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Security Engineering. Ross AndersonЧитать онлайн книгу.

Security Engineering - Ross  Anderson

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such as authenticating a claim to identity, demonstrating ownership of a credential, or establishing a claim on a resource. Cryptographic authentication protocols are used for a wide range of purposes, from basic entity authentication to providing infrastructure for distributed systems that allows trust to be taken from where it exists to where it is needed. Security protocols are fielded in all sorts of systems from remote car door locks through military IFF systems to authentication in distributed computer systems.

      Protocols are surprisingly difficult to get right. They can suffer from a number of problems, including middleperson attacks, modification attacks, reflection attacks, and replay attacks. These threats can interact with implementation vulnerabilities and poor cryptography. Using mathematical techniques to verify the correctness of protocols can help, but it won't catch all the bugs. Some of the most pernicious failures are caused by creeping changes in the environment for which a protocol was designed, so that the protection it gives is no longer relevant. The upshot is that attacks are still found frequently on protocols that we've been using for years, and sometimes even on protocols for which we thought we had a security proof. Failures have real consequences, including the rise in car crime worldwide since car makers started adopting passive keyless entry systems without stopping to think about relay attacks. Please don't design your own protocols; get a specialist to help, and ensure that your design is published for thorough peer review by the research community. Even specialists get the first versions of a protocol wrong (I have, more than once). It's a lot cheaper to fix the bugs before the protocol is actually deployed, both in terms of cash and in terms of reputation.

      Research papers on security protocols are scattered fairly widely throughout the literature. For the historical background you might read the original Needham-Schroeder paper [1428], the Burrows-Abadi-Needham authentication logic [352], papers on protocol robustness [2, 113] and a survey paper by Anderson and Needham [114]. Beyond that, there are many papers scattered around a wide range of conferences; you might also start by studying the protocols used in a specific application area, such as payments, which we cover in more detail in Part 2. As for remote key entry and other security issues around cars, a good starting point is a tech report by Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek on how to hack a Jeep Cherokee [1318].

      1 1 With garage doors it's even worse. A common chip is the Princeton PT2262, which uses 12 tri-state pins to encode or 531,441 address codes. However implementers often don't read the data sheet carefully enough to understand tri-state inputs and treat them as binary instead, getting . Many of them only use eight inputs, as the other four are on the other side of the chip. And as the chip has no retry-lockout logic, an attacker can cycle through the combinations quickly and open your garage door after attempts on average. Twelve years after I noted these problems in the second edition of this book, the chip has not been withdrawn. It's now also sold for home security systems and for the remote control of toys.

      2 2 We'll go into this in more detail in section where we discuss the birthday theorem in probability theory.

      3 3 There are some applications where universal master keys are inevitable, such as in communicating with a heart pacemaker – where a cardiologist may need to tweak the pacemaker of any patient who walks in, regardless of where it was first fitted, and regardless of whether the network's up – so the vendor puts the same key in all its equipment. Another example is the subscriber smartcard in a satellite-TV set-top box, which we'll discuss later. But they often result in a break-once-run-anywhere (BORA) attack. To install universal master keys in valuable assets like cars in a way that facilitated theft and without even using proper tamper-resistant chips to protect them was an egregious error.

      4 4 To be fair this was not due solely to relay attacks, as about half of the high-value thefts seem to involve connecting a car theft kit to the onboard diagnostic port under the glove box. As it happens, the authentication protocols used on the CAN bus inside the vehicle are also vulnerable in a number of ways [893]. Updating these protocols will take many years because of the huge industry investment.

      5 5 And don't forget: you also have to check that the intruder didn't just reflect your own challenge back at you. You must be able to remember or recognise your own messages!





      Cryptography is where security engineering meets mathematics. It gives us the tools that underlie most modern security protocols. It is the key technology for protecting distributed systems, yet it is surprisingly hard to do right. As we've already seen in Chapter 4, “Protocols,” cryptography has often been used to protect the wrong things, or to protect them in the wrong way. Unfortunately, the available crypto tools aren't always very usable.

      But no security engineer can ignore cryptology. A medical friend once told me that while she was young, she worked overseas in a country where, for economic reasons, they'd shortened their medical degrees and concentrated on producing specialists as quickly as possible. One day, a patient who'd had both kidneys removed and was awaiting a transplant needed her dialysis shunt redone. The surgeon sent the patient back from the theater on the grounds that there was no urinalysis on file. It just didn't occur to him that a patient with no kidneys couldn't produce any urine.

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