Английские фразовые глаголы на практике. Примеры, задания и диалоги. Радмила ШарифьяноваЧитать онлайн книгу.
in this project.
– The president called on the nation to unite during the crisis.
– The teacher called on the student to answer the question.
– The coach called upon his players to give their best performance.
– The charity organization called on the community to donate to their cause.
Call back – перезвонить
– Can you please call back later? I’m in a meeting right now.
– I missed your call, please call me back when you can.
– The customer service representative promised to call back with a solution.
– I need to call back my friend to confirm our plans for tonight.
– The doctor said he would call back with the test results.
Call over – пригласить к себе, позвать
– Can you call over the waiter, please?
– She called her children over to the table for dinner.
– The boss called over the new employee to introduce him to the team.
– They called the neighbor over to help them move the heavy furniture.
– The hostess called over the guests to admire her new artwork.
Call up on – напоминать, упоминать
– The teacher called up on the student to read the next paragraph.
– He called up on his friend to remember their childhood memories.
– The boss called up on the employees to submit their reports by Friday.
– The doctor called up on the patient to follow the prescribed medication regimen.
– She called up on her colleague to attend the meeting.
Call forth – вызывать, пробуждать, возбуждать
– The performance called forth a thunderous applause from the audience.
– His actions called forth criticism from his colleagues.
– The painting called forth emotions of awe and wonder in the viewers.
– The speech called forth a renewed sense of hope in the listeners.
– The new policy called forth a heated debate among the lawmakers.
Call in for – требовать (действие)
– The situation calls in for an immediate response.
– The project calls in for a detailed analysis before implementation.
– The new regulation calls in for stricter enforcement measures.
– The emergency plan calls in for evacuation of the affected area.
– The job description calls in for proficiency in a specific programming language.
Call on for – требовать чего-либо, назначать на должность
– The organization called on for volunteers to help with the fundraising event.
– The company called on for a new CEO to lead the restructuring process.
– The government called on for citizens to conserve water during the drought.
– The teacher called on for students to submit their assignments by the deadline.
– The coach called on for players to attend extra training sessions.
Call away – отвлекать кого-то от текущей задачи, вызывать к себе
– The phone call called him away from his work.
– The emergency situation called away the firefighters from their training session.
– The boss called her assistant away from the meeting to discuss an urgent matter.
– The child’s loud cry called away the mother from her conversation.
– The urgent message called the doctor away from her lunch break.
Call out for – требовать, быть необходимым
– The recipe calls out for fresh herbs and spices.
– The project proposal calls out for a budget allocation of $5000.
– The job posting calls out for a candidate with excellent communication skills.
– The company policy calls out for employees to report any safety hazards immediately.
– The building code calls out for fire extinguishers to be installed on every floor.
Call up for – призывать к действию, вызывать к ответу
– The situation calls up for immediate action.
– The government called up for citizens to participate in the upcoming election.
– The company called up for a meeting to discuss the financial report.
– The coach called up for the team captain to motivate the players.
– The teacher called up for the student to explain their answer.
Call for in – требовать чего-либо при покупке, заказе
– The customer called for in a large pepperoni pizza and garlic bread.
– The restaurant menu calls for in various vegetarian options.
– The online store calls for in payment information before completing the order.
– The car dealership calls for in advance booking for test drives.
– The tailor shop calls for in a detailed measurement before tailoring the outfit.
Call through – связаться, дозвониться до кого-то
– I finally managed to call through to my friend after trying for hours.
– The receptionist called through to the CEO’s office to announce the visitor.
– The