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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van GiuongЧитать онлайн книгу.

Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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      ñaèng haéng v. to clear one’s throat

      ñaèng la n. concubine

      ñaèng thaèng adj. serious, correct

      ñaúng n. rank, grade, level

      ñaèng caáp n. grade, level; class

      ñaúng thöù n. rank, order

      ñaúng thöùc n. equality

      ñaúng tích n. constant volume

      ñaúng tính n. homogeneity

      ñaúng traät n. rank, grade

      ñaëng v. See ñöôïc

      ñaép v. to pile up, to pack, to construct; to fill up

      ñaép ñieám v. to cover, to protect

      ñaép ñoåi v. to live from day to day, from hand to mouth

      ñaét adj. expensive, costly

      ñaét tieàn adj. expensive; [of goods] in great demand

      ñaét choàng adj. [of young girl] having many suitors

      ñaét ñoû adj. dear, expensive

      ñaét vôï adj. [of young man] highly eligible

      ñaët v. to place, to put; to set up

      ñaët baøy v. to fabricate, to invent [stories]

      ñaët chuyeän v. to fabricate

      ñaët coïc v. to give money earnestly, to make a deposit, to pay in advance

      ñaët ñeå v. to fabricate, to invent [stories]; to arrange, to force

      ñaët ñieàu v. to fabricate, to make up stories

      ñaët ñít v. to sit down

      ñaët löng v. to lie down

      ñaët mình v. to lie down

      ñaët teân v. to name, to give a name, to give a nickname

      ñaâm v. to prick, to stab; to hit, to collide; to turn into

      ñaâm bò thoùc, choïc bò gaïo v. to play two adversaries against each other

      ñaâm boå v. to rush, to hurry

      ñaâm boâng v. to bloom, to blossom

      ñaâm choài v. to issue buds or shoots

      ñaâm ñaàu v. to throw oneself

      ñaâm nuï v. to issue buds

      ñaâm saàm v. to run into [suddenly]

      ñaám v. to punch, to hit with one’s fist

      ñaám boùp v. to massage

      ñaám ñaù v. to fight, to come to blows [and kicks]

      ñaám hoïng v. to give a bribe to someone

      ñaàm n. French lady, Western lady

      ñaàm aám adj. [of home atmosphere] cozy and nice, sweet, happy

      ñaàm ñaøi adj. wet, soaked

      ñaãm v. to wallow in the water or in the mud

      ñaäm adj. strong, not watery, [of color] dark

      ñaäm ñaø adj. warm, friendly

      ñaàn adj. dull, simple, foolish, stupid, silly

      ñaàn ñoän adj. dull, simple, silly, slow-witted, thick-headed

      ñaäp v. to smash, to pound, to break, to beat; to thresh; [of heart] to beat

      ñaäp nöôùc n. dam

      ñaát n. earth, soil; land; ground, floor; estate

      ñaát boài n. silt

      ñaát caùt n. sand, sandy land

      ñaát ñai n. territory, land, property

      ñaát khaùch n. foreign land

      ñaát lieàn n. mainland

      ñaát nöôùc n. country, land, nation

      ñaát phuø sa n. silt

      ñaát seùt n. clay

      ñaát thaùnh n. holy land; graveyard, cemetery

      ñaát thoù n. clay

      ñaâu pron. Where?; somewhere, anywhere

      ñaáu 1 v. to fight, to compete 2 v. to mix, to join 3 n. a quart

      ñaáu dòu v. to back down, to give up one’s previous tough position

      ñaáu giaù v. to auction

      ñaáu göôm v. to fight using swords

      ñaáu khaåu v. to quarrel, to argue

      ñaáu lyù v. to debate, to argue

      ñaáu thaàu v. to bid for a contract

      ñaáu thuû n. fighter, boxer, wrestler; player

      ñaáu toá v. [communist] to accuse [landlords, bourgeois elements, etc.] in a public trial; to denounce

      ñaáu tranh v. to struggle

      ñaáu trí v. to match wits

      ñaáu tröôøng n. field where public trials are held

      ñaáu voõ v. to box, to wrestle

      ñaáu xaûo n. exposition, fair

      ñaàu n. head; beginning, start; front end, end

      ñaàu beáp n. head cook, chef

      ñaàu boø adj. stubborn, hard-headed

      ñaàu caùnh n. wing tip

      ñaàu caàu n. bridgehead

      ñaàu cô v. to speculate

      ñaàu ñaøn n. leader, chief

      ñaàu ñeà n. title; examination question; topic

      ñaàu ñoäc v. to poison

      ñaàu ñuoâi n. the beginning and the end, the long and short

      ñaàu gioù n. draft [strong wind]

      ñaàu goái n. knee

      ñaàu haøng v. to surrender

      ñaàu laâu n. skull

      ñaàu loøng n. firstborn child

      ñaàu maùy n. engine, locomotive

      ñaàu moái n. clue

      ñaàu muïc n. leader

      ñaàu naõo n. headquarter; nerve-center

      ñaàu naäu n. business leader, business connection

      ñaàu oùc n. mind; knowledge

      ñaàu phieáu v. to cast a vote, to vote

      ñaàu phuïc v. to surrender, to submit oneself to

      ñaàu quaân v. to enlist in the army

      ñaàu soû n. chief, leader, ringleader, gang leader

      ñaàu taét maët toái v. to toil hard, to be extremely busy

      ñaàu teâu v. to instigate, to promote

      ñaàu thai adj. reincarnated

      ñaàu thuù v. to surrender oneself

      ñaàu thöøa ñuoâi theïo n. odds and ends

      ñaàu tieân adj. first; at first

      ñaàu tö v. to invest

      ñaäu 1 n. bean, pea 2 v. [of

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