyana took the crystal. – It is necessary to kiss lovingly to dispel the magic of evil. She kissed him tenderly, passionately even. But nothing happened.

      I laughed and took it back in my hand.

      – It’s all superstition. You can’t just dispel the darkness with love. This is a fairy tale of true love does not exist. These are fairy tales for stupid girls.

      I hit the ladies on the nose with my finger and went to get ready for the fight. I need this money.

      It’s fight night. I’m sitting in the dressing room. My friend Diana Psheno is with me. My best friend. She wraps her hands around me. Help doesn’t work for me. Especially since she has soft hands. And so warm.

      – Today you will definitely win. Although your opponent is strong, you are a winner at heart. She said softly looking into my eyes. I guess she’s in love with me. And from the first meeting. Noah can’t reciprocate. I have Martha.

      – I have to win today. With the winnings, I will buy something that will help me with my beloved Martha.

      – Oh, you’re talking

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