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chē-zhànto Shanghai去上海qù shàng-hăiThere is…/ There are…有…yŏu…There isn’t…/ There aren’t any…没有…méi-yŏu…When?什么时候?shén-me shí-hou?At what time…?什么时间…?shén-me shí-jiān…?today今天jīn-tiāntomorrow明天míng-tiānCan I…?我能…吗?wŏ néng … ma?smoke抽烟chōu-yāntaste it尝尝它cháng-chang tāHow does this work?如何使用?rú-hé shĭ-yòng?What does this mean?这是什么意思?zhè-shì shén-me yì-sī?
l’d like to wish you…我祝愿您…wŏ zhù-yuàn nín …
Happy Birthday!生日快乐! shēng-rì kuài-lè!
Happy Anniversary!纪念日快乐! jì-niàn-rì kuài-lè!
Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!shèng-dàn kuài-lè!
Happy New Year!新年快乐!xīn-nián kuài-lè!
Happy Easter!复活节快乐!fù-huó-jié kuài-lè!
Have a good trip!一路顺风!yī-lù-shùn-fēng!

      Chinese family names are placed first, followed by the given name. For instance, in the name ‘Zhao Li,’ ‘Zhao’ is the family name, ‘Li’ the given name. Family names usually consist of one character, whereas given names can have either one or two characters.

      Chinese people call their close friends and family members by their given names.

      For example, ‘Ma Wenli’ may be addressed by close friends as ‘Wenli.’

你叫什么名字?nĭ jiào shén-me míng-zi?What’s your name?
我叫…wŏ jiào…My name is…
你是哪里人?nĭ shì nă-li rén?Where are you from?
我是英国人, 我来自伦敦wŏ shì yīng-guó-rén, wŏ lái zì lún-dūnI am English, from London
很高兴认识你!hĕn gāo-xìng rèn-shi nĭ!Pleased to meet you!
How old are you?你多大了?nĭ duō-dà le?
I’m … years old我 … 岁了wŏ … suì le
England/English英格兰/英格兰的yīng-gé-lán/yīng-gé-lán de
Scotland/Scottish苏格兰/苏格兰的sū-gé-lán/sū-gé-lán de
Wales/Welsh威尔士/威尔士的wēi-ěr-shì/wēi-ěr-shì de
Ireland/Irish爱尔兰/爱尔兰的ài-ěr-lán/ài-ěr-lán de
USA/American美国/美国的měi-guó/měi-guó de
Australia/Australian澳大利亚/澳大利亚的ào-dà-lì-yà/ào-dà-lì-yà de
Where do you live?你住在哪儿?nĭ zhù-zài năr?
Where do you live? (plural)你们住在哪儿?nĭ-men zhù-zài năr?
I live in London我住在伦敦wŏ zhù-zài lún-dūn
We live in Glasgow我们住在格拉斯哥wŏ-men zhù-zài gé- lā-sī-gē
I’m at school我在上学wŏ zài shàng-xué
I work我在工作wŏ zài gōng-zuò
I’m retired我退休了wŏ tuì-xiū le
married结婚了jié-hūn le
divorced离婚了lí-hūn le
I have…我有…wŏ yŏu…
a boyfriend一位男朋友yī-wèi nán-péng-you
a girlfriend一位女朋友yī-wèi nǚ-péng-you
a partner一位伴侣yī-wèi bàn-lǚ
I have…children我有 … 孩子wŏ yŏu … hái-zi
I have no children我没有孩子wŏ méi-yŏu hái-zi
Let me introduce you to my friends让我把你介绍给我的朋友们ràng wǒ bǎ nǐ jiè-shào gěi wǒ de péng-you-men
I’d like you to meet my husband我想让你认识一下我 的丈夫wǒ xiǎng ràng nǐ rèn-shi yī-xià wǒ de zhàng-fu
This is Janet这是珍妮特zhè shì Zhēn-ní-tè
I’m here…我在这里…wŏ zà zhè-lĭ...
on holiday度假dù-jià
on business公务gōng-wù
for the weekend过周末guò zhōu-mò

      In formal situations you should address Chinese people by their family name or full name and the appropriate courtesy title. Unlike English, professional, social, and family titles always follow the name.

Mr Liu刘先生Liú xiān-sheng
Mr Li Nan李楠先生Lǐ Nán xiān-sheng
Mrs Liu刘夫人Liú fū-rén
Miss Liu刘小姐Liú xiǎo-jiě
Ms Liu刘女士Liú nǔ-shì
Dr Ma马医生Mǎ yī-shēng
Professor Xu徐教授Xú jiào-shòu
What do you do?你干什么工作?nĭ gàn shén-me gōng-zuò?
Do you like your job?你喜欢你的工作吗?nĭ xĭ-huan nĭ de gōng-zuò ma?
I’m…我是…wŏ shì…
a doctor一名医生yī míng yī-shēng
a manager一名经理yī míng jīng-lĭ
I work from home我在家里工作wŏ zài jīa-lĭ gōng-zuò
I’m self-employed我是自谋职业者wŏ shì zì-móu-zhí-yè-zhĕ
天气预报tiān-qì yù-bàoweather forecast
多变的气候duō biàn de qì-hòuchangeable weather
It’s sunny天晴tiān-qíng
It’s raining下雨xià-yǔ
It’s snowing下雪xià-xuě
It’s windy刮风guā-fēng
What a lovely day!天气真好!tiān-qì zhēn hăo!
What awful weather!天气真糟糕!tiān-qì zhēn zāo-gāo!
What will the weather be like tomorrow?明天天气会怎么样呢?míng-tiān tiān-qì huì zén-me-yàng ne?
Do you think it’s going to rain?你认为天会下雨吗?nĭ rèn-wéi tiān huì xià-yǔ ma?
It’s very hot/cold today今天很热/冷jīn-tiān hĕn rè/lĕng
Do you think there will be a storm?你认为会刮风暴吗?nĭ rèn-wéi huì guā-fēng-bào ma?
Do you think it will snow?你认为会下雪吗?nĭ rèn-wéi huì xià-xuě ma?
Will it be foggy?会有雾吗?huì yŏu-wù ma?
What is the temperature?气温是多少?qì-wēn
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