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Regency Society. Ann LethbridgeЧитать онлайн книгу.

Regency Society - Ann Lethbridge

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own. I believe you stayed there for a short time before I moved in?’

      ‘The charming house in Hampstead? Yes, I stayed in your guestroom for a short time. Luke told me your story recently,’ Roxanne said with a smile. ‘Your father and your husband’s family rejected you because they did not approve of the marriage. It was unkind of them to leave you to fend for yourself with a young child to bring up alone. I am glad Luke helped you and I want you to visit with us whenever you choose.’

      ‘Luke is fortunate in his choice of a bride,’ Beth said and kissed her. ‘Many would have believed the whispers and thought me his mistress—though it has never been so, nor could it be. We both loved Harry and felt only friendship for each other.’

      ‘Luke is an honourable man and those who think otherwise malign him,’ Roxanne said. ‘Now that you are here for our wedding people will see that they were mistaken. Luke ought to have told Grandfather the truth before, but his stubborn pride would not let him defend his honour. It made him angry because the earl believed the tittle-tattle that you were his mistress.’

      ‘You are all so kind. I was not sure I should be welcomed by the earl, who was a close friend of my father-in-law, but I have been invited to bring my son and stay whenever I wish. The earl is so generous, Roxanne. I am not surprised you are so fond of him.’

      ‘Grandfather has made me welcome here from the beginning,’ Roxanne said and went to his side, taking his hand. ‘Shall we leave? I should not wish to keep Luke waiting.’

      Luke turned his head as the organ began to play. Roxanne had just entered the church, standing at the far end of the nave with his grandfather, Beth and some young girls as her bridesmaids. She was so beautiful. His heart caught with pride as she walked towards him. As she reached his side, he offered his hand and she took it. He smiled and whispered, ‘You look lovely, my dearest one.’

      ‘Thank you.’

      Her hand trembled slightly and he pressed it as the ceremony began.

      ‘Dearly beloved. We are gathered together to see this man and this woman joined in Holy matrimony…’

      The words droned on and Luke gave his responses in a firm strong tone. Roxanne’s voice was clear and light, carrying to the rear of the church. Luke reached out to lift the white veiling that fell from her satin bonnet and leaned forwards to kiss her softly on the lips.

      They advanced towards the high altar to be blessed and then to the vestry where they both signed their names. Then the bells rang out joyously and they were walking into the sunshine. A small crowd awaited their coming and rushed forwards to shower them with flower petals and rice.

      After receiving good wishes and small tributes from the villagers, Luke took his bride’s hand and hurried her to the carriage drawn up in the lane. He helped her inside, waiting until the door was closed fast before drawing her into his arms to kiss her.

      ‘My sweet love,’ he murmured huskily. ‘I was afraid this day might never happen, but it has and I am the happiest of men.’

      ‘Thank you for my surprise gifts,’ Roxanne said and touched the magnificent earrings she wore. ‘You have given me so much…’

      Luke smiled, touching her cheek with his fingertips. ‘The earrings are just one of many gifts I intend to make you, my darling. I have others for this evening when we are alone—and in Paris I shall buy you all the clothes and trinkets you could desire.’

      ‘You are intent on spoiling me,’ Roxanne said and leaned closer to kiss him. ‘I love the gifts you’ve given me, Luke—but it is your love I prize more than any jewel.’

      ‘My love is yours for ever,’ he murmured huskily. ‘I shall show you later how prized you are, Roxanne.’

      ‘This is the happiest day of my life.’

      She reached up and kissed him.

      ‘My beloved.’ Luke drew her close as passion surged between them. ‘How fortunate I feel.’

      The large reception hall was overflowing with guests. They spilled over into the parlours and out on to the terraces in the sunshine, the sound of laughter and chattering voices resounding throughout the house.

      The bride and groom stood together to welcome all their guests. It was a glittering occasion, for friends and relatives had come from all parts of the country to stay and witness the wedding.

      ‘I never thought I should see this day,’ the earl said to Roxanne when she brought him a slice of rich fruity wedding cake with thick white icing. ‘I don’t know when I’ve ever seen Luke look this happy, girl. I never expected to see him head over heels in love, but there’s no doubt of it. It’s a transformation and one that gives me a deal of pleasure.’

      ‘We are both very fortunate,’ Roxanne said and took his hand, holding it to her cheek. ‘I owe this to you, Grandfather. Luke told me what you said to him—the way you made him realise that he was in danger of losing everything he truly wanted.’

      ‘I told him the truth about things he should have known long ago,’ the earl said, shaking his head. ‘If it made the difference, I’m glad.’

      Music had begun to play. Luke came to Roxanne and took her hand, leading her out to the middle of the floor. They danced together, a slow stately performance, then suddenly the music changed and he swept her into his arms as they waltzed.

      ‘I want to take you somewhere quiet and make love to you,’ he whispered against her ear. ‘How much longer must I wait?’

      ‘Luke…’ Roxanne drew back, her mouth soft and seductive as she smiled. ‘Be patient, beloved. We shall be together very soon now—and we have the rest of our lives to make love.’

      ‘Hardly enough,’ he murmured throatily. ‘I want you for ever. Eternity is not long enough for all the things I want to tell you.’

      It was as if Luke had suddenly discovered a well of emotions and feelings that he’d never known existed and they spilled over, engulfing her in a tide of love and desire.

      ‘Well, I shall go up and change very soon,’ Roxanne told him. ‘You could follow me if you wish and…’ She left the words unsaid, but her eyes told him all he wished to know.

      Roxanne slipped out of her wedding gown and put on a soft silk wrap. She took the brush in her right hand and began to stroke it over her hair, letting the dark red tresses fall over her shoulders and down her back.

      ‘Come back when I send for you, Tilly,’ she said. ‘I want to rest for a little while before I change for this evening.’

      ‘Yes, miss—I mean, my lady.’ The girl blushed and bobbed a curtsy. ‘Ring when you need me.’

      Roxanne nodded and smiled. She was dabbing a little light perfume at her wrists when the door opened and Luke entered. She stood up and moved towards him, a smile of invitation on her lips.

      ‘I told Tilly I wished to rest before I change for the evening,’ she said huskily. ‘I am not tired, but the sheets have been turned back. Shall we rest for a while together?’

      Luke moved in closer and reached for her, his arms sliding about her waist. ‘Those of the guests who are staying have gone up to change for the evening and the others are departing. I do not think we shall be missed for an hour or so, dearest.’

      ‘Luke…’ Roxanne lifted her face for his kiss, melting against him as his lips took possession of hers. ‘I love you so very much.’

      Then she was in his arms, responding to his kiss, and the next instant he was carrying her to the bed, placing her carefully amongst scented sheets.

      Going to him without reserve, Roxanne shuddered with delight as his hands stroked up the arch of her back. Luke reached for her wrap, slipping it back off her shoulders to kiss her soft skin. The touch of his warm mouth on her breasts and then the inside of her thighs made her whimper with pleasure and she trembled,

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