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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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      cheát oan v. to die because of someone’s injustice or error, to die innocently

      cheát soáng n., adv. life and death; at any cost, in any event

      cheát toi v. to die of a contagious disease, to die in an epidemic

      cheát töôi v. to die on the spot, to die in one’s boots

      cheát yeåu v. to die young

      cheät n. Chinese

      chi 1 pron. What?; something, anything, everything 2 v. to pay, to disburse, to spend

      chi boä n. cell of a political party

      chi caáp v. to allot, to grant, to provide

      chi chít adj. thickly set; all over, condensed

      chi cuïc n. branch office

      chi duïng v. to pay, to spend

      chi ñoäi n. detachment [army]

      chi hoäi n. branch of association/society

      chi li adj. to be stingy; particular

      chi nhaùnh n. branch office

      chi phí n. expenses, expenditures

      chi phieáu n. check [bank document]

      chi phoái v. to control, to govern, to rule

      chi thu n. expenditures and receipts

      chi tieát n. detail

      chi tieâu v. to spend

      chí 1 n. will, resolution 2 n. head lice

      chí choùe v. to quarrel, to argue noisily

      chí höôùng n. ambition, aim, purpose in life

      chí khí n. will, purpose, integrity

      chí lyù adj. most reasonable

      chí nguyeän n. volunteer

      chí só n. retired mandarin; strong-willed scholar

      chí thuù adj. serious, interested in

      chí tuyeán n. tropic

      chì n. lead

      chæ 1 v. to show, to point out, to indicate 2 adv. only, merely, simply, but 3 n. thread, string

      chæ daãn v. to explain, to inform, to guide

      chæ ñaïo v. to manage, to guide, to steer

      chæ ñònh v. to designate, to appoint

      chæ giaùo v. [of superior, teacher] to show, to teach, to advise

      chæ huy v. to command, to control

      chæ nam n. compass

      chæ soá n. index

      chæ teä n. paper money

      chæ thò n., v. instruction; to instruct, to direct

      chæ thieân v. pointing to heaven

      chæ trích v. to criticize

      chò n. elder sister

      chia v. to be divided; to divide, to separate, to share/distribute

      chia buoàn v. to share the sorrow, to present one’s condolences; to convey sympathy to

      chia lìa v. to separate, to leave

      chia phoâi v. to separate

      chia reõ v. to divide [a group of people], to split

      chia tay v. to part, to say goodbye, to bid farewell

      chia uyeân reõ thuyù v. to separate two persons in love

      chia xeû v. to share

      chìa v. to hold out

      chìa khoaù n. key

      chìa voâi n. spatula-like stick used to spread lime on a betel leaf

      chæa n. pitchfork, fork

      chóa v. to point

      chích v. to prick, to draw; to give an injection

      chích choøe n. blackbird, magpie-robin

      chieác 1 n. general meaning of a unit of something 2 adj. R alone, single

      chieâm adj. [of (rice) harvest] fifth lunar month

      chieâm bao v. to dream

      chieâm nghieäm v. to experiment

      chieâm ngöôõng v. to revere, to worship, to admire

      Chieâm Thaønh n. Champa

      chieâm tinh hoïc n. astrology

      chieám v. to seize [territory], to usurp; to occupy

      chieám cöù v. to occupy forcibly, to take possession of

      chieám ñoaït v. to appropriate, to usurp

      chieám ñoùng v. to occupy [enemy’s territory]

      chieám giöõ v. to appropriate; to withhold

      chieám höõu v. to possess, to own

      chieân 1 v. to fry 2 n. sheep

      chieán 1 v. R to struggle, to fight 2 adj. [slang] very good, luxury, terrific, smart

      chieán baïi adj. vanquished

      chieán binh n. fighter, soldier

      chieán coâng n. feat of arms, victory

      chieán cuï n. war materials

      chieán cuoäc n. war situation

      chieán dòch n. campaign, operation

      chieán ñaáu v. to fight, to struggle

      chieán ñòa n. battlefield

      chieán haïm n. battleship, warship

      chieán haøo n. fighting trench

      chieán höõu n. comrade-in-arms

      chieán khu n. war zone, military base

      chieán lôïi phaåm n . war booty

      chieán luõy n. fortifications, military line/base

      chieán löôïc n. strategy

      chieán só n. fighter, soldier

      chieán söï n. war, warfare, fighting

      chieán thaéng n., adj. victory;to be victorious

      chieán thuaät n. tactics

      chieán thuyeàn n. warship

      chieán tranh n. war, warfare, hostilities

      chieán traän n. battle, war

      chieán tröôøng n. battlefield

      chieán tuyeán n. line of battle, front line

      chieán töôùng n. fighter; [football] player

      chieán xa n. tank, combat vehicle

      chieâng gong n. gong

      chieát 1 v. to graft 2 v. to deduct, to take off, to reduce

      chieát khaáu v. to deduct, to discount

      chieát tính v. to prepare the detailed statement of account

      chieát trung adj. happy medium; eclectic

      chieâu v. R to welcome R to advertise, to announce, to proclaim

      chieâu baøi n. signboard, label, hint [statement]

      chieâu ñaõi v. to receive, to entertain

      chieâu ñaõi vieân n. hostess, steward/stewardess


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