The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Carol A. ChapelleЧитать онлайн книгу.
Readings Teacher Education for Multilingual Education References Suggested Readings Teaching Culture and Intercultural Competence What Is Culture? Teaching Culture: Modernist Perspectives Intercultural Competence Teaching Culture: Postmodernist Perspectives Conclusion References Suggested Readings Note Teaching Reading: Foundations and Practices Research on Reading with Implications for Instruction Emphases for Reading Instruction Concluding Comments References Suggested Reading Teaching Speaking Speaking Under Time Pressure What to Teach? How to Teach? Teaching Speaking and Theories of SLA References Suggested Readings Teaching Vocabulary Which Words Should Be Learned? What Are the Vocabulary Learning Goals? How Will Vocabulary Be Learned in the Course? How Will Vocabulary Learning Be Assessed? Conclusion References Suggested Readings Theses and Dissertations in English for Specific Purposes References Suggested Readings Third Language Acquisition The Scope of Third Language Acquisition Diversity of Third Language Acquisition Main Trends in Third Language Acquisition Research Final Remarks References Suggested Readings Translanguaging Introduction Translanguaging and Language Theory Translanguaging in Education Conclusion References Suggested Readings Note Translation Theory General Considerations About Theory Theoretical Principles Currently Accepted in Translation Studies Conclusions Implied by These Theoretical Principles Difficulties in Formulating Translation Theory References
27 U Uses of Language Assessments Introduction Classification of Test Uses Test Use and Test Validity Conclusion References Suggested Readings Note Using the First Language and Code Switching in Second Language Classrooms References Suggested Reading
Validation of Language Assessments
The Consensus View of Validation
Major Approaches to Validation in Language Assessment
Use‐Specific Validation Frameworks
Prevailing Concerns in Validation Research
Varieties of English in Asia
Suggested Readings