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过了寺庙就往左/右拐yī-zhí wăng qián zǒu, guò-le sì-miào jiù wăng zuŏ/yòu guăiKeep straight on, after the temple turn left/right 远吗?yuăn ma?Is it far? 不远, 200米/5分钟bù yuăn, èr-bǎi mĭ/wŭ fēn-zhōngNo, 200 metres/five minutes 谢谢您!xiè-xie nín!Thank you! 不客气bù kè-qìYou’re welcome
We’re lost我们迷路了wŏ-men mí-lù le
We’re looking for…我们正在找…wŏ-men zhèng-zài zhăo…
Is this the right way to…?这是去…的路吗?zhè-shì qù … de-lù ma?
Can I/we walk there?我/我们可以步行去那里吗?wŏ/wŏ-men kĕ-yĭ bù-xíng qù nà-li ma?
How do I/we get…我/我们怎么…wŏ / wŏ-men zĕn-me…
to the museum?去博物馆?qù bó-wù-guăn?
to the shops?去商店qù shāng-diàn?
Can you show me on the map?你能在地图上指给我 看吗?nĭ nĕng zài dì-tú shàng zhĭ gĕi wŏ kàn ma?
在那里 zài nà-lidown there
在后面 zài hòu-miànbehind

      Buses are the most common form of short-distance travel in China. They are also great for inter-city/province travel, as there is a very advanced motorway system in China. Compared to train and plane tickets, bus tickets are cheap. In big cities like Beijing and Shanghai, there are combination travel cards, such as 一卡通 (yī-kǎ-tōng), which can be used to take buses, taxis, and on the metro.

请问, 哪辆公共汽车去市/镇中心?qĭng-wèn, nă liàng gōng-gòng-qì-chē qù shì/zhèn zhōng-xīn?Excuse me, which bus goes to the city/town centre?
15路汽车shí-wŭ-lù-qì-chēNumber 15
公共汽车在哪里?gōng-gòng-qì-chē zài nă-li?Where is the bus stop?
那里, 在右边nà-li, zài yòu-biānThere, on the right
我在哪里可以买车票?wŏ zài nă-li kĕ-yĭ măi chē-piào?Where can I buy the tickets?
在售票处zài shòu-piào-chùAt the ticket office
Is there a bus to...?有公共汽车去 … 吗?yŏu gōng-gòng-qì-chē qù … ma?
Is there a tram to…?有电车去 … 吗?yŏu diàn-chē qù … ma?
Where do I catch the bus to…?我在哪里乘搭去 … 的公共汽车?wŏ zài nă-lĭ chéng-dā qù-de gōng-gòng-qì-chē…?
Where do I catch the tram to…?我在哪里乘搭去 … 的电车?wŏ zài nă-lĭ chéng-dā qù-de diàn-chē…?
We’re going to...我们正去…wŏ-men zhèng qù …
How much is it to go…?去 … 要多少钱?qù … yào duō-shăo qián?
to the city/town centre去市/镇中心qù shì/zhèn zhōng-xīn
to the beach去海滩qù hăi-tān
How often are the buses to…?每隔多长时间就有一班 公共汽车去…?mĕi gé dūo-cháng shí-jiān jiù yŏu yī-bān gōng-gòng-qì-chē qù…?
When is the first/the last bus to…?去 … 的第一班/最后一班公共汽车是什么时间?qù … de dì-yī-bān/zuì-hòu-yī-bān gōng-gòng-qì-chē shì shén-me shí-jiān?
Please tell me when to get off到时候请您告诉我下车dào shí-hòu qĭng nín gào-sù wŏ xià-chē
Please let me off请让我下车qĭng ràng wŏ xià-chē
This is my stop我要在这一站下车wŏ yào zài zhè-yī-zhàn xià-chē
coach旅游巴士lǚ-yóu bā-shì
shuttle bus班车bān-chē
你在这一站下车nĭ zài zhè-yī-zhàn xià-chēThis is your stop
请乘坐地铁, 坐地铁 要快些qĭng chéng-zuò dì-tiĕ, zuò dì-tiĕ yào kuài-xiēTake the metro, it’s quicker

      There are 38 cities in China with underground systems. Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou have the longest underground lines in China. Security is very strict, passengers need to have their bags/suitcases scanned at the entrance. The earliest train is around 5 am, and the latest 11 pm. The fare is calculated by the distance, but considered cheap in general given the size of the cities. In big cities like Beijing and Shanghai, travel cards, such as 一卡通 (yī-kǎ-tōng), can be used.

入口 rù-kŏuentrance
出口 chū-kŏuway out/exit
A 24-hour ticket一张24个小时以内可以使 用的车票yī-zhāng èr-shí-sì gè xiăo-shí yǐ-nèi kĕ-yĭ shĭ-yòng-de chē-piào
A 48-hour ticket一张48个小时以内可以使 用的车票yī-zhāng sì-shí-bā gè xiăo-shí yǐ-nèi kĕ-yĭ shĭ-yòng-de chē-piào
Where is the nearest metro?离这儿最近的地铁站在 哪里?lí zhèr zuì-jìn-de dì-tiĕ-zhàn zài-nă-li?
How does the ticket machine work?如何使用售票机?rú-hé shĭ-yòng shòu-piào-jī?
I’m going to…我正在去…wŏ zhèng-zài qù …
Do you have a map of the metro?你有一张地铁图吗?nĭ yŏu yī-zhāng dì-tiĕ-tú ma?
How do I get to...?我怎么去…?wŏ zĕn-mè qù…?
Do I have to change?我要换车吗?wŏ yào huàn-chē ma?
What is the next stop?下一站是哪一站?xià-yī-zhàn shì nă-yī-zhàn?
Excuse me!请让一让!qĭng ràng-yī-ràng!
This is my stop我要在这一站下车wŏ yào zài zhè-yī-zhàn xià-chē

      Trains are the most common form of long-distance travel in China. There are two ways of buying tickets: on the national website or at ticket offices in streets and stations.

      There are three types of tickets: hard seat, hard bunk and soft bunk. A hard seat ticket is often cheap, about half the price of hard bunk, while a soft bunk ticket is about the same as a plane ticket.

      The system is nationalised, it is called China Railway. In the last ten years, China has built over 20,000km of 250km/h High Speed Railways. There are 8 S-N and 8 E-W routes, the trains are normally called CRH-xxx. The tickets for these trains are more expensive.

站台 zhàn-táiplatform
售票处 shòu-piào-chùticket office
时刻表 shí-kè-biăotimetable
误点 wù-diăndelay (appears on train noticeboards)
行李暂存 xíng-li zàn-cúnleft luggage
电子票 diàn-zǐ piàoe-ticket
电子预订 diàn-zǐ yù-dìnge-reservation
下一趟去 … 的火车是什么时间?xià-yī-tàng qù … de huŏ-chē shì shén-me shí-jiān?When
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