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Security Engineering. Ross AndersonЧитать онлайн книгу.

Security Engineering - Ross  Anderson

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to customers as authentication codes. As I discussed in section 3.4.1, the bad guys have learned to attack that system by SIM-swap fraud – pretending to the phone company that they're the target, claiming to have lost their phone, and getting a replacement SIM card.

      The examples of security protocols that we've discussed so far are mostly about authenticating a principal's name, or application data such as the impulses driving a taximeter. There is one further class of authentication protocols that is very important – the protocols used to manage cryptographic keys.

      In the Internet of Things, keys can sometimes be managed directly and physically, by local setup and a policy of trust-on-first-use or TOFU.

      Vehicles provided an early example. I mentioned above that crooked taxi drivers used to put interruptors in the cable from their car's gearbox sensor to the taximeter, to add additional mileage. The same problem happened in reverse with tachographs, the devices used by trucks to monitor drivers' hours and speed. When tachographs went digital in the late 1990s, we decided to encrypt the pulse train from the sensor. But how could keys be managed? The solution was that whenever a new tachograph is powered up after a factory reset, it trusts the first crypto key it receives over the sensor cable. I'll discuss this further in section 14.3.

      A second example is Homeplug AV, the standard used to encrypt data communications over domestic power lines, and widely used in LAN extenders. In the default, ‘just-works’ mode, a new Homeplug device trusts the first key it sees; and if your new wifi extender mates with the neighbour's wifi instead, you just press the reset button and try again. There is also a ‘secure mode’ where you open a browser to the network management node and manually enter a crypto key printed on the device packaging, but when we designed the Homeplug protocol we realised that most people have no reason to bother with that [1439].

      The TOFU approach is also known as the ‘resurrecting duckling’ after an analysis that Frank Stajano and I did in the context of pairing medical devices [1822]. The idea is that when a baby duckling hatches, it imprints on the first thing it sees that moves and quacks, even if this is the farmer – who can end up being followed everywhere by a duck that thinks he's mummy. If such false imprinting happens with an electronic device, you need a way to kill it and resurrect it into a newborn state – which the reset button does in a device such as a LAN extender.

      4.7.2 Remote key management

      A simple authentication protocol could run as follows.

      1 Alice first calls Sam and asks for a key for communicating with Bob.

      2 Sam responds by sending Alice a pair of certificates. Each contains a copy of a key, the first encrypted so only Alice can read it, and the second encrypted so only Bob can read it.

      3 Alice then calls Bob and presents the second certificate as her introduction. Each of them decrypts the appropriate certificate under the key they share with Sam and thereby gets access to the new key. Alice can now use the key to send encrypted messages to Bob, and to receive messages from him in return.

      We've seen that replay attacks are a known problem, so in order that both Bob and Alice can check that the certificates are fresh, Sam may include a timestamp in each of them. If certificates never expire, there might be serious problems dealing with users whose privileges have been revoked.

      Using our protocol notation, we could describe this as

upper A right-arrow upper S colon upper A comma upper B
upper S right-arrow upper A colon StartSet upper A comma upper B comma upper K Subscript upper A upper B Baseline comma upper T EndSet Subscript upper K Sub Subscript upper A upper S Subscript Baseline comma StartSet upper A comma upper B comma upper K Subscript upper A upper B Baseline comma upper T EndSet Subscript upper K Sub Subscript upper B upper S Subscript Baseline
upper A right-arrow upper B colon StartSet upper A comma upper B comma upper K Subscript upper A upper B Baseline comma upper T EndSet Subscript upper K Sub Subscript upper B upper S Subscript Baseline comma StartSet upper M EndSet Subscript upper K Sub Subscript upper A upper B Subscript Baseline

      Expanding the notation, Alice calls Sam and says she'd like to talk to Bob. Sam makes up a message consisting of Alice's name, Bob's name, a session key for them to use, and a timestamp. He encrypts all this under the key he shares with Alice, and he encrypts another copy of it under the key he shares with Bob. He gives both ciphertexts to Alice. Alice retrieves the session key from the ciphertext that was encrypted to her, and passes on to Bob the ciphertext encrypted for him. She now sends him whatever message she wanted to send, encrypted using this session key.

      4.7.3 The Needham-Schroeder protocol

      Many things can go wrong, and here is a famous historical example. Many existing key distribution protocols are derived from the Needham-Schroeder protocol, which appeared in 1978 [1428]. It is somewhat similar to the above, but uses nonces rather than timestamps. It runs as follows:

Message 1 upper A right-arrow upper S colon upper A comma upper B comma upper N Subscript upper A Baseline
Message 2 upper S right-arrow upper A colon StartSet upper N Subscript upper A Baseline comma upper B comma upper K Subscript upper A upper B Baseline comma StartSet upper K <hr><noindex><a href=Скачать книгу
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