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Учись учить английскому: упражнения. Олег Владимирович БелоусовЧитать онлайн книгу.

Учись учить английскому: упражнения - Олег Владимирович Белоусов

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водит.      He drives.

      He doesn’t drive.

      Does he drive?

      Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

      Does he drive or fly (walk…go…)?

      What does he do?

      11.      Он сидит.      He sits.

      He doesn’t sit.

      Does he sit?

      Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

      Does he sit or stand (lie…jump…)?

      What does he do?

      12.      Он бегает.      He runs.

      He doesn’t run.

      Does he run?

      Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

      Does he run or jump (read…write…)?

      What does he do?

      13.      Мы моем.       We wash.

      We don’t wash.

      Do we wash?

      Yes, we do. No, we don’t.

      Do we wash or dry (clean…read…)?

      What do we do?

      14.      Мы решаем.      We solve.

      We don’t solve.

      Do we solve?

      Yes, we do. No, we don’t.

      Do we solve or drink (catch…look…)?

      What do we do?

      15.      Мы обедаем.      We have lunch.

      We don’t have lunch.

      Do we have lunch?

      Yes, we do. No, we don’t.

      Do we have lunch or dinner (breakfast…shower…)?

      What do we do?

      16.      Они ужинают.      They have supper.

      They don’t have supper.

      Do they have supper?

      Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

      Do they have supper or dinner (breakfast…lunch…)?

      What do they do?

      17.      Они делают домашнюю работу.      They do homework.

      They don’t do homework.

      Do they do homework?

      Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

      Do they do homework or morning exercises (play computer games…swim…)?

      What do they do?

      18.      Они делают утреннюю зарядку.      They do morning exercises.

      They don’t do morning exercises.

      Do they do morning exercises?

      Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

      Do they morning exercises or homework (play hockey…make snowballs…)?

      What do they do?

      Exercise 2

      1.      Я работаю в офисе.      I work in the office.

      I don’t work in the office.

      Do I work in the office?

      Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

      Do I work or play football (sleep…drink…)?

      Do I work in the office or at school (sleep…drink…)?

      What do I do?

      Where do I work?

      2.      Я играю в футбол.       I play football.

      I don’t play football.

      Do I play football?

      Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

      Do I play or work (eat…drink…)?

      Do I play football or basketball (volleyball…handball…)?

      What do I do?

      What do I play? (What game do I play?)

      3.      Я думаю о тебе.      I think about you.

      I don’t think about you.

      Do I think about you?

      Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

      Do I think or do (eat cucumbers…smell bananas…)?

      Do I think about you or her (my plans…the project…)?

      What do I do?

      Who do I think about?

      4.      Ты пьешь молоко.      You drink milk.

      You don’t drink milk.

      Do you drink milk?

      Yes, you do. No, you don’t.

      Do you drink or eat (dance…smell…)?

      Do you drink milk or coffee (tea…juice…)?

      What do you do?

      What do you drink?

      5.      Ты спишь на диване.      You sleep on the sofa.

      You don’t sleep on the sofa.

      Do you sleep on the sofa?

      Yes, you do. No, you don’t.

      Do you sleep or play football (eat crocodiles…sing…)?

      Do you sleep on the sofa or on the bed (bench…table…)?

      What do you do?

      Where do you sleep? (What do you sleep on?)

      6.      Ты читаешь книги.      You read books.

      You don’t read books.

      Do you read books?

      Yes, you do. No, you don’t.

      Do you read or write (do homework…catch mice…)?

      Do you read books or magazines (tests…letters…)?

      What do you do?

      What do you read?

      7.      Она пишет статьи.      She writes articles.

      She doesn’t write articles.

      Does she write articles?

      Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.

      Does she write or read (swim…play the piano…)?

      Does she write articles or books (novels…poems…)?

      What does she do?

      What does she write?

      8.      Она ходит в театр.      She goes to the theatre.

      She doesn’t go to the theatre.

      Does she go to the theatre?

      Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.

      Does she go or sit (stand…crawl…)?

      Does she go to the theatre or to the cinema (discos…shops…)?

      What does she do?

      Where does she go (to)?

      9.      Она

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