The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Carol A. ChapelleЧитать онлайн книгу.
and Language for Specific Purposes Investigating Vocabulary and Language for Specific Purposes Teaching and Learning Vocabulary and Language for Specialized Purposes References Suggested Readings Online Resources Vocabulary Learning Strategies What VLS Do Students Use? Are VLS Useful? Person, Task, Context, and Strategies Conclusions References Suggested Readings Vygotsky and Second Language Acquisition Meaning in the Internal Thinking/Languaging System Methodological Approach Vygotsky and Second Language Acquisition and Development Conclusion References Suggested Readings Note
29 W Washback in Language Assessment References Suggested Readings World Englishes and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages TESOL in World Englishes: Early Years World Englishes in TESOL: Early Years World Englishes and TESOL in the 21st Century Conclusion References Suggested Readings Writing and Language for Specific Purposes Writing Needs Across LSP Domains Research in Writing and LSP Pedagogy in Writing and LSP References Suggested Readings
30 Index
List of Tables
1 ATable 1 Culture learning instruments and selection criteria
2 CTable 1 Overview of alignment and affiliation featuresTable 1 Examples of spoken and written business English corporaTable 2 Linguistic dimensions of outsourced call center discourse (Friginal, 200...Table 1 Contingency table for keyness calculationTable 1 Frequencies ofgive in ditransitive and prepositional datives in the ICE‐...
3 ETable 1 A CARS model for article introductions (Swales, 1990, p. 141)
4 HTable 1 Approaches to historical language use (from Culpeper, 2011, p. 4)
5 LTable 1 Vocabulary scores by test and groupTable 2 Fixed effects structure of LMM model
6 MTable 1 Mixed methods design typology (Creswell, Plano Clark, Guttman,...
7 NTable 1 Types of analysis
8 PTable 1 Seven successive traditions within applied linguistics
9 RTable 1 Analytic rubric for assessing Chinese as a foreign languageTable 1 Example of multitrait scoring scale (adapted from Turner &...
10 STable 1 Process and participant typesTable 2 The mood systemTable 3 The modality systemTable 4 Appraisal resourcesTable 5 Ways of building ideas through theme/rheme patterns in different disc...
11 TTable 1 Description of vocabulary knowledge (taken from Nation, 2013)
12 VTable 1 Categories of vocabulary learning strategies
List of Illustrations
1 AFigure 1 The interaction of curriculum, instruction, and classroom assessment ...Figure 2 A continuum of assessment purposes, uses of data, and examples based ...Figure 1 List of grammatical forms based on Celce‐Murcia and Larsen‐Freeman (1...Figure 2 List of phonological formsFigure 3 Grammatical knowledge as form (adapted from Purpura, 2004, reproduced...Figure 4 Semantico grammatical knowledge (adapted from Purpura, 2004, reproduc...Figure 5 Extended model of semantico‐grammatical knowledge (adapted from Purpu...Figure 6 Speech acts and functional meaningFigure 7 Meaning‐oriented model of L2 proficiency (adapted from Purpura, 2016,...Figure 8 Task types and scoring (adapted from Purpura, 2004, reproduced with p...Figure 9 Discourse analytic measures (used in Cumming et al., 2006, used with ...Figure 10 Discourse analytic measures (used in Knoch et al., 2014, used with p...Figure 1 DCT itemFigure 2 Metapragmatic judgment itemFigure 3 Implicature item from Roever (2001)Figure 4 Routines item from Roever (2001)Figure