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Грамматика английского языка для школьников. Cборник упражнений. Книга II. Марина ГацкевичЧитать онлайн книгу.

Грамматика английского языка для школьников. Cборник упражнений. Книга II - Марина Гацкевич

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I … at seven o’clock yesterday morning.

      didn’t wake up, don’t wake up, am not waking up

      2. They … in Moscow the day before yesterday.

      are arriving, arrived, arrive

      3. Julia … a camera with her every weekend.

      takes, is taking, took

      4. The plane … St. Petersburg for Washington, D.C. right now.

      left, is leaving, leaves

      5. Granny … a cake on Sunday.

      is baking, bakes, baked

      50. Choose the correct item.

      1. Henry … the flowers in the garden every day.

      is watering, watered, waters

      2. My grandparents … a new detective film on television at the moment.

      watch, are watching, watched

      3. We always … the bus to the shop.

      took, take, are taking

      4. The baby … last night.

      doesn’t cry, didn’t cry, isn’t crying

      5. His uncle … for a new job last year.

      is looking, looks, looked

      51. Choose the correct item.

      1. I … a letter yesterday morning.

      didn’t type, am not typing, don’t type

      2. My friend … a new novel from the library last week.

      is taking, takes, took

      3. It … in London the other day.

      rains, is raining, rained

      4. Sue … in the office right now.

      works, is working, worked

      5. They … to Paris every August.

      flew, are flying, fly

      52. Choose the correct item.

      1. Her father often … his old car.

      is repairing, repaired, repairs

      2. We … to the circus yesterday evening.

      went, are going, go

      3. It … in Moscow last weekend.

      doesn’t snow, didn’t snow, isn’t snowing

      4. I … very tasty cakes now.

      am eating, eat, ate

      5. Susan … a new skirt last Sunday.

      bought, buys, is buying

      53. Choose the correct item.

      1. They … the candles in the evening.

      are lighting, lit, light

      2. My cousin … hard last year.

      doesn’t work, isn’t working, didn’t work

      3. I … for my cousin at the moment.

      don’t wait, didn’t wait, am not waiting

      4. His friend … the bill at a restaurant yesterday evening.

      didn’t pay, isn’t paying, doesn’t pay

      5. David and Tom … the other day.

      fight, are fighting, fought

      54. Choose the correct item.

      1. He … the bed right now.

      is making, makes, made

      2. Ted and Jake … at a hotel during their last summer holidays.

      don’t stay, aren’t staying, didn’t stay

      3. John … the car every week.

      cleans, cleaned, is cleaning

      4. We … at the seaside last autumn.

      fished, are fishing, fish

      5. He … this road every morning.

      is crossing, crosses, crossed

      55. Choose the correct item.

      1. They often … to each other.

      talk, talked, are talking

      2. His wife … a very tasty dinner yesterday.

      made, makes, is making

      3. He … sweets from the table yesterday evening.

      isn’t taking, didn’t take, doesn’t take

      4. I … with my towel right now.

      am not drying, don’t dry, didn’t dry

      5. Emma always … at a party.

      danced, is dancing, dances

      56. Choose the correct item.

      1. Liz … the floor in the kitchen every afternoon.

      is sweeping, sweeps, swept

      2. We … home at 12 o’clock yesterday.

      come, are coming, came

      3. They … Geography at school.

      are studying, studied, study

      4. Jane … her dog for a walk at the moment.

      is taking, took, takes

      5. I … the windows last week.

      cleaned, am cleaning, clean

      57. Choose the correct item.

      1. Kate … Mike three times last week.

      is phoning, phones, phoned

      2. It … now.

      rained, rains, is raining

      3. He … the grass in the garden every month.

      is cutting, cuts, cut

      4. The children … warm milk at the moment.

      are drinking, drank, drink

      5. My father and I … football every weekend.

      played, are playing, play

      58. Choose the correct item.

      1. They … Moscow for London last week.

      are leaving, left, leave

      2. Kate … to the cinema with her friends now.

      goes, is going, went

      3. It … the day before yesterday.

      is snowing, snowed, snows

      4. My grandparents often … to the radio.

      listen, are listening, listened

      5. He … Spain last year.

      doesn’t visit, isn’t visiting, didn’t visit

      59. Choose the correct item.

      1. They … at six o’clock yesterday morning.

      am getting up, got up, get up

      2. They … to a new flat last year.

      are moving, move, moved

      3. We … a new film right now.

      discussed, are discussing, discuss

      4. Dave and Helen often … about the city.


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