Английские фразовые глаголы на практике. Примеры, задания и диалоги. Радмила ШарифьяноваЧитать онлайн книгу.
to call around to different florists to find the best deal on wedding bouquets.
– The journalist called around to different sources to gather information for the article.
– He called around to his friends to ask if anyone could lend him some money.
– The customer called around to different stores to check for the availability of the product.
– The professor called around to other universities to invite guest lecturers for the seminar.
Call off from – отказываться от участия или выполнения задачи
– He called off from the project due to personal reasons.
– The athlete called off from the championship due to an injury.
– The employee called off from work due to illness.
– The volunteer called off from the event due to transportation issues.
– She called off from the dinner invitation as she had prior engagements.
Call upon for – призывать на помощь или поддержку
– The charity organization called upon for donors to support their cause.
– The government called upon for volunteers to assist in the natural disaster relief efforts.
– The teacher called upon for parents to attend the parent-teacher conference.
– The coach called upon for the fans to cheer for the team during the game.
– The musician called upon for fellow artists to collaborate on a new album.
Call out to – обращаться к кому-либо, кричать для привлечения внимания
– He called out to his friend across the street.
– The lifeguard called out to the swimmer in distress.
– The teacher called out to the student who was dozing off in class.
– The hiker called out to his companion who had fallen behind on the trail.
– The performer called out to the audience for a round of applause.
Call down – вызывать на ковер, критиковать
– The boss called down the employee for submitting a late report.
– The teacher called down the student for being disruptive in class.
– The coach called down the player for making a costly mistake during the game.
– The parent called down the child for misbehaving in public.
– The supervisor called down the team for their poor performance on the project.
Call around to – навестить кого-то
– We decided to call around to our friends’ houses during our road trip.
– The salesman called around to different offices to promote their product.
– The consultant called around to various companies to offer their services.
– The couple called around to different venues to choose the best location for their wedding.
– The real estate agent called around to different neighborhoods to find the perfect house for their client.
Call upon to – обратиться к кому-либо с просьбой или предложением
– The company called upon the expert to provide insights on the market trends.
– The organization called upon the volunteers to help with the fundraising event.
– The teacher called upon the students to participate in the class discussion.
– The coach called upon the player to take on the leadership role in the team.
– The politician called upon the public to vote in the upcoming election.
Call out from – отделить, извлечь из группы
– The teacher called out the student from the group for a one-on-one meeting.
– The supervisor called out the employee from the team to discuss their performance review.
– The doctor called out the patient from the waiting room for their appointment.
– The coach called out the player from the bench to join the game.
– The host called out the contestant from the audience for a trivia challenge.
Call back to – напоминать о чем-то прошлом, ссылаться на что-то ранее упомянутое
– The speaker called back to the previous topic to clarify a point.
– The historian called back to the events of the past to explain current affairs.
– The author called back to the earlier chapter to introduce a new character.
– The teacher called back to the lesson from last week to build upon the knowledge.
– The executive called back to the company’s mission statement to guide the decision-making process.
Call over to – позвать к себе или пригласить куда-то
– The chef called over to the waiter to deliver the food to the table.
– The host called over to the guests to join the conversation.
– The driver called over to the pedestrian to ask for directions.
– The parent called over to the child to come inside for dinner.
– The performer called over to the audience to sing along with the song.
Call off on – отказаться от чего-то в последний момент
– The bride called off on the wedding ceremony at the last minute.
– The speaker called off on the conference due to personal reasons.
– The athlete called off on the championship after sustaining an injury during practice.
– The