The major airports in Turkey are İstanbul Atatürk Airport, İstanbul Sabiha Gökçen Airport, Antalya Airport, İzmir Adnan Menderes Airport and Dalaman Airport in Muğla.
havaalanı ha-va-a-la-nuh
kapı ka-puh
iniş (geliş) ee-neesh
kalkış (gidiş) kal-kuhsh
uçuş oo-choosh
iç hat eech hat
dış hat duhsh hat
danışma da-nuhsh-ma
Where can I print my ticket?
Biletimin çıktısını nereden alabilirim? bee-let-ee-meen chuk-tuh-suh-nuh ne-re-den a-la-bee-lee-reem?
There are rental agencies in all main towns. A cash deposit will be required if you are not paying by credit card. When hiring with a British driving licence, it is valid in Turkey without any age limit or restriction on how long the licence has to have been held.
anahtarlar a-nah-tar-lar
sigorta belgeleri see-gor-ta bel-ge-le-ree
insurance documents
ehliyet eh-lee-yet
driving licence
I want to hire a car
Araba kiralamak istiyorum a-ra-ba kee-ra-la-mak ees-tee-yo-room
with automatic gears
otomatik vitesli o-to-ma-teek vee-tes-lee
for 1 day
bir günlüğüne beer gewn-lew-ew-ne
for 2 days
iki günlüğüne ee-kee gewn-lew-ew-ne
How much is it?
Ne kadar? ne ka-dar?
Is insurance included?
Sigorta dahil mi? see-gor-ta da-heel mee?
Is there a deposit to pay?
Depozit vermek gerekiyor mu? de-po-zeet ver-mek ge-re-kee-yor moo?
Can I pay by credit card?
Kredi kartı ile ödeyebilir miyim? kre-dee kar-tuh ee-le ur-de-ye-bee-leer mee-yeem?
You must carry the following equipment: two warning triangles, first aid kit, tool kit, tow rope and fire extinguisher. Driving at night is not recommended because of the lack of road markings, and the danger of hitting unlit tractors, pedestrians and animals.
Can I park here?
Buraya park edebilir miyim? boo-ra-ya park e-de-bee-leer mee-yeem?
We are driving to…
…gidiyoruz …gee-dee-yo-rooz
How long will it take?
Ne kadar sürer? ne ka-dar sew-rer?
Çok hızlı sürüyorsunuz chok huhz-luh sew-rew-yor-soo-nooz
You are driving too fast
Ehliyetiniz lütfen eh-lee-ye-tee-neez lewt-fen
Your driving licence please
…yok …yok
We have no…
Yağ/Su/Hava lazım ya/soo/ha-va la-zuhm
You need oil/water/air
Where is the nearest petrol station?
En yakın benzin istasyonu nerede? en ya-kuhn ben-zeen ees-tas-yo-noo ne-re-de?
If you have a breakdown on the motorway, go to the nearest service station and ask for help. By law you are required to carry two red breakdown triangles. The Turkish Tourism and Automobile Club (TTOK) provides roadside assistance and breakdown services as well as travel advice. Check your home breakdown insurance policy to see if it covers the whole of Turkey, or only covers some regions.
My car has broken down
Arabam bozuldu a-ra-bam bo-zool-doo
Can you help me?
Yardım edebilir misiniz? yar-duhm e-de-bee-leer mee-see-neez?