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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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muøa n. small pox

      ñaäu naønh n. soybeans

      ñaäu phoïng n. peanuts

      ñaäu töông n. soybeans

      ñaäu xanh n. green beans

      ñaây n., pron., adv. here, this place; this; now

      ñaáy n., pron. there, that place; that

      ñaày v., adj. full, filled; to have fully

      ñaày aép adj. full to the brim

      ñaày buïng adj. having indigestion

      ñaày daãy adj. full to the brim, full of

      ñaày ñaën adj. plump, shapely; [face] to be round

      ñaày ñuû adj. enough, full, complete; well provided

      ñaày tôù n. servant

      ñaày traøn v. to overflow

      ñaåy v. to push, to shove

      ñaåy maïnh v. to push, to promote

      ñaãy adj. fat; full

      ñaãy ñaø adj. big and fat, plump

      ñaäy v. to cover [with a lid or stopper]

      ñe 1 v. to threaten 2 n. anvil

      ñeø v. to press down, to crush, to squeeze

      ñeø beïp v. to crush; to overwhelm

      ñeû v. to be born; to bear, to lay [eggs], to give birth

      ñem v. to take or to bring along

      ñen adj. black; unlucky; dark

      ñeøn n. lamp; light

      ñeo v. to wear, to put on

      ñeo ñuoåi v. to pursue, to stick to [career]

      ñeøo n. mountain pass

      ñeøo v. to carry on one’s vehicle or bicycle

      ñeõo v. to whittle, to trim, to square; to squeeze [money]

      ñeïp adj. beautiful, pretty, attractive, handsome

      ñeïp duyeân v. to marry

      ñeïp ñeõ adj. See ñeï p

      ñeïp trai adj. [of man] handsome

      ñeùt 1 adj. dried up, withered, thin 2 v. to whip

      ñeâ n. dike

      ñeâ ñieàu n. dikes, levees, dams

      ñeâ heøn adj. mean, base

      ñeâ maït adj. vile, mean

      ñeâ meâ v. to be drunk, to be under the spell of

      ñeâ tieän adj. coward, abject

      ñeá n. sole [of shoe], base, stand; root

      ñeá cheá n. monarchy

      ñeá ñoâ n. capital city

      ñeá quoác n. empire, imperialist

      Ñeá Thieân Ñeá Thích n. Angkor Wat

      ñeá vöông n. king, emperor, ruler

      ñeà 1 n. fig tree 2 v. to address [a letter] 3 n. subject, title

      ñeà aùn n. proposal project, program

      ñeà bieän v. to defend [thesis]

      ñeà cao v. to uphold, to give prominence to

      ñeà caäp v. to mention, to touch on, to bring up [a problem]

      ñeà cöû v. to nominate

      ñeà hueà adj. crowded; harmonious

      ñeà khôûi v. to put forth [proposal]

      ñeà lao n. jail

      ñeà muïc n. title [of book, article, etc.], heading

      ñeà nghò v., n. to suggest, to propose; suggestion, proposal

      ñeà phoøng v. to take precautions; to prevent

      ñeà taøi n. subject, topic

      ñeà xuaát v. to put forth, to propose

      ñeà xöôùng v. to put forth, to raise, to advance [theory,etc.]

      ñeå 1 v. to place, to put; to let, to leave 2 conj. for, so that, in order to

      ñeå buïng v. to have something on one’s mind

      ñeå khoâng v. to leave empty, to leave unused

      ñeå loä v. to disclose, to release

      ñeå maëc v. to leave alone

      ñeå maét v. to keep an eye on, to observe

      ñeå phaàn v. to spare, to save something for someone

      ñeå tang v. to be in mourning

      ñeä v. to submit [resignation, petition]

      ñeä trình v. to submit [proposal, plan, etc.]

      ñeä töû n. disciple, student

      ñeách v. [slang] no, not

      ñeâm n. night

      ñeâm hoâm adv. during the night, late at night

      ñeâm khuya n. late night

      ñeám v. to count

      ñeám xæa v. to take into account

      ñeäm n. mattress; cushion

      ñeán v. to arrive [at], to come [to], to reach

      ñeàn 1 n. Taoist temple; palace 2 v. to compensate for, to return

      ñeàn boài v. to pay back [moral debt]

      ñeàn buø v. to pay back, to make up for

      ñeånh ñoaûng adj. to be negligent, careless; indifferent

      ñeàu adj. to be equal, even, regular, both

      ñeàu ñaën adj. regular, well-proportioned, even

      ñeåu adj. ill-bred, vulgar; obscene

      ñi 1 v. to go, to depart, to walk away 2 adv. [final particle] come on, [let us] be sure to

      ñi buoân v. to do business

      ñi ñôøi adj. lost, finished, done for

      ñi ñöùt v. to lose, to finish

      ñi ôû v. to be a servant/maid

      ñi ra v. to go out, to discharge

      ñi thi v. to sit for an examination

      ñi tu v. to become a monk

      ñi vaéng adj. absent, not at home

      ñì v. to punish, to dump

      ñì ñuøng v. [of large firecrackers] to crackle

      ñó n. prostitute, harlot, whore

      ñæa n. leech

      ñóa n. saucer, plate, dish

      ñòa n. R earth, land; geography

      ñòa baï n. land register

      ñòa baøn n. compass

      ñòa caàu n. globe, earth [real size or miniature]

      ñòa chaán n. earthquake

      ñòa chaán hoïc n. seismology

      ñòa chaán kyù n. seismograph

      ñòa chaát hoïc n. geology

      ñòa chæ n. address


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