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Regency Society. Ann LethbridgeЧитать онлайн книгу.

Regency Society - Ann Lethbridge

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      His groan took him by surprise, his manhood rising without any help from his mind.

      Lord. Mrs Beatrice-Maude Bassingstoke had a sensuality about her that was elemental. He had not felt it before with his tiredness and his worry, but here with the first slam of awareness he was knocked for six. It lay in her smell and the breath of trust against his chest. It lingered in the hair uncoiled from the tight knot he had felt before finding sleep and which now curtained across him, thick and curly. The line of her breasts too was surprising. The thinness of her waist and of her arms was not mirrored here, her fat abundance of soft womanhood moulded against him, her nipples through thin lawn grazing his own with a surprising result.

      God. His erection had grown again, filling the space of his trousers with warmth and promise. God, he muttered once more as she moved in sleep, this time all but crawling on top of him in her quest for warmth. His sex nudged at her thighs and he did not stop it, the very sensation tightly bound up in the forbiddenness of the situation.

      A quandary he had no former experience of. A stranger who seduced him even in her sleep, the smell of her wafting beneath his nose. Flowers and woman.

      And trust. A powerful aphrodisiac in a man who had forgotten the emotion, forgotten the very promise of intimate closeness!

      He opened his eyes as widely as he could, trying to catch in them a reflection of light. Any light. But the darkness was complete, the snow and wind blocking moonbeams with the time, by his reckoning, being not much past the hour of two.

      The witching hour. The hour he usually prowled the confines of his house away from the stares of others, darkness overcoming disability and all of the lights turned down.

      Here, however, he did not wish to rise. Here he wanted to stay still, and just feel. The incline of her chest, the tremor in her hands as if a dream might have crept into her slumber, the feel of her hair wound around his fingers, clamping him to her.


      This thin and sensible lass, with her twenty-eight years and her widowhood.

      Was it recent? Had her husband just died, the ring she wore a reminder of all the happy years she now would never enjoy? Were there children? Did she rule a domain of offspring and servants with her sense and sensibility? A woman at the centre of her world and with no need for any other? Certainly not for a man with fading sight and the quickening promise of complete blindness!

      His arousal flagged slightly, but regained ground when her fingers clamped on his own, anchoring her to him. A ship in a storm, and any port welcomed.

      He could not care. The rush of desire and need was unlike any he had ever experienced. He needed to take her, to possess her, to feel the softness of her flesh as he pushed inside to be lost in warmth.

      He rocked slightly, guilt buried beneath want. And then he rocked again.

       Chapter Three

      She felt the bud of excitement, the near promise of something she had never known. Breathing in, she whispered a name.


      His name.

      The answering curse pulled her fully awake, his face close, the darkness of it lightened by the line of his teeth as he spoke.

      ‘Beatrice-Maude? Is there a name that you are called other than that? It is long, after all, and I thought—’

      ‘Bea.’ She broke into his words with a whisper. ‘My mother always called me Bea.’

      ‘Bea,’ he repeated, turning the name over on his tongue and she felt his breath against her face as he said it. So close, so very close. He held his hand across her waist when she tried to pull back.

      ‘Bea as in Bea-witching?’

      His fingers trailed down her cheek, warm and real.

      ‘Or Bea as in Bea-utiful?’

      She tensed, waiting for his laugh, but it did not come.

      ‘Hardly that, sir.’ She felt the heavy thrump of her heartbeat in her throat. Was he jesting with her? Was he a man who lied in order to receive what he wanted, who thought such untruthful inanities the desperate fodder expected by very plain women? She tried to turn from him to find a distance, the sheer necessity of emotional survival paramount.

      ‘What is it? What is wrong?’ A thread of some uncertainty in his voice was the only thing that held her in place. If she had heard condescension or falsity she would have stood, denying his suggestion of more, even knowing that she might never in her whole life be offered anything as remotely tempting.


      ‘I should rather honesty, sir.’

      ‘Sir?’ The word ended in a laugh. ‘Surely “sir” is too formal for the position we now find ourselves in?’ He did not take back his compliments and another bark of laughter left her dazed.

      ‘Are you a celibate widow, Mrs Beatrice-Maude Bassingstoke?’

      She started to nod and then changed her mind, not sure of exactly what he alluded to.

      ‘Then I suppose there is another question I must ask of you. Are you a woman who would say nay to the chance of sharing more than just warmth together here in the midst of a storm?’

      His voice was silken smooth, a tone in it that she could not quite fathom.

      Her brows knitted together. ‘I don’t understand.’

      He pushed inwards and the hardness of his sex made everything crystal clear.

      A dalliance. A tryst. One stolen and forbidden night. For twelve years she had wondered what it would be like to lie with a man who was not greedy or selfish. A man who might consider her needs as well as his own. Always lovemaking had hurt her; he had hurt her when she had tried to take her pleasure in the act. Frankwell Bassingstoke and his angry punitive hands.

      What would Taris Wellingham’s touch be like, his slender fingers finding places she had only ever dreamed about?

      Lord, but to dare to take the chance of one offered providence and the end of it come morning.

      No strings attached, no empty unfilled promises to lie awake and worry over come the weeks and months that followed. Only these hours, the darkness sheltering anything she did not wish him to see. And then an ending.

      Twenty-eight and finally free. The heady promise of it was as exhilarating as it was unexpected.

      ‘You mean this for just one night only?’

      She needed to understand the parameters of such a request, for if he said he wanted more she would know that he lied and know also that she should not want it.


      Freedom. Impunity. Self-government and her own reign.

      Words that had been the antithesis of all she had been for the past twelve years and words that she vowed would shape her life for all of those still to come.

      Her husband’s face hovered above her, his heavy frown and sanctimonious nature everything that she had hated. At sixteen she had not been old enough to recognise the faults and flaws of a man who would become her husband, but at twenty-eight she certainly did.

      He had been a bully, an oppressive domineering tyrant and with his bent for religious righteousness she had never quite been able to counter any of it.

      She shook her head hard. Nay, all that was over. Now she would do only as she wanted so long as it did not harm any other.

      ‘Are you married?’

      Her question was blurted out. If he said that he was, she would not touch him.


      Permission granted. Placing her hand flat on his chest,

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