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Her Montana Cowboy. Jeannie WattЧитать онлайн книгу.

Her Montana Cowboy - Jeannie Watt

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it in Neutral,” he said, “and let me do the rest.”

      “Why even start it?”

      “So that the steering wheel works.”

      From the way her jaw muscles tightened, Gus deduced that she was starting to hate him a little.

      “I knew that.” She abruptly turned and headed toward the car, mincing her way across the lumpy half-frozen mud next to the door.

      Gus climbed into the cab and, once Lillie Jean was situated behind the wheel, he gently eased the tractor back until the chain was taut. He continued inching backward until the car jerked, then moved forward. Lillie Jean kept the wheels straight until finally the car was free, and he swore he could see her biting her full bottom lip as she concentrated, even though they were separated by twenty feet and two windshields. Once he was certain Lillie Jean wasn’t going to throw the car in gear or anything unexpected, he moved the tractor forward so that the chain sagged.

      “There are no more puddles between here and the ranch house, so you should be okay,” he said as he unhooked the chain. “You should be equally okay when you leave, which will be in short order, right?”

      Lillie Jean propped a hand on her hip and stuck her chin out. “Enough, okay?”

      He stowed the chain back in the cab of the tractor and then turned to her. “Enough what?”

      “Enough passive-aggressive crap. And enough insinuating that I’m not who I say I am, and that I’m here to try to take advantage of your uncle. I’m not.”

      “I have no way of knowing that.”

      “And you have nothing to do with this situation. It’s between me and Thaddeus.”

      “Thaddeus is getting up there in years. I’m his nephew, his ranch manager and half owner of his bar.”


      He gave her a small, not particularly friendly smile. “Meaning that, until Thad tells me otherwise, it’ll be you and Thaddeus and me.”


      LILLIE JEAN WAS HOT, in the angry sense, and maybe she had reason. Gus rubbed his forehead, then dropped his hand back to his side. Her eyes were pretty much spitting blue fire, but there was something else there besides outrage. Hurt, maybe? She gave the impression of being a woman who expected to be trusted. A woman not accustomed to having her honesty questioned. She was either truly insulted, or she was a very good actress—as an effective scam artist would be.

      He needed more information.

      He met her angry gaze and said, “Try to see my side of things. You show up out of nowhere, claim to be related to a man I didn’t know existed and twist my uncle into a knot.”

      “I twisted nothing. Not your uncle. Not the truth.”

      “Sometimes,” he said, fully aware that he was about to insult her again, “people have been known to do deep research and pretend to be people they are not, for personal gain.”

      Anger shifted to ice. “I’m not one of them and you have a lot of nerve insinuating that I am.”

      “Lillie Jean.” Her name felt odd on his tongue, as if saying it somehow made their relationship more intimate, which was nuts. “Until we have all this ironed out, I’m going to have my suspicions. I’d be stupid not to.”

      She pushed her hands deep into her coat pockets and shivered. These were not temperatures she was used to. Her cheeks and the tip of her nose were red, while the rest of her face was pale, making the blue-green color of her eyes more intense. She wore no makeup and a smattering of light freckles showed over her nose. Maybe that was part of her act. The sweet down-home girl without artifice.

      Or maybe it wasn’t an act at all.

      The one thing he was certain of was that, whether she was legit or not, she’d thrown a monkey wrench into his plans.

      He jerked his head in the direction of the ranch. “Let’s get back to where it’s warmer.”

      “Yes. Let’s.” There was a faint note of sarcasm in her voice, and maybe he couldn’t blame her, if she was legit.

      Big if.

      Gigantic if.

      He got into the tractor and waited until she pulled past him in the giant boat of a car with the Texas plates. Was it really her grandfather’s car? A prop? His head was starting to ache.

      Life had been so freaking simple only twenty-four hours ago, when he’d thought he was beginning a new chapter in his life. One he’d planned for so carefully. Those plans had not included Lillie Jean Hardaway.

      If that was her real name.

      * * *

      THAD LOOKED GRIM when Gus followed Lillie Jean into the house after the car rescue. She excused herself and headed down the hall, an overjoyed Henry prancing close behind her. Thad waited until they heard the door shut before saying, “I called Lyle’s accountant—the one Betts sends the checks to and she gave me the lawyer’s name. The lawyer’s assistant is calling me back within the hour.” Thad looked past Gus toward the hall where Lillie Jean had disappeared. “I need more time.”

      “When he calls, maybe you can nail down the reason they didn’t contact you the minute the will surfaced?”

      The bedroom door opened again and he and Thad exchanged looks.

      “I think she should stay here until we know more.” Thad shifted his weight in the chair. “If she’s who she says she is, we need to talk. If she’s not, we need to know. I want all the facts before we make any kind of decision.”

      “I agree.” The door closed, and footsteps sounded on the old wooden floorboards. “In fact, I have some work to do.”

      “Guess you could use some company,” Thad murmured in a low voice as Henry danced into the kitchen without his reindeer sweater. “Maybe show our guest some country.”

      “Uh-huh.” There were heavy cows to check, a hole in the fence line between the H/H and Carson Craig’s ranch, which the King of Montana demanded be fixed, even though it was a joint boundary and they were both responsible for upkeep and repair. As near as he could tell, Carson’s idea of joint maintenance was for him to order Thad to fix the damned fence. Now.

      An uncomfortable silence settled over the room as Lillie Jean entered, and then Thad said to Gus in an overly casual voice, “You better get going before Craig has kittens.”

      Gus gave a nod and glanced over at Lillie Jean. “You want to ride along?”

      Instant suspicion. “Where?”

      “I have to fix a hole in the fence. You’ve come this far, you may as well see some of the ranch before it snows.”

      “Snow?” She looked shocked.

      “Supposed to have snow tomorrow.”

      She glanced over at Thad who nodded. “But the forecast changes hourly. May not be any snow at all. But if you want to go, I’ll babysit your little dog,” he said in a reassuring tone. “And when you get back we’ll have a sit-down.”

      “Or the dog can come with us,” Gus said. Dumb sweater and all.

      Lillie Jean’s jaw shifted sideways, as if she was well aware that she was being played. “All right. Yes. I’d like to see some of the property.” She glanced down at her dog, who was giving her a beseeching “don’t abandon me” stare. “I’ll leave Henry here where it’s warm.”

      “I’ll enjoy the company,” Thad said, making Gus wonder if maybe his uncle needed a dog of his own.

      Henry didn’t look all that pleased with the

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