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Security Engineering - Ross  Anderson

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upper B upper S"/> is created containing a suitable key upper K Subscript upper A upper B and given to Alice to use. She also gets a copy of the key in a form readable by her, namely encrypted under upper K Subscript upper A upper S. She now verifies the ticket by sending a timestamp upper T Subscript upper A to the resource, which confirms it's alive by sending back the timestamp incremented by one (this shows it was able to decrypt the ticket correctly and extract the key upper K Subscript upper A upper B).

      The revocation issue with the Needham-Schroeder protocol has been fixed by introducing timestamps rather than random nonces. But, as in most of life, we get little in security for free. There is now a new vulnerability, namely that the clocks on our various clients and servers might get out of sync; they might even be desynchronized deliberately as part of a more complex attack.

      What's more, Kerberos is a trusted third-party (TTP) protocol in that upper S is trusted: if the police turn up with a warrant, they can get Sam to turn over the keys and read the traffic. Protocols with this feature were favoured during the ‘crypto wars’ of the 1990s, as I will discuss in section 26.2.7. Protocols that involve no or less trust in a third party generally use public-key cryptography, which I describe in the next chapter.

      A rather similar protocol to Kerberos is OAuth, a mechanism to allow secure delegation. For example, if you log into Doodle using Google and allow Doodle to update your Google calendar, Doodle's website redirects you to Google, which gets you to log in (or relies on a master cookie from a previous login) and asks you for consent for Doodle to write to your calendar. Doodle then gives you an access token for the calendar service [864]. I mentioned in section that this poses a cross-site phishing risk. OAuth was not designed for user authentication, and access tokens are not strongly bound to clients. It's a complex framework within which delegation mechanisms can be built, with both short-term and long-term access tokens; the details are tied up with how cookies and web redirects operate and optimised to enable servers to be stateless, so they scale well for modern web services. In the example above, you want to be able to revoke Doodle's access at Google, so behind the scenes Doodle only gets short-lived access tokens. Because of this complexity, the OpenID Connect protocol is a ‘profile’ of OAuth which ties down the details for the case where the only service required is authentication. OpenID Connect is what you use when you log into your newspaper using your Google or Facebook account.

      4.7.5 Practical key management

      So we can use a protocol like Kerberos to set up and manage working keys between users given that each user shares one or more long-term keys with a server that acts as a key distribution centre. But there may be encrypted passwords for tens of thousands of staff and keys for large numbers of devices too. That's a lot of key material. How is it to be managed?

      Key management is a complex and difficult business and is often got wrong because it's left as an afterthought. You need to sit down and think about how many keys are needed, how they're to be generated, how long they need to remain in service and how they'll eventually be destroyed. There is a much longer list of concerns – many of them articulated in the Federal Information Processing Standard for key management [1410]. And things go wrong as applications evolve; it's important to provide headroom to support next year's functionality. It's also important to support recovery from security failure. Yet there are no standard ways of doing either.

      Public-key cryptography, which I'll discuss in Chapter 5, can simplify the key-management task slightly. In banking the usual answer is to use dedicated cryptographic processors called hardware security modules, which I'll describe in detail later. Both of these introduce further complexities though, and even more subtle ways of getting things wrong.

      Some history exists of flaws being found in protocols that had been proved correct using formal methods; I described an example in Chapter 3 of the second edition, of how the BAN logic was used to verify a bank card used for stored-value payments. That's still used in Germany as the ‘Geldkarte’ but elsewhere its use has died out (it was Net1 in South Africa, Proton in Belgium, Moneo in France and a VISA product called COPAC). I've therefore decided to drop the gory details from this edition; the second edition is free online, so you can download and read the details.

      Formal methods can be an excellent way of finding bugs in security protocol designs as they force the designer to make everything explicit and thus confront difficult design choices that might otherwise be fudged. But they have their limitations, too.

      We often find bugs in verified protocols; they're just not in the part that we verified. For example, Larry Paulson verified the SSL/TLS protocol using his Isabelle theorem prover in 1998, and about one security bug has been found every year since then. These have not been flaws in the basic design but exploited additional features that had been added later, and implementation issues such as timing attacks, which we'll discuss later. In this case there was no failure of the formal method; that simply told the attackers where they needn't bother looking.

      For these reasons, people have explored alternative ways of assuring the design of authentication protocols, including the idea of protocol robustness. Just as structured programming techniques aim to ensure that software is designed methodically and nothing of importance is left out, so robust protocol design is largely about explicitness. Robustness principles include that the interpretation of a protocol should depend only on its content, not its context; so everything of importance (such as principals' names) should be stated explicitly in the messages. It should not be possible to interpret data in more than one way; so the message formats need to make clear what's a name, what's an address, what's a timestamp, and so on; string formats have to be unambiguous and it should be impossible to use the protocol itself to mount attacks on the software that handles it, such as by buffer overflows. There are other issues concerning the freshness provided by counters, timestamps and random challenges, and on the way encryption is used. If the protocol uses public key cryptography or digital signature mechanisms, there are more subtle attacks and further robustness issues, which we'll start to tackle in the next chapter. To whet your appetite, randomness in protocol often helps robustness at other layers, since it makes it harder to do a whole range of attacks – from those based on mathematical cryptanalysis through those that exploit side-channels such as power consumption and timing to physical attacks that involve microprobes or lasers.

      Passwords are just one example of a more general concept, the security protocol. Protocols specify the steps that principals use to establish trust

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