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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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ñoä n. extreme degree, limit

      cöïc höõu adj. extreme right

      cöïc khoå adj. poor; miserable

      cöïc kyø adv. extremely

      cöïc laïc n. extreme happiness; paradise

      cöïc löïc adv. strongly, energetically, categorically

      cöïc taû adj. extreme left

      cöïc thònh adj. prosperous, very rich

      cöïc tieåu n., adj. minimum

      cöûi n. loom

      cöng v. to cherish, to pamper

      cöng cöùng adj. a bit hard

      cöùng adj. hard; strong, stiff, tough, rigid

      cöùng caùp adj. robust, strong, tough

      cöùng coûi adj. firm

      cöùng coå adj. stubborn, head-strong, pigheaded

      cöùng ñaàu adj. stubborn, head-strong, pigheaded

      cöùng ñôø adj. stiff

      cöùng hoïng adj. dumbfounded, speechless

      cöùng löôõi adj. speechless, dumbfounded

      cöùng ngaéc adj. rigid

      cöùng raén adj. tough, firm, resolute

      cöôùc n. postage, transportation charges

      cöôùc chuù n. footnote

      cöôùc phí n. postage, transportation charges

      cöôùi v. to marry

      cöôùi hoûi n. marriage, wedding

      cöôùi xin n. marriage, wedding

      cöôøi v. to smile, to laugh; to laugh at, to ridicule, to mock

      cöôøi côït v. to joke, to jest

      cöôõi v. to ride

      cöôøm n. glass bead

      cöông 1 n. reins 2 adj. R hard, inflexible, unyielding 3 v. to improvise

      cöông lónh n. platform, principal guidelines

      cöông muïc n. summary, outline

      cöông quyeát adj. determined; strong-willed

      cöông thöôøng n. constant obligations of morality

      cöông toaû n. restrictions [to one’s freedom]; shackles

      cöông tröïc adj. upright

      cöông vò n. position, status

      cöông yeáu n. fundamentals, essentials

      cöôøng adj. R strong, powerful

      cöôøng baïo adj. viciously cruel

      cöôøng döông adj. aphrodisiac

      cöôøng ñieäu v. to exaggerate, to magnify

      cöôøng ñoä n. intensity

      cöôøng haøo n. village tyrant

      cöôøng löïc n. force [as an instrument]

      cöôøng quoác n. powerful great nation

      cöôøng quyeàn n. brute force, cruel power

      cöôøng thònh adj. prosperous, flourishing

      cöôøng traùng adj. vigorous, robust

      cöôõng v. to compel, to force

      cöôõng baùch v. to make compulsory, to force, to coerce

      cöôõng daâm v. to rape

      cöôõng eùp v. to force, to coerce

      cöôùp v. to rob, to loot, to ransack

      cöùt n. excrement, feces; dung

      cöu mang v. to carry in one’s womb; to support

      cöùu v. to save, to rescue

      cöùu caùnh n. the end; the purpose

      cöùu giuùp v. to help, to relieve

      cöùu hoûa v. to put out a fire

      cöùu quoác v. to save the country

      cöùu teá v., n. to give relief to; aid

      cöùu theá v. to save the world

      cöùu thöông v. to give first aid

      cöùu tinh n. the Savior

      cöùu vaõn v. to save

      cöùu vieän v. to aid, to assist, to reinforce

      cöùu vôùt v. to rescue, to save

      cöùu xeùt v. to consider

      cöøu n. sheep

      cöûu num. R nine

      cöûu chöông n. multiplication table

      Cöûu Long Giang n. the Mekong River

      cöõu n. R coffin

      cöïu adj. R old, used; R former

      Cöïu Kim Sôn n. San Francisco

      cöïu nho n. traditionally trained scholar

      Cöïu Theá Giôùi n. the Old World

      cöïu traøo n. former dynasty

      Cöïu Öôùc n. Old Testament

      da dieát adj. gnawing, tormenting

      da gaø n. goose-flesh, the creeps

      da lieãu n. venereal diseases

      da thòt n. skin and flesh

      da thuoäc n. leather

      da trôøi n. sky-blue

      daõ v. to neutralize the effect of [alcohol, liquor]

      daõ ca n. pastoral song, folk song

      daõ caàm n. wild animals

      daõ chieán n. field combat, fighting in the countryside

      daõ man adj. savage, barbarian

      daõ nhaân n. peasant, boor; orang utan

      daõ söû n. chronicle; unofficial history

      daõ taâm n. wild ambition, wicked intention

      daõ thuù n. wild animals, wild beast

      daõ traøng n. little sand crab which carries sand on the beach

      daï intj. [polite particle] Yes!

      daï con n. uterus

      daï daøy n. stomach

      daï du n. sleep-walking at night

      daï ñaøi n. hell

      daï haønh n. night journey

      daï hoäi n. evening party

      daï khaùch n. night visitor, night guest


      da n. skin, hide, leather

      da deû n . complexion

      daï khuùc n. serenade

      daï quang adj. luminous

      daï vuõ n. night-time dance party

      daï yeán n. evening party, night feast

      daïc adj. to be worn out, threadbare


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