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Christmas for the Halfpenny Orphans. Cathy SharpЧитать онлайн книгу.

Christmas for the Halfpenny Orphans - Cathy  Sharp

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but Alice wasn’t about to tell Bob that she would rather stay at home. ‘I’ll make us a cup of tea and then get changed.’

      ‘No, you go and put your feet up for a minute,’ Bob said. ‘I’ll make us a cuppa and then you can take your time getting ready. Mave said she’ll be over in an hour to take care of Susie for us.’

      As he disappeared into the kitchen, Alice lifted Susie out of her pram and hugged the sleeping baby to her. It was a good thing that Bob had come back unexpectedly, she thought. All the way home Alice had been wondering if it was too late to catch the train to Southend – and now she was glad that she wouldn’t have to think about it any more. She’d had a timely reminder that she was married to a decent man and would be a fool to throw it all away for a rogue like Jack Shaw.

      Alice was aware of being watched as she and Bob ate their meal in the pub. The atmosphere was a bit smoky but that didn’t stop her enjoying the tasty food and the glass of lemonade shandy she’d had with it. Bob had offered her the usual port and lemon, but Alice thought she might be better off sticking to a weak shandy, with more lemonade than beer.

      ‘Only until the baby’s weaned,’ she told him with a smile. ‘I don’t want her to be a drunkard, do I?’

      She was enjoying the unexpected treat and didn’t particularly notice the man staring at them until Bob had finished his plum tart and custard. She touched him with her foot under the table and he looked startled.

      ‘We’re being watched,’ she said. ‘He’s sitting to your right – in the corner – and he’s been staring at us for a while.’

      ‘Perhaps he’s envying me my lovely wife,’ Bob quipped before glancing over his shoulder. The smile was gone from his face as he turned back to her. ‘I know him – he’s one of Butcher Lee’s henchmen. Let him look, Alice, we’re not doing any harm and nor is he – but if he follows us home I’ll tackle him.’

      ‘He or someone like him has been following me for weeks, ever since you were home last time.’

      Bob frowned. ‘You didn’t tell me. Why didn’t you write and tell me, Alice?’

      ‘I try to ignore them. I know why they follow me – in case I meet Jack Shaw.’

      ‘How’re you supposed to do that – he’s dead …’ His eyes narrowed intently. ‘Alice, what’s going on? Don’t tell me he’s alive?’ She inclined her head slightly and he frowned. ‘Bloody hell! How do you know – have you seen him?’

      ‘No. I wouldn’t,’ Alice said, but her cheeks were warm because she knew how close she’d come to taking that train. ‘It’s over, Bob. He let me down and I’m with you now.’

      ‘I can’t stop you if you want to go to him, Alice, but—’

      ‘I wouldn’t go, Bob. Even if I knew where to find him.’

      Bob leaned towards her, taking her hand where it rested on the table. ‘You’ve heard from him, haven’t you?’

      Alice hesitated, and then nodded. ‘He sent me two pounds and asked me to meet him today – but I went to the jumble sale instead.’

      ‘What about the money?’

      ‘It’s in the drawer at home. I didn’t know what to do with it. I’d send it back, only I don’t have an address for him. I certainly don’t want it.’

      ‘Are you sure?’

      ‘Yes …’ Alice met his eyes, seeing the hurt and the fear – fear that she would leave him, and suddenly she felt wretched for even entertaining the thought. ‘I did love him once, Bob, but I never trusted him. You’ve been good to me and I wouldn’t hurt you for the world. I do care for you, you must know I do – and I trust you to look after me and the child.’

      ‘Good,’ he said and smiled. ‘You leave the Lee gang to me, Alice. I’ll have a word with someone I know and he’ll warn them off. I don’t want them bothering you again.’

      ‘Be careful, Bob.’ Alice felt a flicker of fear. ‘I don’t want you to be hurt.’

      He grinned at her. ‘I’ll be careful – as careful as I need to be. I’ve told you before; I can take care of myself.’

      Alice couldn’t bring herself to remind him of the speeding car that had knocked him down earlier that year. She’d since been told that the attempt on his life had been intended as a warning to her not to step out of line, but she couldn’t let Bob know or he might do something reckless.

      Alice glanced at the table where the watcher had been sitting and saw he’d gone. She told Bob and he laughed, taking out his wallet to settle the bill.

      ‘He must have known what I was saying,’ Bob said. ‘I’ll make sure they stay away from you, love – you must keep ignoring them and I’ll do the rest.’

      Alice didn’t answer. Being shadowed hadn’t scared her, but the thought of what the Lee gang would do to them both if Bob tried to stand up to them made her blood run cold. Bob thought he could take care of himself – and perhaps he could in a fair fight – but the Lee gang didn’t believe in fighting fair. They’d set the boot factory on fire to get even with Arthur and Jack for taking something that belonged to them – it didn’t bear thinking about what they would do to Jack if they ever caught up with him.

      Alice lingered as she browsed the stalls in Spitalfields. The covered market, situated off the busy Commercial Street, was open seven days a week and in all weathers. Almost everything you could want was available here, from fruit and vegetables to cheese and fish, long rolls of cloth and remnants, boots, books, second-hand goods of every description, cheap Indian rugs, umbrellas, handbags, and fresh flowers. The scent of lilies wafting from the flower stalls was so overpowering, Alice began to feel a headache coming on. As if that wasn’t enough, Susie had woken up in her pram and was beginning to whimper. Alice put a dummy in the baby’s mouth and rocked the pram. She would be glad to get home, because right now she was cold and tired and desperate for a cup of tea.

      Alice had bought some terry towelling, which she planned to make into more nappies for Susie, and now she was ready to buy the fruit she would take with her to Michelle’s house when she went for her sewing lesson. She was disappointed to see there were no bananas this week; it had been so nice to see them back after seven years without, but they were still thin on the ground. Fortunately there were some lovely big black grapes on offer, so Alice decided to buy a bag of those instead. She paid her money and was turning to leave when a young lad came up to her. He grabbed her arm, giving her an odd look.

      ‘I reckon you dropped this,’ he said, and pressed something into her hand. Alice was about to say that it wasn’t hers when she realised it was a note of some kind. The lad winked at her and went off, disappearing into the crowds.

      Alice glanced at it and realised it was a note from Jack. She hesitated, knowing that she should throw it away, but instead she put it into her pocket, too cold and fed up to look at it now. She was tired and her head was throbbing as she made her way quickly to the tram stop. Moments later a tram arrived and she got on, grateful to the conductor who lifted the pram on for her, folding it and tucking it in the luggage rack under the steps to the upper deck. Alice cradled Susie in the crook of her arm as she fumbled for her purse to pay her fare. Susie would be ready for her feed when she got home and then Alice would be able to put her feet up and relax with a nice hot cup of tea. Except it was hard to relax when she thought about the letter in her pocket. Jack obviously wasn’t about to give up on her, but Alice had made up her mind – she wasn’t going to fetch that stuff for him however many letters he sent her …


      ‘Angela, I want to talk to you about the new children …’ Sister Beatrice said, entering her office as she was typing up the monthly report. ‘I know they’re with Mary Ellen

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