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Security Engineering. Ross AndersonЧитать онлайн книгу.

Security Engineering - Ross  Anderson

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IFF altogether, rather than taking the risk that one bomber pilot in a formation of hundreds would ignore orders and leave his IFF switched on while over enemy territory.

      As well as monitoring systems, control systems often need to be hardened against message-manipulation attacks. The Intelsat satellites used for international telephone and data traffic have mechanisms to prevent a command being accepted twice – otherwise an attacker could replay control traffic and repeatedly order the same maneuver to be carried out until the satellite ran out of fuel [1529]. We will see lots of examples of protocol attacks involving message manipulation in later chapters on specific applications.

      A common cause of protocol failure is that the environment changes, so that the design assumptions no longer hold and the security protocols cannot cope with the new threats.

      A nice example comes from the world of cash machine fraud. In 1993, Holland suffered an epidemic of ‘phantom withdrawals’; there was much controversy in the press, with the banks claiming that their systems were secure while many people wrote in to the papers claiming to have been cheated. Eventually the banks noticed that many of the victims had used their bank cards at a certain filling station near Utrecht. This was staked out and one of the staff was arrested. It turned out that he had tapped the line from the card reader to the PC that controlled it; his tap recorded the magnetic stripe details from their cards while he used his eyeballs to capture their PINs [55]. Exactly the same fraud happened in the UK after the move to ‘chip and PIN’ smartcards in the mid-2000s; a gang wiretapped perhaps 200 filling stations, collected card data from the wire, observed the PINs using CCTV cameras, then made up thousands of magnetic-strip clone cards that were used in countries whose ATMs still used magnetic strip technology. At our local filling station, over 200 customers suddenly found that their cards had been used in ATMs in Thailand.

      Why had the system been designed so badly, and why did the design error persist for over a decade through a major technology change? Well, when the standards for managing magnetic stripe cards and PINs were developed in the early 1980's by organizations such as IBM and VISA, the engineers had made two assumptions. The first was that the contents of the magnetic strip – the card number, version number and expiration date – were not secret, while the PIN was [1303]. (The analogy used was that the magnetic strip was your name and the PIN your password.) The second assumption was that bank card equipment would only be operated in trustworthy environments, such as in a physically robust automatic teller machine, or by a bank clerk at a teller station. So it was ‘clearly’ only necessary to encrypt the PIN, on its way from the PIN pad to the server; the magnetic strip data could be sent in clear from the card reader.

      Both of these assumptions had changed by 1993. An epidemic of card forgery, mostly in the Far East in the late 1980's, drove banks to introduce authentication codes on the magnetic strips. Also, the commercial success of the bank card industry led banks in many countries to extend the use of debit cards from ATMs to terminals in all manner of shops. The combination of these two environmental changes destroyed the assumptions behind the original system architecture. Instead of putting a card whose magnetic strip contained no security data into a trusted machine, people were putting a card with clear security data into an untrusted machine. These changes had come about so gradually, and over such a long period, that the industry didn't see the problem coming.

      Governments keen to push ID cards have tried to get them used for many other transactions; some want a single card to be used for ID, banking and even transport ticketing. Singapore went so far as to experiment with a bank card that doubled as military ID. This introduced some interesting new risks: if a Navy captain tries to withdraw some cash from an ATM after a good dinner and forgets his PIN, will he be unable to take his ship to sea until Monday morning when they open the bank and give him his card back?

      Some firms are pushing multifunction authentication devices that could be used in a wide range of transactions to save you having to carry around dozens of different cards and keys. A more realistic view of the future may be that people's phones will be used for most private-sector authentication functions.

Schematic illustration of the Mafia-in-the-middle attack.

      In the 1990s a vulnerability of this kind found its way into international standards: the standards for digital signature and authentication could be run back-to-back in this way. It has since been shown that many protocols, though secure in themselves, can be broken if their users can be inveigled into reusing the same keys in other applications [1034]. This is why, if we're going to use our phones to authenticate everything, it will be really important to keep the banking apps and the porn apps separate. That will be the subject in Chapter 6 on Access Control.

      In general, using crypto keys (or other authentication mechanisms) in more than one application is dangerous, while letting other people bootstrap their own application security off yours can be downright foolish. The classic case is where a bank relies for two-factor

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