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An Orphan’s Courage. Cathy SharpЧитать онлайн книгу.

An Orphan’s Courage - Cathy  Sharp

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them next week, I’ll buy one – if I get my new job …’

      ‘Wanted it to make a good impression I expect?’

      ‘Yes, but my school …’ Jinny broke off as a hand clutched her arm and she turned to see a somewhat out-of-breath Micky Smith. He grinned as she stared at him and handed her the ten-shilling note he was holding. ‘What …?’

      ‘Sorry it took me so long to get ’im,’ Micky said, looking proud of his achievement. ‘I didn’t realise straight away what he’d done and then someone said you’d been robbed. I managed to get it off him but he got away … I’ll find ’im though and I’ll make ’im sorry …’

      ‘You got my money back?’ Jinny was disbelieving and then overwhelmed. ‘That’s so kind …’ She choked as the tears became very real. ‘Thanks. I can buy my blouse now …’

      ‘You can have the two for nine bob,’ the girl said. ‘I reckon you deserve it after a nasty turn like that. I don’t like thieves. They nick things off the stall if me and Dad don’t keep an eye out.’ She smiled at Micky. ‘You was brave and clever to get that back, Mick.’

      ‘Yeah,’ he agreed, his grin widening as the purchase went ahead and Jinny parted with the note for her paper bag and a shilling change. ‘Be seein’ yer, Maisie. Tell yer father I’ve got a bit of business fer ’im later …’

      ‘Righto,’ Maisie said and looked pleased as Jinny took her purchases and moved off, Micky at her side. ‘I’ll see yer later then …’

      Micky nodded but didn’t look back at her. He walked with Jinny as she moved away. ‘The bugger didn’t hurt yer, did he? I wish I’d seen him sooner …’

      ‘No, I’m all right,’ Jinny said. ‘I’m going for a job interview tomorrow at St Saviour’s, and I needed a new blouse. I was just deciding which to buy and got my money out too quick – and he snatched it before I knew he was there.’

      ‘Probably been followin’ yer, waiting to get yer purse,’ Micky said. ‘They do that in the market when it’s busy. Was there anything else you need now?’

      ‘I was looking at a skirt but I bought two blouses so I can’t afford the deposit now …’

      ‘Let me buy it for you,’ Micky offered immediately and Jinny sensed his eyes on her dress. ‘You can’t go like that …’

      ‘I’ve got a decent skirt,’ Jinny said, ‘but the trader was kind – offered to let me pay so much a week. I’ll just tell him I may come back next week if I get my new job.’

      ‘Which stall is it?’

      ‘This one,’ Jinny said and blushed as the young stallholder came out to her. ‘I was just telling Micky I can’t buy the skirt today but if you’ve got it next week I may buy it …’

      ‘What yer, Mick,’ the trader said and grinned. ‘Nice bit of work. If this young lady is yer girl she can take the skirt and pay me later … no deposit needed …’

      ‘I’m no one’s girl,’ Jinny said quickly. ‘I’ve got a shilling – if you’ll take that as a deposit I’ll pay you as soon as I get my first wage …’

      ‘If Jinny says she’ll pay, she’ll pay,’ Micky assured him. ‘Wrap it up, Dave, and take her shillin’ …’

      ‘Anythin’ you say, mate,’ Dave said and put the skirt in the bag, accepting Jinny’s coin with a grin. ‘If it ain’t right you can bring it back – and pay me when yer like …’

      ‘I’ll pay next week if I get my job,’ Jinny said, her cheeks warm. ‘Thanks so much. I wanted to look smart for my interview and now I’m spoiled for choice.’

      ‘A pretty girl like you deserves nice things,’ Dave said. ‘I’ll see you right any time you want something new and can’t afford it …’ He grinned at her as she walked off with Micky.

      When they were out of earshot, Jinny looked at Micky. ‘I got a bargain with my blouses and it was nice of Dave to let me have this before I paid him – but you’re not to give him the money, Micky. It wouldn’t be right. I’m not that sort of girl …’

      Micky laughed softly, but there was a faint look of hurt in his eyes. ‘Did you think I would try to buy yer for the price of a skirt off the market? I wouldn’t be so cheap, Jinny – and I know you ain’t like that …’

      ‘I didn’t mean that …’ She blushed hotly, because she had and now She was ashamed of thinking ill of him. ‘I know you’re generous but …’

      ‘No, I ain’t.’ Micky shook his head. ‘I like yer, Jinny. I always ’ave – but if I decide to make a play fer yer, you’ll know – right? If yer my girl I’ll treat yer proper …’

      Jinny shook her head, embarrassed. She was too young to be anyone’s girl and wasn’t sure what she wanted from life yet. Once upon a time all girls ever thought about was getting married, but these days life could be more exciting and, having made the break from her home, Jinny wanted to enjoy it before she settled down.

      ‘Who says I’ll be your girl?’ she asked crossly, more because she didn’t know what to say than because she was angry or disliked him.

      ‘Oh, you’ll have me if I ask,’ he said and smiled. ‘I ain’t the ignorant lout you think I am, Jinny. I can talk proper if I want but it suits me to be the way I am, especially with the market lads, right? Let me tell you now, Micky Smith is goin’ to be someone one day – one day soon – and when I am I’ll be lookin’ for the right girl. It might just be you, if yer lucky …’ He winked at her. ‘I’ll give yer a ride on me motorbike if yer good …’

      ‘You’ve never got a motorbike …’ Jinny stared in disbelief.

      ‘Oh, ain’t I?’ Micky laughed. ‘I’ll be orf to the Isle of Man one of these days – you’ll see …’

      Jinny stopped in her tracks as he walked off laughing. Was he joking or had he really got a motorbike? He was such an odd mixture, the flashy wide boy at one moment, a dashing hero the next, chasing that thief to recover her money even though he was out of breath when he came back. His speech was as mixed up as he was and she believed that he could put on a posh voice when it suited him, just as he could be one of the lads in the market. She wondered again what he did to earn the kind of money he so obviously did; he wasn’t going to tell her, but whatever it was both Maisie and Dave had respected him, almost as if they looked up to him – as if he had influence or importance in their lives …

      Jinny frowned. She had reason to be grateful to Micky but she wasn’t sure how she felt about him, or whether she wanted him to be important in her life or not. At the moment all she wanted was to be accepted for the job at St Saviour’s …

       CHAPTER 5

      ‘Oh, damn,’ Rose said on seeing her bus disappear round the corner just as she got to the stop. She’d been busy all morning, visiting Mary Ellen at her home and giving her a hand with some washing in return for being able to use her new electric washing tub for her own things. She’d been interested in hearing all about her sister’s progress at teaching college and forgotten the time. ‘Damn, I’m going to be late.’

      ‘Sorry, I couldn’t help overhearing that …’ Rose turned to look at the man who had spoken. He must have been in his late twenties with fair hair worn a little too long and falling into his eyes; he was dressed in work overalls stained with paint, black boots, a short-sleeved shirt and a red spotted handkerchief knotted about his throat. ‘I’ve got my van across the road. Can I give you a lift, nurse?’

      Rose hesitated, because she’d never seen this man before, but he had a gentle smile and she was inclined to trust him. ‘Well, I need to be at

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