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Periplus Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van GiuongЧитать онлайн книгу.

Periplus Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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      biểu tượng n symbol

      biếu v to give something as a gift, to offer

      binh lính n soldiers

      binh nghiệp n military career

      binh nhì n private

      binh phục n military uniform

      binh quyền n military power

      binh sĩ n soldier, service men

      bình n vase, pot

      bình an adj well, safe

      bình chọn v to select the best through discussion

      bình chữa cháy n fire extinguisher

      bình dân adj common, popular

      bình dị adj simple, ordinary

      bình diện n aspect, field

      bình đẳng adj equal (legally)

      bình điện n battery

      bình định v to pacify

      bình lặng adj quiet

      bình luận v to comment on

      bình minh n dawn

      bình nguyên n plain

      bình ổn v to stabilize

      bình phẩm v to comment; to criticize

      bình phong n screen

      bình phục v to recover

      bình quân adj average

      bình quyền n equal rights

      bình sinh adv in one’s lifetime

      bình tâm v to be calm, to calm

      bình thản adj peaceful; indifferent

      bình thông nhau n siphon pipe

      bình thuỷ n thermos

      bình thường adj ordinary; normal

      bình thường hoá v to normalize

      bình tĩnh adj calm; cool

      bình yên adj safe, well

      bịp v to cheat, to deceive

      bịp bợm adj tricky, dishonest

      bít v to stop, to block, to seal

      bít tất n socks, stockings

      bít tết n beefsteak

      bịt v to cover, to stop up

      bịt bùng adj completely close, shut up

      bo n tip

      bò I n ox, cow II v to crawl, to creep

      bỏ v 1 to put, to place 2 to give away, to abolish

      bỏ bê v to neglect

      bỏ cuộc v to give up, to drop off

      bỏ dở v to leave unfinished

      bỏ mạng v to die

      bỏ mặc v to abandon oneself

      bỏ ngỏ v to leave unclosed

      bỏ ngoài tai v to ignore something

      bỏ phiếu v to cast a vote, to vote

      bỏ qua v to pass, to let go; to miss

      bỏ rơi v to leave far behind

      bỏ tù v to put in jail, to jail

      bỏ túi v to put into a pocket

      bõ adj abandoned, giving up

      bó I v to tie in a bundle II n bunch

      bó buộc v to compel, to force

      bó tay v to be unable to do anything

      bọ n insect

      bọ cạp n scorpion

      bọ chét n flea

      bóc v to peel, to take off

      bóc lột v to exploit

      bóc trần v to expose

      bọc I v to wrap, to pack II n package, parcel

      bói v to tell someone’s fortune

      bon chen v to scramble

      bòn v to save every amount of

      bòn mót v to save every smallest bit of

      bòn rút v to squeeze

      bón I adj constipated II v to fertilize

      bọn n small group, gang

      bong v to get loose, to come off

      bong bóng n bubble, balloon

      bỏng adj burned, scalded

      bóng I adj shiny II n 1 shade, shadow 2 ball, balloon

      bóng bàn n table tennis

      bom n bomb

      bom nguyên tử n nuclear bomb

      bong bóng n balloon

      bỏng adj burned, scalding

      bóng n shadow, shade

      bóng bàn n table tennis

      bóng bầu dục n rugby

      bóng chuyền n volleyball

      bóng đá n soccer

      bóng đèn n light bulb

      bóng gió adj hinted, implied

      bóng loáng adj shiny, bright, glossy

      bóng lộn adj shiny

      bóng mát n shade

      bóng rổ n basketball

      bóng tối n darkness

      bóp I n wallet II v to crush with the fingers; to press with the hands

      bóp bụng v to suffer

      bóp chẹt v to strangle; to blackmail

      bóp chết v to crush

      bóp cổ v to fleece, to oppress ruthlessly

      bóp méo v to distort

      bóp miệng v to suffer

      bóp óc v to rack one’s brains for

      bót n post, station

      bọt n foam, froth

      bô n chamber pot, bedpan

      bô lão n village elderly

      bồ n 1 friend, lover, boy/girl friend 2 bamboo basket

      bồ bịch n lovers

      bồ câu n pigeon

      Bồ Đào Nha n Portugal, Portuguese

      bồ đề n Bodhi tree

      bồ hòn n soapberry

      bồ hóng n soot

      bồ nhìn n puppet

      bồ tát n Bodhisattva

      bổ I v 1 to split, to cut 2 to appoint II adj nutritious, nourishing

      bổ dụng v to appoint, to nominate

      bổ dưỡng v to improve one’s health

      bổ ích adj useful, helpful

      bổ khuyết v to complement; to fill (position)

      bổ nhiệm v to

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