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The Best Of The Year - Modern Romance 2016. Кейт ХьюитЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Best Of The Year - Modern Romance 2016 - Кейт Хьюит

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waved his hand in a soothing manner and she only just resisted slapping it away.

      Her thoughts were swirling all over the place. None of them were comfortable or pleasant. What was going to happen to her time out, browsing the art galleries, if she was closeted in a house out in The Hamptons? What was going to happen to the peace and quiet she knew she would need just to deal with the wretched man every evening?

      She felt physically sick at the unfolding and newly altered scenario.

      ‘Got the call last night. Arrangements were sprung on me. What can a guy do?’

      ‘A guy could have picked up the telephone and called to let me know of the change of plan!’ Alexa snapped.

      ‘And risk you bailing on me? No chance. It would have looked very suspect indeed if my beloved fiancée couldn’t be bothered to meet her potential brother-in-law, her fiancé’s best friend and three top clients who will all be adjusting their schedules for flying visits to the Hamptons to sort out the deal I’m going across to nail...’

      ‘You’ve told all of them that we’re engaged...?’

      ‘It would have been peculiar to keep such momentous news to myself—and besides, who knows how far the news has already travelled? You would be surprised how small a world it is, with the internet and Facebook. It would have been downright discourteous for news of my engagement to reach their ears via a third party.’

      ‘I don’t have Facebook,’ Alexa muttered, feeling well and truly trapped.

      ‘Nor do I. But you can bet that we’re in a minority... Bob’s wife, Felicity, almost certainly is on Facebook—to keep in touch with their daughter in Australia.’

      ‘What am I going to do with myself all day for days on end in a house with people I’ve never met in my life before?’ Alexa was on the verge of undignified sobbing. ‘It’s just not fair that you couldn’t even be bothered to tell me until we were in the air...’

      ‘It will be fine,’ Theo said. ‘Although you might have to adjust your wardrobe a little bit...’


      ‘Those smart outfits might not be appropriate for a house visit.’

      ‘I just can’t believe you’ve done this to me.’

      ‘Let’s move on from that. It will be hot in The Hamptons. Outdoor eating is probably going to be the order of the day. Formal long dresses won’t work. There’s also a swimming pool, and I’m guessing that you didn’t pack any swimwear...’

      In actual fact Alexa had packed a bikini. There was a rooftop pool at the hotel, and she had intended to make use of it during the day when she wasn’t out and about busying herself. She hadn’t banked on parading in it in front of Theo, and she certainly, even in her wildest nightmares, hadn’t envisaged staying at a private house, where she would be expected to hang around a pool with the rest of the guests in nothing but a sheer sarong and the bikini.

      ‘Before we head to Bob’s place we can fit in a whirlwind shop in Manhattan...’


      ‘I can’t say that shopping with a woman is something I ever do, but I’m willing to make an exception...’

      ‘That’s very considerate of you, Theo, but I’ll manage just fine with what I’ve brought with me.’

      Thank heavens for the two big books. She anticipated doing a lot of reading. Although she wouldn’t be able to hide away—not when there would be other people around whose mission it was to entertain the newly engaged couple.

      ‘I think I’m going to get some sleep now.’ She pointedly turned away and nestled herself into a suitably dormant position, although her mind was still all over the place.

      She didn’t want to think about it. What was the point?

      ‘Don’t wake me for food,’ she muttered, turning her head, and Theo, who had already extracted his laptop from his case, grinned at her.

      ‘Are you sulking?’

      ‘I don’t like plane food.’

      ‘It will be far more relaxing at a house...away from the noise and chaos of the city...’

      Alexa didn’t bother to answer, because she just knew that he was having a laugh at her expense. Instead she snatched the airline blanket and covered herself as much as she could without ducking under it completely.

      Relaxing? How much ‘relaxing’ did a mouse do in a lion’s den?

      But she was far more tired than she had thought. She had had a sleepless night... The low thrum of the plane’s engine, the dimming of the cabin lights...

      She fell asleep for the duration of the seven-hour flight and was pleasantly surprised to be shaken awake when the sign flashed on for seat belts to be fastened.

      Her mouth was dry, her hair had rebelled against its restraining braid and was a tousled mess, and she knew that her skin would look as rumpled as the rest of her did.

      Too bad.

      ‘Somehow,’ Theo greeted her as she struggled into an upright position and stifled a yawn, ‘we got lost in conversation about our change of plan and I forgot to give you my little present...’

      The man looked unfairly bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Had he worked solidly for the entire flight? Alexa hoped that she hadn’t flopped against him accidentally, or snored or dribbled, and she hastily undid her plait and sifted her fingers through her hair in an attempt to get it looking a little less like a bird’s nest.

      ‘I’m not sure I can deal with any more surprises,’ she told him truthfully.

      Her nostrils flared as she breathed in his woody aftershave, and when she glanced down she was momentarily mesmerised by the dark sprinkling of hair on his forearm. She could see the strength of muscle and sinew when he flexed his fingers, and she wondered...

      Appalled, she tore her eyes away to find him holding a box out to her. He flipped open the lid and there, nestled in a bed of dark blue velvet, was an engagement ring. Not the engagement ring, which was currently being altered, but a smaller version.

      Alexa had privately thought the original one was a bit on the gaudy side, but she loved the tiny diamond twinkling up at her from this one.

      He didn’t give her time to protest. Instead he simply stuck the ring on her finger and then looked at it with satisfaction. ‘That will do,’ he said, holding her finger between his and examining it.

      ‘What on earth is this for?’

      ‘Something to wear until the one you chose at the jeweller’s is returned.’

      ‘Why do I have to wear something in the meanwhile?’ She furtively looked at her finger. It was weird, but this much smaller, less conspicuous ring actually made her feel more engaged.

      ‘Humour me. I’m a traditionalist. I like the world knowing that you’re my woman...’

      Their eyes tangled and he smiled slowly.

      Laughing at her again! Yet Alexa couldn’t halt the liquid heat pooling between her legs or the tight pinch of her nipples scraping against her lacy bra. She couldn’t ignore the effect that low, husky, amused voice had on her weak, weak body.

      Her breath caught in her throat and she turned away quickly, hoping that those shrewd, knowing eyes wouldn’t gauge her spontaneous reaction.

      Thankfully, the plane was descending. She would focus on that, and on checking her bag—which she hadn’t opened at all, so there was absolutely no point in making sure that everything was correct and present. But it was a distraction.

      They weren’t going to be driven to the Hamptons. Instead they would be whooshed there by helicopter, because Bob had extensive gardens—big enough for several

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