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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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nhaùch adj. very tough

      daùi n. genitals, penis

      daøi adj. long, lengthy

      daøi gioøng/doøng adj. [of speech, writing] long-winded, wordy

      daøi haïn n. long-term

      daøi leâ theâ adj. very very long; hanging, flowing

      daøi löng adj. lazy, idle

      daøi löôùt thöôùt adj. very long and trailing

      daûi n. belt, band, ribbon

      daõi 1 n. saliva 2 v. to be exposed, to lie with one’s legs apart; to spread out

      daõi daàu v. to be exposed [to the elements]

      daïi adj. stupid, imprudent, unwise; wild

      daïi doät adj. to be dumb, foolish

      daïi gaùi v. to fall for a skirt, to be manipulated by girls

      daùm v. to dare, to venture

      daïm v. to touch up; to request, to offer marriage; to offer [for sale]

      daïm baùn v. to offer for sale

      daïm hoûi v. to propose marriage

      daïm mua v. to offer to purchase

      daïm vôï v. to propose marriage

      dan díu v. to be in love with, to have an affair with

      daùn v. to stick, to paste, to glue

      daøn v. to put in order, to display

      daøn baøi n. outline, sketch [a piece of writing]

      daøn binh v. to deploy troops

      daøn caûnh v. to stage a play; to arrange a situation

      daøn traän v. to deploy troops for a battle

      daøn xeáp v. to make arrangements; to arrange, to settle

      daïn adj. to be accustomed to, hardened to; to be bold, brave

      daïn daøy adj. shameless, brazen

      daïn maët adj. shameless, brazen

      dang v. to extend, to spread out, to hold out

      dang dôû adj. See dôû dang

      daùng n. air, attitude, appearance; posture, bearing, gait

      daùng boä n. air; look; conduct

      daùng caùch n. manner, way, behavior

      daùng chöøng adv. it seems that, it appears that, it looks as if

      daùng daáp n. manner, air

      daùng ñi n. gait, bearing

      daùng ñieäu n. gesture, gait

      daïng n. form, air, shape

      danh n. R name; reputation, fame

      danh baï n. roll, roster, registration

      danh buùt n. famous writer, well-known author

      danh ca n. famous singer, well-known pop star

      danh caàm n. famous musician

      danh döï n., adj. honor; honorary

      danh ñoâ n. famous city

      danh gia n. famous family

      danh giaù n., adj. reputation; honorable

      danh hieäu n. famous name/label, appellation

      danh hoaï n. famous painting

      danh lam n. famous scenery, well-known temple

      danh lôïi n. fame and wealth

      danh nghóa n. name, appellation

      danh ngoân n. famous words, well-known saying

      danh nhaân n. famous man, celebrity

      danh phaåm n. famous literary work

      danh phaän n. high position, reputation

      danh saùch n. name list, roster

      danh só n. famous scholar

      danh sö n. famous teacher; famous doctor

      danh taøi n. person of talent, genius

      danh thieáp n. business card

      danh thôm n. good name, good reputation

      danh tieát n. reputation, moral integrity

      danh töø n. substantive, noun [in grammar]; vocabulary, terminology

      danh töôùng n. famous general

      danh vò n. reputation, honor [in office]; dignity

      danh voïng n. fame, renown [in office]; aspiration, ambition

      danh xöng n. appellation, official name

      danh y n. famous doctor

      daønh v. to set aside, to put aside

      daønh duïm v. to save

      dao n. knife

      dao caïo n. razor

      dao caàu n. apothecary’s chopper

      dao díp n. pocket knife

      dao ñoäng v. to oscillate, to swing

      dao gaêm n. dagger

      dao khuùc n. popular ballad

      dao moå n. scalpel

      dao phay n. kitchen knife; cleaver

      dao röïa n. cleaver

      daïo 1 n. times, period 2 v. to wander, to take a walk

      daùt v. to laminate, to make thinner, to roll

      daït daøo v. to overflow

      day v. to turn [one’s back]

      day döùt v. to harass

      daøy adj. thick; to be thick, dense

      daøy daïn adj. inured to, familiar with

      daøy coâng n. much effort; with great efforts

      daïy v. to teach, to instruct, to train, to educate; to order

      daïy baûo v. to educate, to teach, to instruct

      daïy doã v. to teach, to bring up

      daïy hoïc v. to teach in a school

      daïy keøm v. to tutor someone at home

      daêm adj. a few, some

      daèm splinter

      daëm n. mile; road

      daëm tröôøng n. long way/journey

      daèn v. to press; to contain [oneself]; to emphasize; to put down violently

      daën v. to enjoin, to instruct, to advise

      daêng v. to spread out, to stretch out

      daèng v. to pull something with someone

      daèng co v. to pull someone in a struggle

      daèng dai v. to drag out

      daèng daëc adj. interminable, endless

      daét v. to lead by the hand, to guide; to carry

      daét díu v. to go or come together

      daâm adj. lustful, sexy, lewd

      daâm buït n. hibiscus

      daâm duïc n., adj. lust, lewdness; lustful

      daâm ñaõng adj. lustful

      daâm loaïn adj. immoral, wanton, incestuous

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