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Christmas for the Halfpenny Orphans. Cathy SharpЧитать онлайн книгу.

Christmas for the Halfpenny Orphans - Cathy  Sharp

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pale face and obvious distress. ‘What can I do for you? Please let me help you …’

      ‘I’ll be all right in a moment. Please do not fuss,’ Sister said through gritted teeth, gesturing for Angela to sit back down. ‘It comes and goes – ahhh …’ she went quiet and sank into a chair, clearly shaken by the ferocity of the pain. ‘I’ve never known it to be this bad …’ she gasped and clutched at herself again.

      For a moment Angela was so shocked that she couldn’t think. Sister Beatrice wasn’t the sort to get ill; she was strong and stubborn and never allowed a child to bother her, but perhaps the strain of all that trouble with Terry had pulled her down … yet that was months ago and this was more than strain. She could see by the colour of Sister’s face and the way she was holding her breath that the pain was bad.

      ‘I’m going to call the doctor,’ Angela said, reaching for her telephone.

      ‘You’re over-reacting,’ Sister Beatrice’s tone was angry. ‘I’ll be all right soon I tell you.’ She stood up and took two steps forward, then tottered and fell to the ground, where she lay writhing and moaning in agony.

      Angela knew it must be something serious to make Sister collapse in this way. The onset of pain had seemed sudden and unexpected, but then she remembered the Warden’s irritability of late and her habit of hiding her emotions and anything else she considered signs of weakness. It was quite possible that she had been suffering for weeks without telling anyone.

      Angela rang immediately for Dr Kent and told him what had happened. ‘I’ll be there as soon as I can,’ he said. ‘In the meantime call one of the nurses to look at her – but don’t try to move her on your own unless she is able to get up herself.’

      ‘I’m going to get a nurse,’ Angela said, bending over Sister Beatrice briefly. ‘Please don’t try to do anything. We’ll help you to get up when I come back.’

      Running swiftly down the hall to the sick room, she discovered that both Wendy and Michelle were there, discussing the patients’ notes. Michelle came towards her instantly, alerted by Angela’s urgent manner.

      ‘It’s Sister; she’s ill,’ Angela said. ‘I’ve rung for the doctor but it’s going to take him a while to get here.’

      ‘I’ll come,’ Michelle said. ‘I’ve been worried about her for a while. I thought she might simply be tired but, knowing Sister, she’s probably been hiding something.’

      ‘Yes; she would think it weak to give in,’ Angela agreed.

      Michelle rushed on ahead of her. As Angela entered her office she discovered that Sister had managed to get to her feet in her absence and Michelle was helping her into the armchair provided for visitors. Sister’s face was grey and she looked very ill. She had her eyes closed and was holding her side, obviously in agony.

      ‘What’s wrong with her?’ Angela hovered as Michelle took Sister’s pulse and touched her forehead, which was sticky with sweat.

      ‘I’m not sure, but I think from the position of the pain it may be appendicitis,’ she said, looking anxiously at Sister. ‘How long have you been having these pains, Sister?’

      ‘A few weeks,’ Sister said weakly. ‘It wasn’t so bad at first and it always went after a while but now … it’s getting much worse.’

      ‘We’ve sent for the doctor,’ Michelle said, ‘but if it is acute appendicitis you will need an operation.’

      ‘I shall be all right, I tell you. All this fuss …’ Sister gasped and could not continue for a moment. ‘I can’t leave St Saviour’s. Who will look after things here?’

      ‘Angela and the nurses and the carers,’ Michelle answered before Angela could speak. ‘We shall take care of things while you’re away, Sister – but you have no choice. If I’m right and it bursts – you could die.’

      Sister Beatrice looked at her. The truth was in her eyes, for she knew it as well as her staff nurse. If the inflamed appendix ruptured she could be in very serious trouble. She turned her head suddenly to be violently sick on the floor. Angela rushed to give her a handkerchief and offered a glass of water, which she accepted, looking sheepish.

      ‘I’m so sorry.’

      ‘Please don’t worry. I will soon clear it up. Michelle, do you think she would be more comfortable in the sick bay?’

      ‘No, I don’t want anyone else to see me this way – the children mustn’t be upset,’ Sister said, a note of authority in her voice. ‘I must get home and rest. I shall be all right in a while …’ Yet even as she spoke, she clutched at her right side again.

      ‘The doctor will be here shortly and you’re not going anywhere but hospital,’ Michelle insisted. ‘Angela, could you go down and ask one of the girls to come up and clear this up? I should like a couple of minutes alone with Sister.’

      ‘Very well; I’ll get a cloth and bucket. No need to let anyone else know about this,’ Angela said and went out.

      She had reached the bottom of the stairs when Dr Kent rushed in, looking anxious. Stopping to explain what had happened, Angela directed him back to her office and then went off again in search of warm water and a mop. By the time she returned to her office, Dr Kent was very much in charge of the situation. He had opened his bag and was giving Sister an injection.

      ‘This is a mild sedative to ease the pain,’ he told her. ‘I’ve rung for an ambulance and it will be here shortly. I shall telephone the hospital and let them know to prepare for an emergency operation. Acute appendicitis is very serious, Sister. You must know what could happen if there should be a rupture – I’m surprised you didn’t seek medical advice before this.’

      ‘I could not neglect my duty. Besides, it suddenly became much worse.’

      ‘Yes, that is what happens if you neglect the warnings. It can come on very suddenly in its severest form.’

      ‘You must see I cannot desert the children …’

      ‘Nonsense! No one is irreplaceable,’ he said firmly and Angela saw Sister’s face twist as if he had added fuel to the flames. ‘Your staff will manage perfectly well until you can take up your place here again – something you won’t do if you’re dead. No more arguments. I believe we may be in time to prevent the worst happening, thanks to the prompt actions of your assistant.’

      Sister nodded but didn’t answer. She was looking at Angela, an unspoken appeal in her eyes.

      ‘We shall manage until you return,’ Angela promised. ‘I will visit as soon as you’re well enough – and you can give me your instructions then.’

      They both knew she did not need Sister’s instructions, but it was all she could think of to comfort her. Although they did not always see eye to eye where the running of the home was concerned, Angela respected Sister Beatrice’s devotion to the children.

      ‘The children will be all right,’ Michelle said as she helped Dr Kent assist Sister to her feet. ‘We’ll take you down in the lift and they won’t see you – and the ambulance will be here soon.’

      ‘Yes …’ Sister had ceased to resist. She was clearly close to collapse and went with them, but at the door, she paused and looked back. ‘The twins – take the greatest care of them, Angela. I’m not sure about this aunt of theirs and someone told me—’ she broke off with another gasp of pain, unable to finish what she’d been about to say.

      ‘Yes, Sister Beatrice. I’ll take care of them,’ Angela promised. ‘Please, don’t worry. We’ll do our best for all the children while you’re away. You must rest and get better soon and come back to us.’

      Sister Beatrice was led away and after Angela had cleaned up the vomit from the floor, she headed to the kitchen knowing that she needed to let everyone know what had happened.


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