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Грамматика английского языка для школьников. Cборник упражнений. Книга II. Марина ГацкевичЧитать онлайн книгу.

Грамматика английского языка для школьников. Cборник упражнений. Книга II - Марина Гацкевич

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collects, collected

      2. We … football now.

      don’t play, didn’t play, aren’t playing

      3. Gary … lunch now.

      cooks, cooked, is cooking

      4. He … his composition ten minutes ago.

      is finishing, finishes, finished

      5. The children usually … a sandcastle on the beach.

      build, are building, built

      39. Choose the correct item.

      1. John often … dinner at an expensive café.

      is having, has, had

      2. They … married five years ago.

      are getting, get, got

      3. David … in New York last year.

      doesn’t live, is living, didn’t live

      4. He usually … his beautiful pictures at the seaside.

      is painting, painted, paints

      5. Mary … her black skirt now.

      irons, is ironing, ironed

      40. Choose the correct item.

      1. Julia … a lot of shopping yesterday.

      is doing, does, did

      2. My little sister … a short letter to our Granny now.

      writes, is writing, wrote

      3. He … from the office fifteen minutes ago.

      is phoning, phones, phoned

      4. I … a French lesson now.

      don’t have, didn’t have, am not having

      5. They … in the rain last Tuesday.

      are walking, walk, walked

      41. Choose the correct item.

      1. They always … their grandmother during summer holidays.

      are visiting, visited, visit

      2. Joy … a car into town now.

      doesn’t drive, didn’t drive, isn’t driving

      3. I … up yesterday evening.

      am not washing, don’t wash, washed

      4. His uncle … a speech now.

      makes, made, is making

      5. It usually … in St. Petersburg in autumn.

      is raining, rained, rains

      42. Choose the correct item.

      1. A beautiful woman … a fur coat now.

      buys, bought, is buying

      2. I … him the other day.

      aren’t seeing, didn’t see, don’t see

      3. Molly usually … History in the evening.

      studied, is studying, studies

      4. They … to the gym now.

      went, are going, go

      5. He … her beautiful flowers last week.

      is sending, sends, sent

      43. Choose the correct item.

      1. We often … the mountains in summer.

      climbed, are climbing, climb

      2. They … a new concert hall in the city center last year.

      are building, built, build

      3. My little sister … the doll in the bath now.

      washes, is washing, washed

      4. Her parents … their house in the country last month.

      aren’t painting, didn’t paint, don’t paint

      5. Susan … her new red shoes now.

      put on, puts on, is putting on

      44. Choose the correct item.

      1. Rose and Joy … in the sitting room now.

      danced, dance, are dancing

      2. The sun … yesterday afternoon.

      is shining, shines, shone

      3. Sue usually … on the sofa.

      is sleeping, slept, sleeps

      4. The dog … in the street now.

      barks, barked, is barking

      5. We … a new house last year.

      are building, built, build

      45. Choose the correct item.

      1. The doctor … the room now.

      enters, is entering, entered

      2. He … the party at nine o’clock yesterday evening.

      is leaving, left, leaves

      3. Molly often … some fruit for supper.

      is buying, buys, bought

      4. The doorbell … now.

      rings, is ringing, rang

      5. They usually … around Europe every holidays.

      are travelling, travel, travelled

      46. Choose the correct item.

      1. He sometimes … the guitar in the evening.

      is playing, plays, played

      2. Mike … the door now.

      opened, is opening, opens

      3. They always … sandwiches for lunch.

      are eating, ate, eat

      4. My aunt … a lot of detective stories in 1980.

      is writing, writes, wrote

      5. The birds … in the garden now.

      sing, sang, are singing

      47. Choose the correct item.

      1. Her little sister … to school last year.

      doesn’t go, isn’t going, didn’t go

      2. I … the piano every morning.

      didn’t play, don’t play, am not playing

      3. She … a vegetable salad right now.

      is eating, ate, eats

      4. We … to records yesterday evening.

      listen, are listening, listened

      5. Mike … at the stadium every weekend.

      is running, runs, ran

      48. Choose the correct item.

      1. They … around Australia last autumn.

      are travelling, travel, travelled

      2. David … a bicycle after lessons every day.

      rode, is riding, rides

      3. I … my English books on the table yesterday.

      am not putting, don’t put, didn’t put

      4. The parrot … around the room now.

      flies, flew, is flying

      5. My father … a car every morning.


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