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Model Marine. Candace HavensЧитать онлайн книгу.

Model Marine - Candace Havens

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wasn’t exactly known for putting up with bullies. “Are you this rude all the time or is it some kind of intimidation tactic? You remind me of my dad. Even the way you do your eyebrows. As if you disapprove of everyone, no matter what’s going on.”

      As soon as she finished talking, she wanted to slam a palm to her forehead. The last thing Will and Rafe needed was for her to shoot off her big mouth and make the general angrier.

      “Will is my son.” His face didn’t change, but Hannah had a feeling she’d won some kind of battle.

      That bit of information took a second to process. His own father was threatening him with the brig?

      He was probably making an example out of his son. Holding him up to even tougher standards than he probably would for anyone else in this situation.

      And I’m sure I’ve made the perfect first impression. This man hates me.

      “Thank you for telling me,” Hannah said politely as if she hadn’t just blown everything by being an idiot. “As I was saying, I begged Captain Hughes and his friend to help me. At the time, I’m not sure I explained fully what it would entail. I just told them I needed big, strong guys and that my life depended on them helping me.” She took a breath. “If I had any idea that they would be in trouble for helping a stranger, I would have never asked, even if it had ruined my show. They are amazing men. So kindhearted.”

      Her mind flashed to the night before when Will’s hands covered her body. He sure had been amazing then. The way he teased her into oblivion, her body taut with need—

      Stop it!

      She hated when her brain did stuff like that at the most inopportune moments. Twice on the subway here she caught herself grinning like the Cheshire cat while thinking about Will.

      This is not the time to run your personal porno through your whacked-out head. Pray you didn’t have some kind of goofy orgasm face.

      Poor Will, he would go to jail and it was all her fault because she couldn’t tame her libido.

      “They were the hit of the show. With only a few instructions, they performed as if they had been doing it their entire lives. They pushed the show to a new level, and helped to launch my career and my business in a major way. They’re like my guardian angels.”

      That last bit might have been laying it on kind of thick. She decided to stop there. Worried that if she kept talking, she would say something else stupid, she bit the inside of her lip.

      “Are you admitting your business would have been in jeopardy if my men hadn’t helped you?”

      The way he said admitting sounded as though he didn’t believe her.

      Hannah frowned. “Yes. As I said before, the two designs at the end were what really distinguished my line from everything else that is out there. If you aren’t distinctive in some way, they forget about you before they leave the show.”

      The silence sent waves of nausea through her stomach.


      “I understand that perhaps some of the photos might have been upsetting to you.” She had to stop talking. “But I promise you those men had the best intentions. When they found out what was required, I could tell they didn’t want to go through with it. But they had promised.

      “I haven’t known either of them for very long, but they are men of their word. What they did was incredibly difficult and perhaps embarrassing for them, but they did it anyway to help out some crazy woman they didn’t even know.”

      There was a knock on the door. “Sir, you have five minutes until the meeting with—” The man seemed to notice Hannah was there. “The meeting, sir.”

      Must have been some top secret meeting the way the general cut the guy down with his eyes.

      But he stood and Hannah did the same. “Again, I appreciate you taking the time to sort this out.” He stuck out his hand and she shook it again.

      Then he turned to leave.

      “Sir.” Hannah wasn’t sure what to say. “You did a good job with Will. He really is an amazing human being.”

      The older man nodded and left.

      She had no idea if she had helped or hindered the situation, but she’d done her best.

      Not sure what she should do next, she left through the door Rafe had brought her in. He was waiting in the hallway.

      “Will’s really sorry he couldn’t be here. I hope the general wasn’t too harsh.”

      Hannah pursed her lips. “It wasn’t bad at all, but he’s a hard one to read. His face never changed, except when his assistant interrupted the meeting. And it might have been nice if you guys had told me they were related.”

      Rafe smiled. “He told you that?”

      “Only after I asked. He told me it was irrelevant, and I told him that he was rude.”

      Rafe stopped walking and faced her with a panicked look on his face.

      “What?” She acted surprised but she knew why he was upset. She’d really done it this time. Poor guys.

      “You talked back?”

      “No, not really. I just called him on his attitude. He was trying to be a tough guy with me and I didn’t appreciate it.”

      Rafe sighed.

      “I caused more trouble for you and Will, didn’t I?”

      Rafe pushed the button for the lobby on the elevator panel. “I don’t know. He’s, well, I don’t know. He’s pretty hard on Will. I’m just a pawn. You showing up probably cleared me. But Will—”

      Her gut churned. “If I did anything else to get him in trouble, I’m never going to forgive myself. I’m sorry to you, too, Rafe.”

      He put a hand on her shoulder and guided her out to the lobby. “You don’t have to worry about me. I was scared as hell last night and I don’t scare easy. But I had a great time meeting everyone. And I had one of the best dates of my life thanks to your show.”

      Hannah’s head shot up. “You did?”

      “One of the models, Micola. She took me out for Indian food and we talked football until the wee hours of the morning. I never met a woman who looked like that and is better at football stats than I am.”

      Her hand around her middle, Hannah laughed. “I had no idea she was into sports, either.”

      “I have no regrets about last night. And like I said before, if the general decides to go hard-core, we can take it. Certainly won’t be the first time for Will. He has to live up to a whole different standard than the rest of us.”

      “I had a feeling that was the case. I’m sorry I didn’t get to see him to apologize again. Will you please tell him for me, Rafe?”

      “He’s cool with it. I promise. He never wanted you to come today. The only reason he called was to keep me out of the brig. We both appreciate you doing this today. No matter what happens. I’ve got to get going.”

      Hannah waved goodbye. Outside, snow fell but she didn’t care. Even though she was wearing her favorite Marc Jacobs booties. Twice she almost slipped, but she managed to stay upright on the sidewalk.

      Never had she been so disappointed in herself. All she had to do was be polite to the general. She had grown up around people like him and she knew what was expected. But she couldn’t keep her mouth shut for ten minutes to make that happen.

      Then she thought about the past few weeks. How hard she’d been on the staff. No question she’d become a designerzilla the past few days. After years of working for people like that, she’d sworn she would never act that way. Designers as a whole were mercurial at best. One time Leland had screamed at her because he didn’t like

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