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Model Marine. Candace HavensЧитать онлайн книгу.

Model Marine - Candace Havens

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sucked in a breath and his heart sped up like a freight train barreling down a hill with no brakes. Hannah wouldn’t last two minutes under the scrutiny of this man. She might have to deal with the women like the Hags, as she called them, but she was no match for the General. No, he couldn’t let it happen.

      “I’d like to leave the woman out of it.” Will’s voice came across much stronger than he intended. In the face of danger he’d often been able to keep his nerves dampened down. Marines didn’t know fear. But subjecting Hannah to the old man would be nothing less than torture for her. The general was all about rules and regulations. Hannah was creative and followed her whims. He had to protect her. “I’m happy to take my punishment. I deserve it, sir.”

      “William Washington Hughes, you will have that woman in my office no later than five today. Do I make myself understood? Or you’ll face charges for conduct unbecoming an officer.” He pointed a finger at Rafe. “It’s your duty to make sure he does what I ask. If Sir Galahad here has any notions of protecting his damsel from me, you’d better think twice before going against my order. As for you—” this time he pointed at Will “—if that woman isn’t in my office by the deadline your lieutenant is going to the brig. Dismissed.”

      They both saluted. As Will reached the door the general called out to him. “Marine…”

      Will turned. “Yes, sir.”

      “I meant what I said about your friend and the brig.”

      Will saluted his father again. Sometimes he really hated the man.

      HANNAH WOKE SLOWLY. It was eight-thirty in the morning but she’d slept only four hours. Sitting up on the side of the bed, she stretched. Muscles she didn’t even know she owned were sore.

      Last night was the kind that spawned legends. Will was a machine. A tender, lovemaking machine. The mere thought of him twisted her insides. She hadn’t been surprised that he was gone before she woke up. She’d expected it.

      This was his first day on a new assignment and she knew their night had been a singular event. He’d made no promises, nor had she.

      You’ll probably never see him again. She tried to act as if it didn’t matter. They ran in different worlds. It was absurd to think he’d ever return after what she’d put him through the day before.

      A knot formed in her gut.

      “No. You aren’t going to do this. You both blew off some steam last night. You had a great time. Incredible sex and he was everything a man should be. Now let it go.”

      In the kitchen she poured herself some coffee, the first sip working like a shot of adrenaline to her brain. Everything she needed to accomplish in the next forty-eight hours assailed her.

      She was about to reach for her sketchpad when her cell phone rang. She didn’t know the number but she picked up anyway.


      “It’s Will.”

      She couldn’t stifle the grin that slid across her face. “How did you get my cell? Wait, that sounded like an accusation. I promise I didn’t mean it that way. I’m surprised you called.”

      “I got it off your phone last night and left you my number there on the coffee table.”

      So maybe last night wasn’t the end. She was mad at herself about the excitement that thought sent through her body.

      “Oh. So what’s up?”

      “I have to ask you a favor.” He sounded hesitant.

      “Will, you saved my beans yesterday. I would do anything for you.”

      And to you.

      “I wouldn’t have called you for this if it weren’t absolutely necessary.” He sounded so serious.

      “What’s wrong?”

      “The general wasn’t happy about Rafe and me modeling yesterday. There are pictures all over the paper. We explained that we only did it to help you out, that it was sort of an accident, but he wants to talk to you. If I don’t get you to his office before five today, he’s going to throw us both in the brig.”

      “The brig?”

      “It’s the military’s version of a jail.”

      “No, I know what it is, but it seems extreme. I mean, you weren’t wearing your uniforms. I don’t understand why he has a problem with it. You were off duty.”

      Will sighed. “It’s tough for civilians to understand, but you are never off duty when you’re a marine. We are representatives of the U.S. Marine Corps at all times. If you don’t want to do this, I understand.” He sounded so dejected.

      “Of course I’ll do it. I told you I’d do anything for you. Besides, I’d like to give that general a piece of my mind for being so mean to you guys. He should be the one going in the brig.”

      She thought she heard him laugh. “Might be best if you just go in and tell him the truth about how you met us. He isn’t likely to appreciate any kind of confrontation.”

      “I can do that. I need to shower and find something to wear. I can meet you wherever you need me to in about an hour and a half.” She needed most of that time to whip her hair into submission.


      AN HOUR AND A HALF LATER, dressed in her best Chanel suit trying to look like a proper young woman, she was in a conference room at a hotel near the UN. Will was caught up in meetings so Rafe met her in the lobby and directed her to the room. Earlier Will had explained why she had to be here, and she promised she would do whatever it took to help him.

      “The general is…” Rafe looked around the hotel conference room. He pulled out a notepad and wrote is tough. Room may be bugged. “Is a nice guy,” he said out loud. “Captain Hughes told me to tell you not to worry. If there are questions that make you feel uncomfortable, you don’t have to answer. You really don’t have to do any of this. The captain and I are more than willing to take our punishment without dragging you into this.”

      Hannah tore off the piece of paper and stuffed it in her coat pocket. “I’m here to make him understand what really happened,” she said. “And I’m not going home until he does.”

      “That will be all, Lieutenant.” A handsome older man walked in through another door Hannah hadn’t even noticed.

      Rafe saluted. Without saying a word, he backed out of the room.

      The man held out his hand and Hannah shook it.

      “I’m General Holland Hughes. I appreciate you taking time out of your busy day to assist in this matter.”

      Intimidating. If there were one word to sum this guy up, that would be it. He was as big as Will, which was saying something, but he had a few more lines on his face and his light brown hair had white at the temples.

      Hannah stood a little straighter. She was here to help Will and she’d be damned if she’d let this guy do anything to him or Rafe.

      “I’d like for you to share with me your version of what happened yesterday.” The general claimed a seat and motioned for her to do the same.

      Hannah watched him carefully. Then gave him a sweet smile. “I don’t know what you mean by a version of the story. The truth is simple. I was at my wit’s end. My entire business was about to go down the drain because my models were missing.” She didn’t think it would help to mention they were in jail.

      “I went out on the street to find someone who might fit the clothes. It was crowded, but I couldn’t find anyone who was right for what I needed. Desperate, I started crying. Right there in public. A man comforted me, and told me no matter what was going on, that I would be okay. That man was Captain Hughes.”

      Hughes? Wait a minute. That

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