The Best Of The Year - Modern Romance 2016. Кейт ХьюитЧитать онлайн книгу.
So that I have something to do on the flight over.’
Theo smiled slowly at her and wondered whether her definition of kicking back might involve having some fun on a long-haul flight...
He’d done that once—a long time ago—and had since come to the conclusion that planes were inappropriate when it came to certain activities for a man as big as he was.
Although private planes certainly redefined the options...
His thoughts veered off and he held her gaze steadily. ‘Books...?’ he murmured. ‘Let me guess... Non-fiction for the serious reader?’
‘Wrong,’ Alexa told him triumphantly. ‘Romance and crime! Holiday reading...’
‘So you’re thinking of this as a holiday?’ He was quick to pick up her stray remark, although he didn’t add to that as their champagne was gathered up by a flight attendant and then, mere seconds later, the plane began its ascent. ‘Excellent,’ he continued heartily, once they were airborne. ‘Big improvement on your lack of enthusiasm! A holiday spirit is just the thing.’
It wouldn’t last, but he enjoyed watching the way she blushed at the slightest provocation.
He was almost tempted to swing the conversation back to her mission to read books so that he could ask her whether she had ever done anything more adventurous on a plane...with a man...
She might explode with embarrassment.
‘I won’t be working.’ Alexa rushed into hasty explanation. ‘So while I wouldn’t call it a holiday in the strict sense of the word...’
‘Too much detail, Alexa. Let’s stick to the holiday spirit theme. But before you dive into one of your books...’ Theo sighed and allowed a telling silence to gather momentum until she chewed her lip with sudden anxiety.
‘There’s been a slight change of plan...’
Sudden scenarios flashed through Alexa’s head in Technicolor glory. Change of plan? But they were still en route to New York...
But what if New York for a few days was going to expand into other cities across the globe for an indefinite period of time?
What if her one small suitcase with a few essentials ended up being five large trunks to cater for a change of plan...?
What if he was going to surprise her with an impromptu wedding so that the baying nosy press could be satisfied?
What if...? What if...? What if...?
The single certainty she had was that she knew she wasn’t going to like his change of plan.
He was looking at her with the expression of someone who truly regretted having to say what they were about to say—except Theo De Angelis was immune to any feelings of true regret about anything. Of that she was very sure.
‘The hotel we were booked into...’
Alexa exhaled a sigh of silent relief, because hotels could always be changed at the last minute—especially when money was no object. And maybe there wouldn’t be a penthouse suite available. In which case they would end up sleeping in separate rooms on separate floors. Fingers crossed...
‘Don’t worry about it,’ she told him kindly. ‘It’s a great hotel, but there are loads of other hotels in Manhattan if for some reason they’ve double-booked the suite...’
‘Double-booked the suite?’ Theo laughed shortly. ‘Colin Clark wouldn’t dare do anything of the sort. I’m a frequent enough guest for him to know which side his bread is buttered. Not only have I used that suite on a number of occasions, I have frequently rented it for members of my staff and have held several conferences at the hotel. No... I’m a valued and cherished customer—as I’ve been told in the past. And as a valued and cherished customer, I know that suite will always be available for my use.’
‘Then what’s the change of plan?’
‘Brace yourself...’
They were briefly interrupted by yet more drinks, and a menu which Alexa didn’t even look at.
‘My brother is going to be in that part of the world...’
‘Your brother? Daniel?’
‘Special detour before he buys his toy,’ Theo informed her drily. ‘So that he can meet the radiant bride-to-be...’
‘But he knows that— Well, there won’t be any need for us to pretend around him, will there?’
Alexa had banked on exploring the art galleries on her own during the day and getting through the evenings as best she could. The pressure to be loved-up would not be nearly so intense as it had been at home, because who in New York really cared?
With Theo’s brother on the scene she would have to resign herself to a little more than mere polite conversation with people she had no intention of ever seeing again. But no matter. In truth, she was curious about his brother—curious to see whether it really was possible for two alpha males to be brothers...
She shrugged and rested back, half closing her eyes. Strangely, she could still see Theo’s lean, dynamic face, even though her eyes were closed.
His image was imprinted on her retina with the force of a branding iron. No good fighting it. Sooner or later, once she became accustomed to the inconvenience of fancying the man, indifference would begin to trickle in, and before she knew it she would be able to look at him without a flicker of emotion. He would be just someone she’d happened to share space with for a short period of time—much to her mother’s joy and delight.
‘Will he be working with you?’
‘Oh, no...’ Theo drawled. ‘My brother is as successful as I am, but his area of expertise is not mine.’
Alexa turned and looked at him. ‘You mean you wouldn’t think about buying a cruise ship as a toy?’
Theo grinned. ‘I’m more of a financial guy,’ he said. ‘I enjoy numbers. Daniel likes the leisure side of things. If he weren’t such a successful businessman in the leisure industry there’s a strong possibility he would be a beach bum somewhere hot.’
Alexa heard the warmth in Theo’s voice and realised that he was in exactly the same position as she was. A devoted child from a close-knit family, willing to make a ridiculously huge sacrifice for the sake of a parent or, in her case, parents.
It had been so much easier to pigeonhole him as a one-dimensional cardboard cut-out, and she was shaken at the tangent her thoughts had taken.
‘So he’ll be there? No big deal.’ She closed her eyes once more and tried to block out the silent fizz of electricity radiating from his body.
‘Indeed. He will be staying for a matter of just one night, but not, it would only be fair to tell you, at the hotel...’
‘That’s a shame.’ Alexa couldn’t stop herself from being just a tiny bit sarcastic. ‘You’d think that as you’re a valued and cherished customer, they would be able to rustle up a room for your brother.’
‘Oh, I’m sure they would—if I asked...’
Eyes still closed, Alexa allowed herself a smug little smile. ‘But you’d rather he stayed somewhere else? I guess, however close you might be to a sibling, there’s still always a part of you that doesn’t want them in your pocket...’
‘Not really where I was going with this conversation,’ Theo murmured. ‘And, before we get lost in a series of misunderstandings, you should know that Daniel will be staying exactly where we will be staying. It just isn’t going to be at the hotel, as originally planned...’
Alexa’s eyes flew open and she sat up and looked at him. ‘Okay... So...?’
‘So we’ll be going to The Hamptons instead,’ Theo told her bluntly. ‘Bob, a