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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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to correct, to grade, to mark

       3 v. to reach; to dip

      chaàm chaäm adv. slowly

      chaäm adj. slow, halting

      chaäm chaïp adj. slow, late

      chaäm raõi adj. [of speech] slow and poised

      chaäm tieán adj. underdeveloped, backward

      chaäm treã adj. late, tardy

      chaân n. foot, leg; base

      chaân dung n. portrait

      chaân giaù trò n. true value/worth

      chaân lyù n. truth

      chaân taøi n. real talent

      chaân tay n. limbs; follower, henchman

      chaân thaønh adj. sincere, honest

      chaân thaät adj. honest, frank

      chaân tình n., adj. sincerity, heartfelt feelings; very sincere

      chaân trôøi n. horizon

      chaân töôùng n. true face, true identity

      chaân öôùt chaân raùo adj. to be newly arrived

      chaán chænh v. to reorganize, to improve, to revamp

      chaán höng v. to develop, to restore, to improve

      chaán song n. bar; block

      chaán thöông n. trauma, injured

      chaàn v. to parboil, to blanch, to scald, to pour boiling water on

      chaàn chöø adj. hesitant, undecided

      chaån v. R to examine, to treat [medically]

      chaån baàn v. to help the poor

      chaån beänh v. to diagnose, to examine, to treat an illness

      chaån ñoaùn v. to diagnose, to treat an illness

      chaån maïch v. to feel the pulse, to check the nerves

      chaån teá v. to bring relief to the needy

      chaän v. to stop, to block; to obstruct

      chaáp v. to reproach, to bear a grudge; to give as an advantage

      chaáp chính v. to assume governmental powers

      chaáp haønh v., adj. to execute; executive

      chaáp nhaän v. to accept, to approve, to admit

      chaáp nhaát v. to be full of grudges, to resent

      chaáp thuaän v. to accept, to agree to

      chaäp 1 v . to join, to bring together, to fasten together 2 adj. moment, instant

      chaäp choaïng adv., adj., n. imperfectly; unsteady; twilight

      chaäp chôøn v. to be flickering

      chaäp chöõng adj. [of child] toddling

      chaát 1 n. matter, material, substance 2 v. to pile up, to heap up

      chaát löôïng n. quality

      chaát phaùc adj. sincere, simple-mannered

      chaát vaán v. to question, to investigate; to examine

      chaät adj. narrow; [of clothing] tight

      chaät ních v. to be overcrowded

      chaät vaät adj. [of life] hard, difficult

      chaâu n. continent

      chaâu baùu n. precious things, valuables

      chaâu chaáu n. grasshopper

      chaâu thaønh n. city

      chaâu thoå n. delta

      chaàu 1 v. to attend court 2 n. party, round

      chaàu chöïc v. to wait to see somebody [a VIP]

      chaàu giôøi/trôøi v. to die, to pass away

      chaàu Phaät v. to die, to pass away

      chaàu rìa adj. idle

      chaäu n. wash basin, wash-bowl, pot

      chaáy n. head lice

      chaày 1 n. pestle 2 adj. late, tardy

      che v. to cover, to hide, to shelter; to get protection, to take shelter

      che chôû v. to protect

      che ñaäy v. to cover up, to conceal

      cheø 1 n. tea [both the leaves and the beverage] 2 n. pudding, custard

      cheû v. to split, to chop [wood]

      cheùm v. to cut, to chop; to behead

      chen v. to creep in; to elbow one’s way through a crowd

      cheùn n. cup, eating bowl

      cheøn v. to chock [wheel,etc.]; to force [opponent, cyclist, motorist] out of his path

      cheõn adj. [of clothing] very tight

      cheo n. betrothal, engagement fee

      cheo leo adj. perched way up high

      cheùo adj. slanted, tilted, diagonal

      cheøo 1 v. to row; to paddle 2 n. comedy, farce

      cheùp v. to copy, to transcribe, to note down, to write down

      cheùt v. to fill [crack, hole]

      cheït v. to crush, to run over; to be strangled, to be crushed in between

      cheâ v. to belittle, to spurn, to criticize, to scorn

      cheâ bai v. to criticize, to scorn

      cheâ cöôøi v. to laugh at, to mock

      cheá 1 v. to jeer, to mock 2 v. to manufacture; to process

      cheá bieán v. to process

      cheá duïc v. to restrain one’s desire

      cheá ñònh v. to determine, to decide

      cheá ñoä n. system, regime, -ism

      cheá ngöï v. to control, to restrain, to bridle

      cheá nhaïo v. to mock, to jeer

      cheá taùc v. to create, to invent

      cheá taïo v. to manufacture, to make

      cheách adj. tilted, slanting

      cheâm v. to wedge; to add

      cheãm cheä adj. sitting in a solemn, haughty manner

      cheânh adj. tilted; very different

      cheânh cheách adj. oblique, tilted, slanted

      cheânh leäch adj., n. uneven, unequal; different; at variance

      cheánh choaùng adj. tipsy, groggy, tight

      cheånh maûng adj., v. to be negligent, be neglectful; to neglect

      cheát v., adv. to die; [of time-piece, machine] to stop

      cheát cha intj. Oh my god!

      cheát dôû v. to be between life and death, to have [financial] trouble

      cheát ñieáng v. to be half dead [because of pain, shock]

      cheát ñoùi v. to starve to death

      cheát ñuoái v. to be drowned

      cheát giaác v. to lose consciousness, to swoon

      cheát huït v. to escape death [very narrowly]

      cheát (meâ cheát) meät v. to be madly in love with


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